Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:54 pm
I just love you guys. lol
There's never a conversation that bores me. Speaking of boredom, I really don't want Shoutmon anymore.
A practically don't use all the Digimon I have anyways. I think i'll donate him like Impmon.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:56 pm
thanks windy for the fix.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:06 pm
Ballmon, you are just one step closer to being mind! Windy! 'Get to work on it Asap! I don't want to see another reply in this guild till he is fixed!
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:12 pm
The Sadistic Toan Ballmon, you are just one step closer to being mind! Windy! 'Get to work on it Asap! I don't want to see another reply in this guild till he is fixed! :/ -Stares- You do realize I have Zar's and Zadoc's to finish, right? Oh! turns out Bagramon is officially making his entrance in the Xross anime. C: Description clipped: He is also the Angel of Death in the tradition and Judeo-Christian folklore. Azrael is the name in Portuguese to Arabic Azra'il (عزرائیل). The name literally means "he whom God helps." Azrael, first known as Azra, the descendant of Abraham and the Babylonian scribe. In the early years of Christianity it was known as Esdras, the prophet who prophesies the coming of the Messiah. In early Christian history it was said that Azrael ascended to heaven without actually dying. He was cited by the heretic Marcion named "Angel's Law." Bagra Brahman (pronounced as Baghdad) is a part of the Brahmin community concentrated mainly around Jaipur district of Rajasthan in India, although the members of this community can be found throughout India and in foreign countries.
(From a long one)
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:15 pm
Im Windspirit The Sadistic Toan Ballmon, you are just one step closer to being mind! Windy! 'Get to work on it Asap! I don't want to see another reply in this guild till he is fixed! :/ -Stares- You do realize I have Zar's and Zadoc's to finish, right? Oh! turns out Bagramon is officially making his entrance in the Xross anime. C: Description clipped: He is also the Angel of Death in the tradition and Judeo-Christian folklore. Azrael is the name in Portuguese to Arabic Azra'il (عزرائیل). The name literally means "he whom God helps." Azrael, first known as Azra, the descendant of Abraham and the Babylonian scribe. In the early years of Christianity it was known as Esdras, the prophet who prophesies the coming of the Messiah. In early Christian history it was said that Azrael ascended to heaven without actually dying. He was cited by the heretic Marcion named "Angel's Law." Bagra Brahman (pronounced as Baghdad) is a part of the Brahmin community concentrated mainly around Jaipur district of Rajasthan in India, although the members of this community can be found throughout India and in foreign countries.
(From a long one) forget about them, this is code red! This is important woman! what digimon is more demanding then baalmon? Aslo that is one hell of a digimon to add to my collection O_O
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:29 pm
code red, that would be serious, if it were a serious matter. However I do believe that this baalmon character can take his place in line behind Rhihimon. Frankly the prince of darkness doesn't wait. Besides, Ehud's transformation over to the darkside cannot be complete without a final demon form to use. So obviously, Rhihimon should by all means be created first. Due to this fact, You should sit down and wait Toan. It's called patience, and even the mos "thinks they are Godly" have to be humbled by it on occasion.
Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:26 pm
Zadoc the 27th code red, that would be serious, if it were a serious matter. However I do believe that this baalmon character can take his place in line behind Rhihimon. Frankly the prince of darkness doesn't wait. Besides, Ehud's transformation over to the darkside cannot be complete without a final demon form to use. So obviously, Rhihimon should by all means be created first. Due to this fact, You should sit down and wait Toan. It's called patience, and even the mos "thinks they are Godly" have to be humbled by it on occasion. I'm a battle harden warrior, a war god if you will! Impatient is my nature! To heck with your Rhihimon, My Astamon needs a partner of his caliber and no one is more fitting then Baalmon! I need both of them for my plan to be realize!
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:23 am
Toan, you do realize in the new Xross, there is no way Baalmon even evolved to what he is today? He actually 'Grew' up. It's not even confirmed that Impmon could transform into him anyways.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 11:11 am
Im Windspirit Toan, you do realize in the new Xross, there is no way Baalmon even evolved to what he is today? He actually 'Grew' up. It's not even confirmed that Impmon could transform into him anyways.
It the best lead I got so far and even if it doesn't, I can always get me a beelzemon X
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:03 pm
Well I finally finished the picture.
I'm going to go eat, then slowly reply in the rp.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:09 pm
Wiiiindy I haven't chatted on your profile in at least a week I think I'm suffering from withdrawal.
That and I have a pandamon. . . named freddy.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:10 pm
you mean you are isolating yourself from a social life?
you're not suffering. Just dial a friends number and start chatting with them. 'Tis what I would do if only my friend wasn't in Mexico at the moment. :/
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:21 pm
All of my friends are nerds, very un-social creatures. So they don't hand out their phone numbers easily.
And if isolating yourself from a social life means play Persona 3 for a good 3/4 of the day, then probably.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:38 pm
Then can you really call them friends if they don't give out their phone numbers after you talk to them irl?
no way, my sis plays that game all the time. xD
At least you have something to do, I just am drawing when my entire family is away today.
Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 6:40 pm
Well normally we see eachother in school everyday, but it's christmas break (Thank God) so yeah.
I know isn't it awesome.
I went to a movie, and now my sister won't shut off KeDollarSignHa, so it's a typical sunday for me.