Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:16 pm
((lol super horror rpg.and can u join the chaos in crandor returns so far its just me))rob saw yoite near the man "you wont believe who did this...shadeon..."
Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 11:29 pm
Yoite stood and turned rapidly, pointing her finger at the source. When she saw it was Rob, she lowered her finger. "Shaedon?!" she said with horror, looking down at the man. "He couldn't.... Wouldn't... He..." she shook her head. "Something's wrong. This isn't Shaedon. He wouldnt have done this."
Conservative Conversationalist
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:37 am
"i know he cant do this but look at him he has one of his swords drawed out and his eyes are blood red he has gone crazy and this is my fault"
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:53 am
"Yeah, this is Cody's place, what's up?" Cody's eyes bulged, when he heard what was going on. "I'll be right there." He rushed out the door and tried to figure out a plan of action. "I have to figure out what's up with Shad... the man was already murdered, no use going to the crime scene... looks like I'm going to be reading his mind." He went back into the house, and left a note. Going to read Shad's head. If I'm not back, feed me green pills in purple vial.
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:31 am
rob went near codys house and readed the note "he means...if he wont be back we should release the other him"
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 4:18 pm
he stops and reads Rob's mind as he read Cody's note "so he wants to read my mind eh?" he sets up mental barriers and mental traps to destroy anyone's mind who tries to read his "that should keep them out" he spots another man and slices him in half
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:07 pm
kono slept on not knowing the dark twist that occured in the night..
((oh yeah sooo exciting... IM jusst not in the mood to type my computer at home is being evil... crying ))
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:18 pm
Aerunai hung up the phone and glided down the stairs. She went to her closet and unlocked it's many locks. "Looks like I'll need this," she said. She opened it and took out a black circlet-type thing and closed the closet. She put it on her head, put up the hood of her jacket and put on two black gloves. That should protect my mind. He might try to enter. With this he wont even be able to read it. She thought, grabbing her gun, for a last resort. She ran out the door and looked at the dead body, and Yoite. Yoite looked up at her and nodded, then came to walk beside her. "You know, I don't think you'll need that gun," she said, motioning to the gun Aerunai held. Aerunai sighed. "It's our last resort. If someone has healing powers, then is wont be a problem. I don't want to use it, but..." she sighed. "I might have to." Yoite looked straight on blankly."There he is," she whispered, giving her head a jerk to her left. Aerunai glanced in that direction. There was another man there, cut in half. "I'm going," Yoite whispered again. She walked slowly to Shaedon. "Shad," Yoite said, walking slowly and putting up her hands. "Remember? I'm Yoite. Just stop for a minute and listen. What you doing is evil. You aren't evil, Shad. Come on, snap out of it," she said, almost begging. Aerunai came up behind Yoite. "Shad, it's us. We're your friends. We don't want to hurt you, just look at what your doing," Aerunai said, holding up her gun.
Conservative Conversationalist
Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 9:20 pm
he turns and slashes the gun in half before she can react "you thought that puny weapon could kill me?" he points the sword straight between her eyes "don't make me kill you"
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:23 am
Aerunai put her hands up. "Sh-Shad," she said in a shaky voice. "Don't do this. Just think for a second," she whispered, almost pleading. Yoite's eyes narrowed. She appeared behind Shaedon with her finger at his neck. "You don't want to move," she said harshly. "You have no idea what I can do just by pointing at you," she said into his ear. "Lower your sword, now." Aerunai took this chance and dissapeared, then reapeared outside Kono's house. "Kono!" she yelled banging on the door. "Kono! Somthing's wrong with Shaedon, I think you might be able to help!" she screamed.
Conservative Conversationalist
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:51 am
((so elixx yoite is finnaly using the kira kinjutsu)) rob charged his hands with electricity and a werewolf tail came out of him"you dont even wanna know whats in me.this is the same like cody just its not human and has a body"
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:31 am
The spirit being chuckled. "Shad, shad, shad, you should know Cody doesn't send himself to do such a dangerous job." Keith raised his hand and broke the first barrier. "I hope that wasn't the best you got, because me and him have been working on this routine for years."
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:48 am
"shaedon tell me why are you doing this...we dont want to hurt you just tell us" ((this is how he looks right now just with a werewolf tail))
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:48 pm
Kono rolled out of bed and walked down the stairs she was in her hello kitty pajamas. Her hair was really messy. She rubbed her eyes sleepily when she looked at her friend. "Am I late for school?" she asked then looked at Shadeon.
"Hey what's up with everyone?" She asked and walked into the fighting zone..
((Kono is such an air head.. stare ))
Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 5:05 pm
he feels the finger behind his head. He darts off at superspeed and stops behind Kono "did you think you could catch me when i can run at the speed of light?" he puts up his katana in front of Kono's neck and grabs her forehead and leans it back so they could see her neck "back off or she dies"