New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:14 am
He and Leko had a conversation, I'm sure you can guess how that went. Psy wasn't in the mood for it and, *stops* He threatened her then insinuated she'd gone soft. *She reaches up and strokes the snake with her fingers.* So it's no longer a rental? Guess it'll come home with me for the night. You mind watching the mouthy thing? *Points at the parrot.*
((Edits)) *Hears TES and looks over at him.* He broke the door? So this happened before the tiff last night?
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:21 am
"Well, Leko had fused the top of Black's coffin to the door, but that's neither here nor there right now. And if he threatened her, well, that would explain her anger then....she does tend to hold a grudge from time to time."
She took a sip of her drink and then spoke to Brat, "Well, if you don't mind keeping the snake overnight...I'm not sure when the keeper will be coming back for him. And I suppose your parrot can stay here tonight. biggrin "
She sighed, "Figures all this would go on after I left last night."
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:27 am
I'll see if I can track down the owner of our friend. *Strokes the snake again.* He's a bit unusual, and I might remember the guy who picked him up last time. I can stop by and pick up the bird after I've dropped off this one. He can probably just stay up there for now. *Shakes her head.*
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:28 am
*quirking an eyebrow she listens to both TES and Brat. Sighing, she pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes, opening them after a few moments to look for the newly replaced door. Sure enough, the office door was brand new.
Though she hadn't been checking the video feeds lately, security staff should have still reported something as major as property being destroyed. If it takes her the next ten years, she was replacing each and every one of them with a freaking robot. Finally she shook her head and picked her drink up, finishing it off*
I hope she doesn't hold on to that, or whatever it is that's bothering her, for too long. She's a newly married woman, and nothing should be keeping her from enjoying her marriage or her establishment.
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:31 am
Ha! So I'm not the only one that noticed she's gone soft. She usually just smacks me when I say it, though stare I do not see why he would feel the need to threaten jabbress. She has not done him any harm as far as I am aware.... Unlike with me! We are not speaking of you at the moment, Quortek rolleyes
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:34 am
She slid her glass over to Scott and motioned that she was finished. "Well, hopefully, she'll calm down before she rushes back out to the estate. But, I think we're going to call it a night, but ya'll feel free to hang out as long as you want to. biggrin " She smiled at Brat and Icy, and Showcase got up to walk with her to the office.
She did the security measures and they went to her quarters, talking briefly about what happened the previous night with Psy and QS. Once inside her quarters, they went to her bedroom and retired for the night. He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head, telling her it would all work out fine. She sighed and snuggled close, falling asleep quickly.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:38 am
*She motions to Scott for another drink before she heads out to get the snake home.* I guess it can stay with Lily if I don't find the owner tonight.
Goodnight you two. wink
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:44 am
*After putting the parrot back in it's cage, he leads her straight to the kitchen and sits her down on a stool at the island, then goes to fix a couple of sandwiches using some leftover meatloaf. She removes her headdress and "wings" and sets them aside. Plating up the sandwiches with a pickle on the side, he sets one down in front of her, the other one for him, then pours them each a glass of milk. While she nibbles on her sandwich, she explains what had happened last night with QS and how she had to kick him out of the bar. He sighs, knowing that he should have been there for her last night. He praises her for her standing up to that demon, and tries his best to calm her down while she got some food into her. When they finish eating, he escorts her into the bedroom where they undress and get ready for bed. Once under the covers, he spoons up against her and wraps his arm around her, calming her down with his loving words. As he watches over her, his mind wanders off to the big house and hopes the change will do her some good. Once he knows she's fallen asleep, he follows suit shortly thereafter.*
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:44 am
By "staying with Lily", you don't mean.. like.... at the shop, do you? :: still hiding behind Miro ::
:: frowns at her empty plate :: No more cake crying
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:49 am
No Draa, Lily wouldn't have it at the shop. You can still find your pastries there without fear. rolleyes *A twinkle comes to her eye.* You did know she's half-elf?
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:51 am
*sighing again, she smiled and waved goodnight to Kat and Showcase, hoping she was right about Psy. Sliding her glass to Scott as well, she changed her drink to something non-alcoholic, wanting something to wash her food down with. As she started nibbling, she watched Brat and the snake, shivering involuntarily*
There's just no way in hell I could ever be that close to a snake, unless it's a purse, belt or a pair of shoes! mad
*takes the Coke Scott hands her and drinks about half the glass before setting it down and looking around at the remaining patrons. She glanced over the decorations again, stifling a yawn while smiling at them. She turned back to her food and finished her plate, draining the rest of her Coke as well.
Returning her glass to Scott, she got up and returned the plate to the caterers, thanking them. She returned to where Brat was at the bar, stopping short of hugging her as she still had the snake wrapped around her*
As much as I love you, I hate snakes more. xp So here's an air hug, and I hope this won't be the last time I see you. heart Besides, you still owe me a few dances. wink
*waves to Brat and heads for the office, pausing long enough to hug Ryzan and compliment him on his outfit. Apologizing for not staying longer, she bids them goodnight and heads down to her place*
{{Icy is tired and hurting. Night all. heart }}
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:53 am
Yay! Pastries! blaugh Good ninja I mean... not like I'm scared or anything... just that... you know... it might scare away other customers and I would hate for her to lose business over it. ninja Yeah... that's it ninja
Wait... since when is she a half elf? confused Miro imagines since she was born 3nodding That's how stuffs like that works 3nodding
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:56 am
Nighters, Icy. And yes, I love you too. *She glances up at the parrot.* You can follow me to Lily's or Psy may zap you if she finds you in the morning. Your call.
Draa, Lily's mother is an upper-world elf. You didn't notice her ears before? *Shrugs* She does try to keep them hidden in her hair.
Goodnight TES, Ryzan, Draa, Miro. I need to get this poor creature out of here before he causes any more fuss. *She slips a note under the door for Psyzapp telling her the handler can find the snake at Lily's, and heads out.*
((LOL ~ Stargazer always has been, since her creation in 04-05. Now it's long past Bratty's bedtime, and is supposed to be up early to help mum with a few things.))
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:00 am
*returns Icy's hug and bids her goodnight, as well as Brat* Plynn kyon~
*turns to Tes* Speaking of dances.... *lifts an eyebrow* What? ..... Why are you looking at me like that? o_O; *grabs his hand and drags him over to the dance floor* whee I don't remember agreeing to this scream
Intellectual Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:06 am
Can't say that I did notice the ears, honestly. Not really a part of the female anatomy that I find the most interesting. :: looks Brat's outfit over and gives a lazy waves when she says goodnight and watches her backside as she leaves :: :: finally hops down off the chair now that the snake is gone. :: More cake time! blaugh I think you've had enough cake. Gasp! There's no such thing as "enough cake" surprised