Miral Paris
When Spock and Uhura "happened," I almost stormed out of the theater, demanding I get my my money back.

As stated before, there was no chemistry and no reason for that to happen. Just because it's AU doesn't mean it has to be drastically different, at least, not more so than it already is. Also, I've never been a fan of Spock/anyone, because all the so-called "romances" have always come off as tacky, clumsy, rushed, and deliberately put in the show as an attempt to boost ratings. And this one was no exception.

I have, however, been hearing rumors that in the next couple of films, they may dissolve this relationship and have Kirk and Uhura attracted to each other. I suppose that's better than nothing. I, for one, have shipped Scotty/Uhura ever since Star Trek V. (It was one of the only things that made that movie interesting and saved it from Shatner's directing. Heh, just kidding.)

I really hope they don't bring Chapel into the mix. I never liked that character to begin with (although I'm a huge fan of Lwaxana Troi).
Really? I loved the Spock-Uhura relationship. I thought it was a great idea. I also liked how they redid Kirk, because the Kirk from the TOS was a horrible character with one of the worst actors around.