Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:53 pm
Pissing contests. and how fast it gets out of control! AHH!
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:56 pm
Otia Ahh, the complaint thread... I'm new to this one, but I'll be using it quite frequently starting now. Coplaint #1: Men and respect. I has it in a short supply apparently. =' { I show women respect all the time! I hope it gets better for you!
Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:03 am
Wow, I like this place! My turn!:
I am married, have been for 3 yesrs this Sept., We got separated x-mas eave the year before cause he cheated on me. We worked it out BUT I am pregnant now with his kid, he's deployed for the second time! He's missing out on his "miracle"! In the 3 year we have been otgether, we've only spent 1 x-mas, together, not one of my birthdays, none of our wedding or dating anniversaries, and no other holidays cause he's always deployed! It took 2 years for ur command sponsorship to come through, I finally make it out to Germany, only to have him leave 2 months later. The stupid b***h back home he cheated on me with went around telling people she was pregnant with his kid (not possible), and now she says she s Pregnant again! She's lying again, but this time she's trying to take the poor guy to court for a kiid that doesn't exist! She's making my friend's ife miserable, broke the back passenger window out in my old car I sold to my parents, and egged my Mother s new van! Plus, she's still harassing my husband! Bah, can i go on a killing spree now?????
Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:02 pm
i need to vent...
my ex husband lives in my house now, because he was tired of living 8 hours away from his children. he eats all my food, drinks my boyfriends beer, and now his oldest son has just pissed all over my bedroom floor for no reason, and he got mad because I spanked OUR child.
wtf over, he will be 6 next thursday, and i am so tired of being the one who does all of the grouding, punishing, cooking, cleaning, laundry and whatnot. i cant kick him out, because he is, well lats face it, for a lack of a better term, a trust fund brat. he has attorneys coming out of his ears and all he has to do is call his daddy and my kids are taken away from me, so i have to deal until he decides to move, that and he has direct permission from my mom and step dad to live here and i get no choice since i plan on moving after i graduate college.
this is all starting to get annoying fast, not to mention tht my mom has decided to become a whore, she is running around spending all of her money and time with a guy who is 3 years older then myself, wtf!!! he does drugs and has no job, car, anything. its pathetic, ive tried to reason with her but she thinks she is in love because apparently he is very good in other departments, but still, wtf!!! my poor step dad rather would live in complete darkness then even show any signs of caring, and im stuck with knowing everything.
now my boyfriend, he is a ******** idiot, pardon my language but hell, cant blame me, he is 26, nearly bankrupt, bitter, angry, damaged, and lives with a complete perv, who is 32, single, and has no chance of having anyone. so he has to bear with him, and to top it all off he *the roommate* lost his job in aug. last year, still hasnt gotten one, sleeps all day, smokes pot *my boyfriend is very against drgs seeing as how he almost lost his job due to them* and everytime i go over to visit or to grab something or drop off something he is hitting on me. i had a bad feeling when he moved in there a year and a half ago, but things keep getting worse, the roomate hit on his 15 year old sister, and his new car just got broken into, and the 90 dollar imported buck tick cd i got him for christmas, its gone, along with his computer and tools and his social security number on a payment agreement he had forgotten to take out of the glove box after he purchased his vehicle. so now we have a fraud alert on his social, and i am giving him my laptop. i love this man, been with him 3 years, he RECENTLY got over his last love who he almost married, and now we are working on us, but hell its just not easy now with him working two jobs, me being a mother and in college, and now im looking for a job just so i can afford to smoke to make it through my last few classes, thank god i graduate in september *crosses fingers anyways*
i think we all should go on a killing spree...
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:56 am
I hate stupid 5 year old boys( he was in my house due to some party with my dad's business friends( the boy was the son of one of those friends......)) who take bras from a drawer in my wardrobe and run round screaming : Lookie, I gots a bra!!!!!!!!!!
That happened quite a few years ago....... Gads!!!!!!!!
what was the father and mother doing?!
