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[FIN]Those things that give value to Survival(Riot & Nikita) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:55 pm
Riot had been quick to advoided any retort from Nikita as he scaled the mighty mountain of 'Bob'. The Metal was hot under the cubs paws but it wasn't nothing different from stepping on setting sand. Right? Well, perhaps it was a bit hotter. it would take some getting use too, but the cub was determined to make sure he could handle it.

Riot found a vary snug place between armor and on fur, where he rested his little paws to give a break to the warmth on his still tender paws.
Looking ahead Riot was determined to make sure his sight was on the traget to which their moving mountain was looking.

Letting out a mew, he pulled his Blue set gave to look over at Nikita. She seemed to be quite comfortable on the shinny rocks...

"Yeah!" The cub mewed, then wildly looked over to Nikita, then back down to Bob.

"faster!" The little wild cub cheered on.  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:08 pm
Nikita found her spot just behind Riot and near one of the large spikes on Bob's armor. Her paws gripped onto the armor's edge before the mountain begun to move. It took a bit of adjusting, but eventually she found out how to keep balance and keep herself from rolling off the side of the mountain.

Once this stability was established, Nikita lifted her had and released a proud mewl. The wind rushing past her fur was exciting, and it only increased the faster the mountain begun to move.

"Yes, faster!!" Nikita chimed in proudly.

Her eyes, unlike Riot, could not settle in just one place. There was too much to look at from up here. This was probably a sight she would only get to see from up here. Especially if she was going to remain this small.

Upon request, Bob picked up his pace. With his armor's bulk it was more of a challenge to keep his paws above sand with each heavy step in his gait, but he managed fairly well. Another challenge was to keep his back as straight as possible, so the cubs did not have too wild a ride.

For now, they would not get to experience his full speed, but for what he had to deal with, he did pretty good.

The green line on the horizon begun to take on its shape the closer they drew to it. Shade, a different terrain, it was starting to become more distinguishable from the blurry lines of the desert.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:23 pm
It was probably a good thing that Riot, the little cub couldn't get a good firm hold on Bob and had to keep thinking about his placement-less he might get distracted and play with Nikita somemore. Taking a glance to her she seemed to be having fun-and looking about everywhere!

As Bob sped up, Riot hunched down a bit and his ears went back to contest the wind on his maw and fat head.

Whoa, Bob could really run fast! (Almost as fast as him! )

As the blurred trees approached, raising his head curious, Riot then pulled his sight from the green line down to their 'epic mount'.

"Are we going to those trees?!" The cub called to be heard past the wind rushing past them.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:47 pm
Nikita's focus zoned in on the green lining the horizon. She had seen many trees where she passed through, and many burnt ones where she had come from. She couldn't tell if these were the same she has seen or not, it was too far for her young eyes to comprehend.

But she was still as excited as Riot seemed to see them. It was something new to explore.

And judging by the pace their wind-riding mountain was going, they would be on that adventure in no time at all!! That placed a wide smile upon her maw. As wide as she could manage with the strong wind at her face.

"I would like to see them!" Nikita called over the wind, hoping their mountain still had good ears.

Bob glanced over his shoulder to be sure the cubs were still secure and not tumbling down the dune behind them. He had to admit, they had a good grip for such little ones. He was also relieved to see that they were enjoying themselves. The ride wasn't too jolting for them.

"Yes." Bob answered both Riot and Nikita as he focused forward again. Somewhere to get out of the harsh sun of the desert. The cubs didn't seem to mind, but it was starting to sting at his lungs and be felt under his fur.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 6:33 pm
"Whoa!" Left Riot as she shot another adventitious glance over to his friend, that road beside him. "Cool!" It was simply fallowed by, as if he had not been worried that rush of wind would knock him off, the cub would have kept in excitement.

A new place to explore, though he had a tugging feeling he was going to miss rolling and jumping in the desert....and with that thought he had one vary important question, he needed to know the answer to it. It was vary serious....

"Is there rocks over there too?" The curious cub asked looking down at the slightly heaving mountain .

He need to know, rocks where serious business  
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:34 pm
Nikita was indifferent about changing the texture beneath her paws. What she was more concerned about is if it was fun or not. Considering the company, there was no doubt in her mind that it was going to be a blast! Had she not been so focused on the company, she would have been concerned of how hot the new place might be. Cold was not something she handled well.

