New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:45 pm
She finished the last of her drink and gave a slight nod "Sure, I don't see why not. I could use a few drinks after being coped up at the base after all" she said with a slight curl of the tail. " about a vodka n lemonade, another glass of Dram n a few cowboy shots?" she asked the stranger
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:46 pm
She smiled at Sakura and got up to toss her empty bottle.
"Well, he won't have to worry about me, I'm out for the night. I'll be sure to break him in on Saturday though. wink Good night, ya'll. biggrin "
She waved and left the bar and went downstairs to her quarters.
((long a** day, distracted and tired....Night all!))
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:50 pm
ニーハオあたしはキョンシー。 *appears* 迚もべこべこです。
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:50 pm
Waves to Kat as she heads down to her room. Gnight dear! See you later! She then finishes off her drink and slides the empty glass to Hauk. I'll have a tall Midori Sour dear followed with a few shots of Buttery Nipples.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:01 pm
"So what's new in town these days? I feel like I've been away for an eon" she asked Lia as she made herself more comfortable on the stool
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:04 pm
Hauk pauses still waiting for the tiger girl to introduce and/or order a drink before he sighs and then goes to make Liada's. Not really taking too much into any flashy moves or anything since he'll be doing that for the grand opening. He listens in on the girls conversation as he plays with the shaker.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:07 pm
Liada grins as Sakura takes a seat. She places a finger on her chin pondering a moment trying to remember what went on since she saw her last. Well I know you were there for Psy's wedding....And then I ran into you one time here with Draa and I think Miro at the time...but I don't remember how long ago that was. confused
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:08 pm
ニーハオあたしはキョンシー。 *selects a song on the jukebox* 迚もべこべこです。
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:09 pm
*Looks at the time and facepalms.* stressed I'm sorry, I have to get going. I'm booked solid with appointments tomorrow and I must get some sleep. It's good to see you Sakura.
Goodnight Liada. *Hugs her briefly* *Stares at Hauk and lifts her chin.* Manhattan, Brandy, extra sweet, 2 to 3 cherries. Next time I see you, I'll be expecting perfection. *She heads into her office, does the security measures, goes down the corridor and into her chambers…retiring for the evening.*
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:11 pm
"I see...that was...well....quite some time ago I guess. I had just managed to get away from the base for a few hours I think it was. I didn't really have much of a choice n going back there as it was much better than the other option they game me. Now I try to make their lives as difficult as I can" she said thinking back herself. "I still need to talk to Jessie and let her know what's been happening....she's not gonna be happy about it either"
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:23 pm
Well things have been pretty quiet in AS other than Kits getting things ready there for summer. I haven't heard hair or hyde of Amy in awhile so I dunno what might be going on there. Ummmm...lessee I've been putting in a lot of work here getting the new night club ready and the grand opening is this weekend. Hauk here will be the new bartender there and Anira will be the DJ on occasion as well as watching over the place itself while I continue with selling the potions. As she's talking Liada gestures to the doorway that is still open leading to the club and then over to Hauk as he hands her the drink and then leans on the counter waiting for Sakura to order. And because I'm making this club as well as becoming Psy's partner in business they made me #6 of the MW ladies crew. Kat and Showcase are doing well enough, Dame's been busy with her dancing school. Tes and Ryzan have been holed up in their room during the rainy season here. Leko and Ayami have been well if not MIA here and there. I think that's everything....
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:29 pm
(( *Waves to everyone as he lurks while catching up on the day's happenings* cool )) MiroIsBored :: comes in beaming, holding a plate out in front of her like the holy grail or something :: Lookie! Lookie! Miro found cake! blaugh But no fork sad crying (( Hey Miro, Tax Man's Dinner has a spork. 3nodding ))
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:30 pm
She nodded and placed an order for a lemonade and vodka as she absorbed the news "Sounds like things have been interesting here lately. I haven't had a chance to get my place set up as not long after my return to the military base I had to repack my things again, I'm just glad I didn't have much to pack" she said with a giggle. "I'll be sure to try attend the opening of the club too if I can manage another distraction, I'm sure that I'll think of something....maybe knock out a tower or 3"
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:44 pm
Well if you ever need a place to crash at you're more than welcome to come to the Den dear. We have plenty of spare rooms and its over in the forest area with lots of shields and protective spells. So if the military tried getting to us they would have quite a few surprises. twisted
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:48 pm
"Well I'm sure that would be a most enjoyable display indeed twisted The only reason I'm there right now though is because the other option was to give them a blood sample so they could make a clone" she said with a slight shrug. "With what happened the first time I found myself inside their labs...I'd rather not have 2 of me running around..."