I went up to the boy, snatched the bras back and yelled and ranted at him. He ended up crying. the stupid boy deserved it.
---------- some people can be damn rude! this took place a few years ago, when I was 18. I was about to goto the loo on a plane when the stewardess looked at me, smiled like some... idiotic woman motherly person and spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice:Oh, little girl, don't play in the aisles, go and sit down......
OMG, I wanted to deck her.
I was as tall as her( well almost) but I was no midget.
That damn tone of voice was....... urgh!!!!!
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:20 pm
>>> FLU <<<
First our local school gets closed down because they find the state's first two verified cases there. Then various other local places start closing for the flu... now the school my exchange student goes to closes because the lunch lady is now a confirmed case.
Yes, the new flu has no vaccine yet, yes it is harder to treat then the standard human strains of flu, yes we want to stop the spread... but come on people, common sense... take care of yourself, wash your hands often, stay away from people with signs of the flu or even a common cold, and STAY HOME if you have any signs of it yourself...
Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 10:27 am
been a while but here goes:
have a gf, who has 3 kids, her parent's house's a complete mess, won't clean it up, with a dog they keep closed up. She's a sweetheart but finances and a lack of job's wearing her out. She's tried pushing me away 2 different times because she feels she doesn't deserve me. I keep an eye on her because she's shown sucidicial problems in the past.
she doesn't have custody of the kids, the deadbeat ex continues to worry her even though he doesn't call and lives in a different state.
I'm just the bf with an apt and a steady job and truck, what do I know? lol
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:38 pm
Mini rant:
A parent called the school today and said "I can't being snack in because we have no power."
..... scream !?!
We only accept PRE-PACKAGED SNACKS..... what the FRAK does electricity have to do with going to Walmart to buy some lil' Debbies and Kool Aid!?
Honestly... the truth is not that hard to tell! it should especially be told to the 5 year old son who didn't know why he couldn't being snack in today. stare
End mini rant.
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:05 am
gf broke up with me because too many issues in her life and now she's threatening to move to a different city.
no idea if she'll just face the music or it's going to get worse from here
Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:52 am
I don't know how many Gaians here work at Walmart but the one near me SUCKS!!!! I went there earlier today looking for Fanboys the movie. Not only were they out of it but they only has 2 different spots for it considering it was brand new. Insteading of having a row down like the other new movies they had 2 places, which meant I had to look for it and even then they were sold out of it.
Of course this is after looking at the Star Wars selection which hasn't been updated, refilled or even organized in at least 2 months!!! I'll never shop at that Walmart store again!
I found the movie over at Target but after they had to go to the back to look for it lol Just me or was there a delibrate non push on this movie or what??
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 4:46 pm
My G.F. dumped me on new years 08 taking our year old son with her. I got to see him regularly till mid feb when she denied me access cos I wouldn't pay maintenance through CSA till I had my name on the birth certificate and thus had parental rights! Now she says I can see him through a contact center but I have to make all the arrangements myself which is impossible without rights! I have to take it to court even though CSA are now taking £90 a week from my wage! I have always been there for both of them and never raised a finger to her! I haven't seen my son for nearly 4 months now. I am scared he will lose his bond with me and this is what she wants.
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:55 am
Just tried the Gaia prom event, it's just a mini DDR thing. Boring since I've never played the DDR when it was a fad.
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:04 pm
Evil Children:
If you've received nasty profile comments from Draw Me Naked, she has been reported... please delete them. crying
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:51 pm
Hello Lil Brat, other Geezers, Nurses, and yes even the Cabana boys. It was brought to my attention that Lil Brat had a nasty profile comment that bashed others for being older. Such comments are considered a form of abuse, and is not allowed by Gaia's Terms of Service. Should you get a comment that is abusive please leave the comment on your profile, add the user to your ignore list, and notify a Moderator via PM with the offender's username. A moderator will handle the situation, and will remove the comment once everything is resolved.
Sincerely, Guardian Arlen
P.S. I can't wait to become an official member of this guild >w< (currently twenty, will be twenty one this December)