"Are there any pink ones? There has to be lots of rocks right? You are a rock-" Nikita hollered above the rushing winds of the speeding mountain.

Her pans adjusted their grip as she looked back over the horizon, than at Riot. Rocks were so serious business, and this was a very important answer. Though, truth be told, Nikita was only concerned about it because her best friend seemed to be.

Bob had to think a little longer on the question. Were there rocks? It wasn't that he didn't know, it was just such an odd question. There was still so much to learn about cubs and their wonder. It was impossible to not smile around them. The large 'mountain' would more than happy to accommodate any information for their games. So long as it did not bring harm to them.

"...Yes, many." Bob answered over the wind.

There was a river with a whole bed of rocks, in addition to a beach of them near that water. Piles of rocks were here and there... they were very different from desert rocks, but they were there.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:05 pm
"Oh wow!" The Cub exclaimed. Another quick glance shot over to Nikita, he was glad to hear that she was just as excited as he when it came to rocks. She did after all seemed to be just as excited about them as he.

"Yeah! Pink ones!" Riot added with a hop, he couldn't contain himself-he wanted to find them- because Nikita seemed like she wanted to see more of then.

As he hoped, the wind rushed pass this fat face it caught the cub by surprise-and his ears batted out and then flapped back. Quickly hunching down, he ducked himself behind the moving mountain.

He didn't know a mountain. Could move so fast!!!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:52 pm
Nikita glanced over to Riot just as he turned to give her that same glance. The timing caused her to smile wide. They were probably thinking the exact same thing! She assumed he was anyway. They both had the same look on their face! It felt like that.

She turned her attention back to the horizon. The trees were coming clearly into view, how they were brownish in color, and their 'leaves' were like needles. Just like the ones that were around the fire mountain. Just past the lava-ish areas. These ones had a lot more brown and rough-looking bark, but they had the same shape.

There was also an abundance of shrubs and very large red rocks.

"Ri!" She called. "LOOK! Red rocks!! That is my color!!"

She tried to point in the direction with her nose of the rust-red rocks. It was so close to pink, almost... ish.

As they approached the tree-line Bob gradually begun to slow his pace. The sun had turned harsh and at this point was nearly unbearable for the much larger mountain. At least at his point the temperature had dropped just a little more than if they had been further in the desert. Once in the trees it would be much cooler. A large mountain could be seen of in the distance in a sea of lush green trees. The trees became a lush green the closer to that snow-capped mountain.

However, it was so far away it was barely visible to the eye.

Bob looked over his shoulder briefly to make sure the cubs were alright.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:27 pm
As he heard his name that she had for him, Ri popped his head up to look at the sight. Bright blue, wild eyes widened to the sight of the glorious red rocks.


"Those must be your Rocks, Nik!" The cub called back in awe. If they had her color, they must have his kind of rocks too!

Riot's tail whipped around, to the change of balance as their moving mountain, Bob slowed.

"Where are we, Bob?" The cub was curious to ask as his head craned down to look at Bob.

"Look! They have Nikita's rocks." Riot spoke with a turn of his head to look at the rocks once more-as if to make sure they where still there.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:47 pm
Once Bob's paws finally made contact with dirt, dusted lightly with sand, he slowed to a leisurely walk. Slow enough the cubs could jump safely if they had wanted to.

His tail lowered and begun to sway a little with each step. Here it was hot, but not as bad as in the pure sands of the desert.

He glanced down at the red rocks the two cubs seemed so fascinated with. Rusty red, most rocks around here were.

"...the edge lands. The place when the desert changes." Bob answered. He honestly couldn't think of a better way to describe it. What was the real name for it? ... he couldn't remember. Not now.

Nikita's smile broadened tot the notion that those were her rocks. But she was fire, was it possible fr her to have rocks? Maybe Riot made them for her?

"You really think so?" Nikita chirped as she watched the rocks pass by as the walked further into the tree covered area.

"But I'm fire, can fire have rocks?" She inquired thoughtfully.

