*After spending the morning fixing William some breakfast while he gets ready for work, she sits down with him to discuss the possibility of eloping and she shares with him what she had experienced upstairs while she was getting the two of them a latte.
Officer Dougherty literally stops in mid bite of his breakfast as his Pietrina tells him of TES and his accusations…sharing with him the type of stress and obstacles she has faced during the course of the wedding plans. Everything, from her brothers and her families perspective, the Ayami serpent, Black's new found wings and obsession with "smiting," Leko's frame of mind and finally TES.
A traditional Catholic Italian wedding means a great deal to my family. sweatdrop My Mother in particular. *She reaches out and puts her hand over his as tears well up in her eyes.*
sad I love you and considering the current circumstances, I think we should scrap the guest list, pick a day here, get the priest to marry us in the small portion of the church and immediately catch a flight out to New York. *She sighs, puts her hands into her lap and looks down at them.*
I will at least have to call my Mother and tell her. She isn't going to be very happy with me.
*They finish their conversation and he tells her he will look into seeing what kind of time off he can get if this is what she really wants to do. She nods and tells him to do his best to look into it. She walks him to their private entrance and he pulls her close to him as he hugs her and kisses the top of her head. He then wipes away the tears on her face and tells her everything will be alright. She nods again and he reluctantly leaves her to go down to the precinct.
She closes and locks the door, picks up the phone and proceeds to inform her Mother about the change in plans.*