Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 12:20 pm
Yep, he's not the Oldest Gaian, as he thought he was, before coming to the Geezers! xd
Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:06 pm
rofl xd heart
And welcome to the Geezers, RightBehindYou whee
Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:28 pm
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:21 am
20½... you young punk... lol
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 9:25 am
A bit young to be lying about his age, surely lol
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:16 am
Glad to see you Drumma. xd
Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 1:02 pm
I'm 29. I used to think that was old for Gaia, but then I looked around here and saw some of you are fossils razz
*waits for the newbie hazing ritual of being beaten with walkers and canes*
Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:30 pm
*fingers cane experimentally* ...Nah, too much effort and not very friendly to the new arrival... xp
Welcome to the fossil gallery! xd
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:37 am
37 here. Mom to 5 (3 natural and 2 un-natural... errrr. I mean step children. *g*) Definately liking that I see an old older mature sometimes more mature set here.
Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:07 pm
*maniacal giggling*
I really love this guild, I just wish it was a bit more active. Then i wouldn't have to spend so much time in my other guild where the conversation is decidely less mature ("I'm 13 and my boobs won't grow!")
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 11:56 am
Lol ~ the conversation with the youngin's can be a bit different.
Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks to having a guild for the 21 and over crowd is that RL prevents our members from posting as frequently. Kids seem to have a lot more spare time for the computer.
Our motto is RL takes precendent over Gaia ~ which is why we would never ban a member for inactivity.
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:43 pm
Yes, unfortunately, things like going to work seriously impede my activity in Gaia - but I make up for it at weekends, when I'm welded to my computer! xd
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:15 pm
Between work and the children my Gaia time is seriously lacking. Kids are quite adept at taking over the computer while I'm fixing them something to eat, or slipped away to the bathroom, or had to answer the phone ~ usually my mom who will spend a good 1/2 hour telling me something that any other person could have said in 10 minutes.
And gets cranky if I play on the computer and talk to her at the same time, though this rule does not apply to her. I don't think I've had a phone conversation with her when she wasn't on her computer (usually Neopetting) in the last 3 years. Unless she calls from work that is. confused
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:29 pm
A proper Southern belle would never reveal her age... then again, I've never followed tradition and don't care to start now...
49 years young... smile
Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:36 pm
The "young" being the key word 3nodding
Our oldest Geezer is 68 heart