New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:29 pm
Aw well...more for meee. >.< *swirls the inky black liquid in the glass before sipping it* It's so tasty too...although I will admit, it's pretty strange looking. *sticks her tongue out and crosses her eyes trying to see it* Is my tongue black? I've had quite a bit of this stuff today. ^^;
*leans on her elbow and looks over at Draa* Ooh you're really that sensitive to it? Do you think you could taste it in a drop? You know dip your finger in and tell me if it's alcohol? I wouldn't drink so much of it next time if I knew it was alcohol.
*giggles at Miro* Saber likes zombies...but only in movies. 3nodding
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:32 pm
Sakura shook her head at the thought "I'd...rather not come across any of those things...they give me the creeps" she said and took another sip of her tea
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:34 pm
I think it has more to do with if you don't usually drink it, it's easier to detect. That's my theory at least. I don't particularly think of myself as one with sensitive taste. Hearing, yes... taste...I would assume is just like most....
.... though now that I think of it, maybe it has something to do with the whole "taking your own medicine" section of rogue training... in which we had to build up immunity to, or at least a higher than average threshold of certain poisons.
*finishes up his steamer and looks back over at Saber* Not sure I could detect it in just a drop, but if you're really curious... I guess you could pour me a shot and I'll test it out.
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:40 pm
Sakura raised her eyebrows a little as she listened "But...if you don't drink much...are you sure that's such a good idea?" she asked wondering at how strong something like that would be if you didn't drink much
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:40 pm
Zombies stink mad Literally sweatdrop Very smelly things they are sweatdrop If Miro has to fight undead, she prefers skeletons and vampires 3nodding ... though Miro would rather not have to fight anything sweatdrop
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 11:49 pm
Would you really Draa? *registers Sakura's comment* You don't have to drink it right? You can spit it out if it is alcohol. 3nodding I don't usually drink anything with alcohol in it but this, whatever it is...I don't know it's almost like it was made for me. *pours a tiny amount into a glass*'s a bit spicy. ^^;
*looks over at miro* I wouldn't want to run into an actual zombie, I just like zombie movies. 3nodding
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:07 am
*nods and takes up the glass Saber poured into* Indeed. I'm likely to just spit it out if it seems like it has alcohol in it. Don't need to swallow to get a feel for the taste. I would imagine that if it had a higher alcohol content, Saber would have noticed by now anyway.
*sniffs the glass and doesn't detect the scent of alcohol, though just the scent along does seem to leave a slight tingling sensation in the nose. Lifting an eyebrow, he takes a drink, rolling the fluid over his tongue and holding it in his mouth a moment, eventually swallowing* Doesn't seem like alcohol to me...
*makes a sour face and shudders uncontrollably all of a sudden, as if it's a delayed reaction to the taste* er.... well.. that was odd...
*clears his throat and shakes his head as a means to shrug it off* Didn't feel any of that distinct alcohol burn, nor even a numbness that strong alcohol can at times cause. For some reason, the flavor kind of reminds me of tamarind chutney...
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:13 am
Sakura watched and shook her head slightly "Sounds like nasty stuff...I think I'll pass after all and just stick with what I know" she said as she finished her tea and began to make herself another. She still had a lot on her mind lately but after speaking with Jessi yesterday she was feeling much better at least. "I don't suppose that either of you know if anyone would be willing to come with me when I start some...negotiations?" she asked them as she waited for the tea to strengthen
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:16 am
Thanks. ^^ So it's probably not alcohol but that's strange...nei tasted mint, you got tamarind chutney, she just said it tasted off and I get a slightly spicy seems to have a different flavor for each person. confused Maybe drinking something out of an old dusty bottle wasn't such a great idea, it tastes so good though. >.< *facepalms and rubs the dust off the label* Well, that's no help, I don't know what language that is.
*watches Sakura brew her tea* Negotiations?
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:25 am
*watches Miro skip off to the back of the bar, as if chasing an imaginary butterfly* o_O;
*looks down into the empty glass, pretty sure he's the one that drank it and not her... then remembers that Miro acts like she's on drugs most of the time anyway stare * Um... *glances over at Sakura*.. I guess that would depend on what kind of negotiations these are and what it would require of the person accompanying you.
*eyes the label of the bottle Saber has* Can't say it looks too familiar to me, either. If you happen to catch Ryzan when he's not being a hermit, he might have a little more insight. He knows a few different languages. It doesn't surprise me too much that you would taste a spicy flavor and someone else would taste mint if it was a tamarind chutney... or rather made similar to one. Tamarind chutney tends to have a lot of spices, which can include mint. The mint is not always so apparent to everyone, though. Kind of like how rootbeer is often made with mint, but you'd never guess by the taste of it.
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:30 am
Sakura turned to continue to make her tea "Well...I'll be going to the nearby military base and Jessi said I'm not to go alone...and I promised her I'd not take any risks" she said as she began to add in some milk and sugar to the tea before taking a seat once more and took a sip
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:32 am
*A portal opens behinds Draa and Liada pokes her head next to his, warping her face to look like a tengu for a brief moment* Heeeeeeerrrrrreeeee's LIA! WHATCHA GOT FOR ME!
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:39 am
I'm not exactly fond of the military myself, so if this has something to do with wrecking havoc for them, I'm all for it ninja *flinches when there's a sudden voice right next to him and gets even more of a shock when he looks over to see who's there* Vel'bol l'dosib!!!? scream gonk *falls off his stool, opposite of the side Liada was*
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:40 am
*Anira moves around Liada as she attempts to scare a dark elf that they had teleported behind, rolling her eyes a bit as she goes to sit at a stool* Honestly Liada after all these centuries I am still amazed that you are alive....
Self-sustaining Businesswoman
Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:43 am
*Warps her face back to normal cackling her head off as her attempt succeeded. She mocks a guilty sad face at Anira as she goes to make her drink* Wuuuuut?! You know I can't help myself! The speck is just lucky I didn't make creepy crawlies go under his skin again twisted