Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:39 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:44 pm
Kaori Silnaak So everything has it's own layer. The eyes, nose, lips all have their own.. Lasso tool. emotion_awesome I never used it much in the past, but I've found that drawing with a tablet, I've been using it a lot, especially to fix the face. Just circle the area you intend to fix and move it as necessary.... or resize it emotion_awesome Ah... the convenience of being able to resize a good set of eyes to be bigger/smaller without attempting to redraw them the right size emotion_kirakira
The one thing I do understand greatly {but don't do... yet ninja } is drawing the hair on a separate layer from the rest of it since it can overlap parts of the face, thus making it harder to tweak and fix if need be.
But I have noticed a lot of artists use tons of layers, hence why photoshop in their latest version added a layer search feature. However, sometimes it's more of an obsessive compulsive thing for the artist rather than something that makes the piece better in the end.
I read a tutorial somewhat recently about eye shading and I swear, they must have used at least 20 layers just for the eyes, and it all could have been done in a single layer... maybe 3 if you were wanting to be cautious. emotion_facepalm One layer was just a single white dot for a shiny look... no special tweaks to the layer or anything. Just a white dot. emotion_facepalm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:04 am
Kai! emotion_bigvein Meyhorvutah, nahlotuvdir! cat_stressed
If this wasn't your thread I'd make you leave. You're worse than the pervert girl who like touching things.
*ahem* Back to the topic at hand.
I have to admit I've probably never used even half of the available Photoshop tools or played with it once and pretty much said, oh that's nice, and went back to what I was doing. I used to use a lot more tools especially on some of the first Icy art I did when I was still getting used to the program. I don't think I changed the brush mode even once on "suit" guy even once. My old technique for highlighting hair was changing the brush mode to linear dodge. Now I just change the color directly. It feels all around lazier techique cat_sweatdrop
One of my great ambitions is to do "line less" art style for the hair and fluffy part of clothing as I find black line work inadequate for aesthetic reasons to define certain visual effects. Maybe for the entire illustration, but I still like line art for certain things so I think my style will always have lines somewhere in the design.
I can see layering being part of OCD. Things like eyes don't take very long for me so I usually do it all on the same layer in one go.
Stylistically, I'm stuck between wanting develop my art to look like Teru-chan or Nekozumi. emotion_facepalm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:16 pm
I don't do things to be mean. I do them because that's what my character would do. I set the parameters of her personality and when I RP with her I really try to see things from her point of view. Which is hard, cuz I have to almost sit down if I wanted to look Kaori in the eyes when she's standing up. cat_3nodding
Don't take things that happen in RP too seriously since I am (as well should everyone) just playing a role that having a certain character provides. And I have a few characters floating around that express often conflicting points of view in their words and actions. Just because one of my characters does or says something doesn't necessarily mean that I, as the puppet master, would take the same stance.
I really couldn't care less if you're a perv, well I guess I do care to a certain degree emotion_awesome but from Kaori's perspective, she is still relatively very young for an elf and hasn't physically or mentally matured enough to where being a perv can be a good thing. Basically in her mind people still have cooties. cat_rofl You know what they say about first impressions and Kaori's got it stuck in her head that you like to randomly touch people so you're stuck with the running gag of being a pervert girl until she gets to know your character better.
Happy birthday! Have a mot.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:58 pm
Defending a character within a given RP or the appropriate complaint thread is one thing. But dropping complaints in any random thread where you see someone posting isn't exactly welcome especially when, I know this is going to be a little controversial because as random as the things I post here are, this thread is located in the art sub-forum and has no relation at all with RPing and never has.
So defend your character all you like, just somewhere else.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:53 pm
sweatdrop im sorry ill be sure to use that in the future sweatdrop *proceeds to delete posts *
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:30 pm
Starting to smooth things out and correct things that have been bothering me. Started making the guide line for the wings. Hrm... the ways the body is angled I should take a bit of volume out of the right wing and foreshorten it a bit.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:52 pm
From my experience in drawing Fae, figuring out the right angle for the wings is one of the biggest pains in the a** stressed
... and the ringlets...
.... and the fact that I'm not accustomed to drawing "top heavy"... emotion_facepalm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:43 pm
*agrees with Tes* cat_sweatdrop
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:59 pm
I could probably troll The Monarch from Venture Bothers for wings. But seriously it wouldn't hurt to go on DA and see how other people have rendered these types of characters. Don't get me started on ringlets... There are a number of details I'm going to handle differently than how they appear on the given reference to make things easier to draw (because there is a sort of deadline for me to finish sweatdrop ), but more so to play to what I specialize in and ringlets... well I suck at drawing them. So straight hair. Though I do want to give the hair more movement, like it's being blown in the wind and little swirls of snowflakes, but that's not until I get to coloring.
I can draw bewbs! emotion_dowant though it's probably not going to be big ol' gonzo bewbs.
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:15 pm
Not looking up references is a bad habit of mine emotion_facepalm
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 7:24 pm
Wings! 4laugh ... Why, yes! Yes, I do have ringlets, and really nice cleavage too! emotion_awesome * heart 's those V-neck tops. whee * Though as much as I like them, those ringlets are not a necessity on Faerie, as she does change her hair up on occasion. So if you go with a bit of wavy hair, that would be just fine by me. 3nodding
Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:46 pm
That moment when after you spend 3 hours drawing with a tablet and you feel like you should save your work and the power goes out suddenly.
Digital - 0 By hand - 1