Oh, okay! Rad, then! <3
o1. What is your dearest ambition? To be rich and famous. I've always been outcasted and pushed aside, and I want everyone to know who I am and throw it in the faces of the people who humiliated me in middle school. I want them to be jealous of me and wish they never did it, crawl back to me, and beg, but I'll just spit in their faces.
o2. If you won one million dollars what would you do with it? Lesse... I'd spend part of it, put part of it into my savings, invest part of it, and then quit school and forever be a millionaire. biggrin
o3. What is your favorite pairing, and why? Harry/Draco. Why? Well, let's look at the facts:
-Draco is dark, Harry is light. Opposites attract.
-Draco doesn't want to be a Death Eater, and Harry's side can help him.
-They're both sarcastic and witty. They're both smart and clever. They both have to do things they don't want to do. They complete each other in the fullest way. They seem perfect for each other. It's not my fault JKR has this delusion that they're straight.
o4. Which house do you not wish to be sorted into? GRYFFINDOR EW.
o5. What would you do if you were to be sorted into this house? I'd become the King of Gryffindor and rule everyone in it.
o6. What are your negative and positive attributes? (Give a few examples of each, please.) Here goes.
Good attributes:
-I have loads of logic and common sense; more likely to plan an attack all the way through before I strike instead of flying by the seat of my pants, like a Gryffindor.
-I'm blatantly honest.
-I tend to make a good first impression
-I'm pretty smart in the way of Language Arts, History, and Theater.
-I'm grammatically correct. biggrin
Bad attributes:
-I don't trust anyone until I know that they can be trusted, which makes for very few allies.
-I'm stubborn and usually think my way is best, because it usually is.
-I hate working in groups. Working in groups means compromising, and my ideas are usually the best ones, so I prefer to work alone and only have to listen to my thoughts.
-I have a very low tolerance for stupidity. Sorry. I have no respect for people who do stupid stuff on purpose.
o7. Any other things you happen to think is relevant to my decision making process may be put here: I've taken loads of House tests before, and really, it depends on the questions you ask as to which House I get put in. Like, if they ask 'What do you do when you find a million dollars?' and the options are things like 'turn it into the police' and crap, I take it, damnit! Finders, keepers. They should keep track of their money, especially if it's a million dollars!
But, if they ask 'You're trapped in a burning building with your friends, what do you do?' I save my friends. Now, on any other occasion, if it were, say, some couple of teenagers I didn't know, then it's fend for your damn selves. Like I said, I don't trust many, but those few friends that I do trust with all my heart, I'll do anything for.
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