Her red-tipped tail begun to twitch happily as she thought about that. If there was this color, than they would have pink ones. They had to have pink ones. Red was close to the color.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:33 am
As the mountain slowed, Riot hopped down into the softer ground, it was harder then he expected and in turn landed really heavily. Landing in his crouch, he flopped back on his bum, and shook out his coat out, but just like the cub he was he was quick to spring to all fours and lope along side the mountain. With a skip, he made point of their pack.

"Then I give them to you." The cub proudly claimed, his little chest puffed as it lead the way with his awkward large paws. Tail as high as a flag pole, his head was just as proudly balanced as his tail.

Looking over and up to Bob, Riot stretched out his legs in each step as if hoping to grow with each Movement given. The Wild one, was quick to think and display he was leader, his little cub thoughts didn't even waver to think so.

"Do you like it here better, Bob?"  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:24 pm
Nikita's young eyes brightened at the gift of having her own earth. Words halted in her throat as her maw parted a little. Even Bob coming to a complete stop went unnoticed.

"Woa." A small gasp managed to pass through.

Very carefully she sized up the distance to the ground, her eyes scanning carefully for a good spot to land. Her tuckas wiggled while her tail stuck straight out, her feet carefully shifted beneath her.

*uph* Nikita grunted upon impact. Though her legs were already moving before her mind could catch up from the jump. Within the blink of an eye she was already at the base of the large rusty rocks eyeing them carefully. She never had her own rocks before!

"What do you do when you own a rock?" Nikita inquired in awe still thick in her tone.

Bob stopped completely just as Riot lept off of his back. He waited for NIkita to join before he fully turned around to see what the cubs were gasping about.

"...Yes." Bob answered simply. He liked that it was cooler here. Not that the heat was at all bad, it was just not fun when it got to be unbearable.

The 'alpha' posture in Riot's stance and walk were easily noticed. Bob himself had never used such a commanding posture, he had used an intimidating one once. But there was a difference between the two stances. Bob had no desire to lead.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:35 pm
As Nikita darted and took off, Riot stopped in his strut to look over Nikita went. His head rose letting his neck stretch out, poised he froze all but his slinky tail that's tip ticked back and forth curiously.

Rotating his head around, Riot looked up to Bob with a upside-down tilt. It was good they where in a place, Bob liked better. Espically if he was to come along with them...

"Well it's yours! You can do whatever you want, right?!" Riot called, just before he too loped to be at Nikita's side, to look at the rock he have her.

His big paws, steadied as claws unsheaved themselves into the dirt. Testing it out.  
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:18 pm
Nikita reared up with her front paws thrust outward as she stood to her hind legs, very briefly. Pushing her paws forward she fell gracefully upon the rock, her front paws pressed against the warm surface, her hindlegs spread slightly so she could easily stand.

Her mouth pursed a bit in thought. What did one do with a rock? Her head tilted this way and that as she thought of different things to be done. This one was a little bigger than herself and she doubted that Bob would want to carry her rocks around.

"Right!" She agreed finally, turning her head over her shoulder to look at Riot.

Though, that still didn't answer what one would do with a rock.

Her tail swayed behind her.

"But, I don't know what to do with it..." She admitted slowly. Suddenly feeling as if she were not very qualified to own a rock.

Bob turned about face and slowly approached the two cubs. Their antics were still as amusing as ever. How could they come up with such thing? It was refreshing to see such imagination.

"... It looks nice there. " Bob entered their conversation. "...Perhaps, some rocks don't need anything to do at all."

He offered the advice in hopes to ease the young cub's distress. It seemed silly to him to be so upset over not knowing what to do with rocks, however, to the small cub it must have been devastating. It was their imagination after all. Bob had no say in what should be so upsetting to them or not. His self appointed "job" was to make it better.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:42 pm
Riot took a sit on his hunches as Nikita looked over the rock he had given her. No doubt his chest was still puffed as he sat. He did give great gifts. Watching Nikita his tailed ticked peacefully as he too tired to figure more on what to do with a rock.

"Well, you can roll it..." Riot stated, his ears dropping just a tidge as he heard the distraught in Nikita's voice.

"Here, let me help." The cub spoke hopping up, he moved his own paws to mimic Nikita's and he pushed.

Hearing Bob, Riot's head swiveled to look up and behind him at the great And mighty mountain.

Ears perked as he listened to the mountain....  
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