New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:42 am
Well I would certainly appreciate the effort smile
((and single men aren't THAT hard to find))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:44 am
((Hmmmm......I think the only "single" men around the guild would be Decorera, Draa, Black, and possibly our dear Volvy here.... Razz would probably claim he's single..... rofl Franco is single too xd Of course, I'm referring to RP relationship status, not IRL status. wink ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:47 am
((Yes Black is single, he is not my lover! scream crazy vamp... - again RP status here)) Oh but it'll be good practice! I haven't done anything for a real "job" in a long time twisted
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:49 am
Sakura nodded "Well this sounds like it will be fun to me" she said with a smile and took another mouthful of her drink
(( sweatdrop ..))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:52 am
(( stare Volvy, here in washington single guys are the creepy ones you wanna run away from, otherwise they are either taken, gay, or end up being your best friend in my luck. And Deco is single? really? I thought he was taken? and HELLS to the NO with Razz even if he did claim to be single lol.))
Well it sounds like a plan to me, if Sakura can find a replica I will use some of my potions to make it indestructible, and then Leko can throw some wham bam on it. Sounds good folks?
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:55 am
((LOL, yeah, Dec is single...but don't count on him being around on a regular basis due to RL stuff that goes on. He and Kat had a fling back in the summer. And Volvy, single men aren't hard to find....GOOD single men are the hard ones to find! wink ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:55 am
(( gonk Your not my doppleganger are you Lia!?!)) Sakura nodded in agreement "I can get it dropped here in 5" she said with a smile
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 12:56 am
Sounds excellent!
((and kat: in my experience, when a woman says "good" she means "perfect", in which case yes, I'm certain they are quite hard to find indeed wink ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:00 am
*opens another portal and pulls out her potions case. After opening it she scans through certain ones to get the effects she wants* All right......which would be my strongest one.....?
((Yea RL tends to do that to ya. But I had wondered. And thank you Kat for making my point clearer rofl ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:03 am
((LOL, okay Volvy, I'm gonna give you an example of my's hard for me to find a man that has the same interests as me. Those being anime, steampunk, gaming, etc. that is halfway attractive and somewhere NEAR my age. rofl I'm not looking for perfect, b/c I damn sure ain't perfect! wink I just want perfect FOR me. 3nodding ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:05 am
((hey all I can say is you gotta make your idea perfection work for you however you can mold it out... *snickers* no further comment )) Sounds great. But this lovely demon needs some rest. You all behave now.*walks toward the office to call it a night*
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:05 am
Sakura sent text to a number in her phone and waited for the reply "are they INSANE!! scream " sends another text and gives a satisfied nod and a soft smile again "well they'll be here in 3 mins now..just...ignore the jeep" she said as she went out to the front door to wait for an special forces jeep came up the drive to deliver the replica
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:06 am
((fair enough, I myself encounter a similar problem from the other side of the fence... though people don't necessarily have to have all the same interests to make a good couple))
*glances at a clock*
Is that the time? Oh my, this old man needs to get himself to bed.
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:09 am
Volvy ((fair enough, I myself encounter a similar problem from the other side of the fence... though people don't necessarily have to have all the same interests to make a good couple)) ((Very true, however when the first response I get from a potential candidate is "WTF is steampunk/anime? You really dress up when you go to those conventions?" tends to dishearten one a wee bit. rofl ))
Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 1:11 am
*waves good bye to Leko as she takes another shot of her drink* Bye dearest, we'll leave the replica to you here once we're done with it. Which from the sounds of it, shouldn't take long at all.
(( Agreed, I'm not looking for OMG YOUR A GOD perfect, but a lot of the single guys I know just don't quite have that "it" per say. Not to mention I;m actually kind of socially awkward with guys to begin with despite how I am here. sweatdrop ))