Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:13 pm
Granted. You are approached by DC and start work immediately. Marvel hires you a week later to work for them. A month later both companies are embroiled in a lawsuit over copyright infringement and the lawyer's fees are so high they both go bankrupt, ensuring we never see anything from either company again. See where your moonlighting got us. stare
I wish Suede_Shoes hadn't destroyed all my favorite superheros.
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 1:41 am
Granted. The blame has now been shifted to you for corrupting his wish.
I wish this brown sauce I made had come out better.
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:59 am
granted - but now everything else you cook become inedible and you are forced to eat brown sauce everyday until you suffer from malnutrition and it kills you.
I wish that I got along perfectly well with my husband.
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:20 am
Granted! You agree on EVERYTHING! A cozier, cuter couple was never seen. Sadly, he dies from a freak allergic reaction to the roses he sent you and you mourn him for the rest of your long and lonely life.
I wish hadn't met Leo.
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:09 am
Granted. You contract a very rare and incurable case of amnesia, so it's as if you never met Leo, and ANYONE ELSE for that matter!
I wish I could remember my dreams
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:27 am
Icy Reign Granted. You contract a very rare and incurable case of amnesia, so it's as if you never met Leo, and ANYONE ELSE for that matter! I wish I could remember my dreams [LOL! nice one.]
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:45 pm
^ Has forgotten to get even by corrupting Icy's wish... rofl
Corrupts Icy's wish: Granted ~ you remember every dream you've ever had ~ in fact you can't forget them. You now spend you're wakening hours fighting off shadow demons from remembered nightmares until you can no longer sleep as you're afraid of what you'll dream next.
Wishes I could afford the mercury moon that keeps going up in goldies... burning_eyes
Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:01 pm
Granted you suddenly are granted billions of GaiaGold by the Administaff for being such a great Guild Captain but now no one wants to sell their mercury moon and the gold just sits there waiting for someone to put one in the market.
I wish I didn't have to walk so far to get a new Dr Pepper.
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:33 pm
Granted…in every room of your place there are these boxes and boxes of NEW Dr. Pepper. Hundreds of them. Too bad this NEW Dr. Pepper is some small company's failed attempt at taking market share from the company that makes the real Dr. Pepper. No wonder this NEW Dr. Pepper didn't fly with the consumer…IT TASTES HORRIBLE and absolutely nothing like the real Dr. Pepper. What's even worse is that no matter how hard you try, nobody will take this NEW Dr. Pepper off your hands and you can't find your bed!
I wish I could finally win the Kill This Thread thread. I WAS SO DARN CLOSE stressed
*leaves Officer Dougherty's shirt tied in knots (the one that I took while he was getting his physical done in the Cabana Bar) and hanging in this thread*
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:26 pm
Granted ... You finally win the Kill This Thread thread and claim the victory title of THREAD KILLER! You proceed to collect your winnings and are also handed a bill to pay for the damage that each and every thread kill post that was posted in the thread. You go bankrupt trying to pay the bill off. Eventually you are tried and found guilty of corrupting the thread. I slap those cuffs on you and cart you off to prison where you spend the rest of your life and beyond. mrgreen
I wish my uniform shirt wasn't tied up in knots! gonk
Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:43 pm
granted the shirt became untied but as the shirt was being untied there were a many fire ants coming out of the shirts and they ate you alive, well at least your shirts untied confused
wishes to have the best bread in the world and tastes awesome
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 6:50 am
Granted…I make you the best, most awesome tasting bread in the whole world (ironically in RL, I REALLY CAN) and it smell delicious, unlike anything your nose has ever smelled before. I smile my sinister smile, lean over to you and say softly "it tastes better than is smells" and you excitedly take the bread from my hands. You hesitate and look at the bread then look at me. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow and say "well, go ahead." But knowing me and my reputation you hesitate. You want so badly to taste the bread and the smell is just intoxicating…you put your nose to the warm piece I have given you and take a deep breath. OMG…this smells devine! You again look at me and hesitate. Finally, I get disgusted with your attitude and just as you attempt to take that first bite, I yank the piece of warm, fresh out of the oven bread right out of your hand and say "FINE THEN…you don't want it, I'll eat it!" I then proceed to eat the most delicious bread in the world right in front of you and when you beg me to share I tell you "YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE!" twisted
I wish I could think of a bigger and better prank for Officer Dougherty.
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:33 am
NOT Granted! Never in a million years will that ever happen again! twisted
I wish Psyzapp would pick on another unsuspecting officer! lmao Nah, JK! Where would all the fun be in that then?
I wish I had a maid and a cook, so I would never have to clean or cook ever again!
Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 3:51 pm
bandy-the-maid/cook reporting for duty, sir! whips up bandaidd's surprise in a skillet and proceeds to reorganize your sock drawer before falling asleep on the floor.
I wish Filia would quit wishing wishes about Dr. Pepper!
Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:59 am
Granted. Filia now has a mental disorder that makes it impossible for them to produce coherent thoughts, let alone make any wishes... Dr. Pepper related or otherwise.
I wish I didn't have to haul my groceries up three flights of stairs.