
Oh right, Rancid and your Hrdcur Metahl lol

Well, last I checked, David Bowie wasn't metal ever.

Last time I checked I was refering to Rellik. As for the Hrdcur Metahl I'm refering to your dilusional idea that Hardcore is a style of Metal.

Excuse me, this is a jolly laugh- MY idea? When did I ever say that hardcore was metal?

Metalcore is as close as hardcore gets to metal (and it's quite shitty). I know that hardcore is pretty much... punk, to a degree.

Once again, I was refering to Rellik and his idea that just because they say Hardcore is Metal in Europe that makes it true. From this point on unless I say your name you can assume it's not about you.

Rellik San

What 'hrdcur metahl'... I was thinking you know, bands who actually have a reason to be aggresive other then 'mommy and daddy didn't buy that pony I wanted.' like most of your bands.

You don't even know the bands I listen to, you know since they're Emo and thats something you don't even listen to.
Of course I don't, given most of them are either underground or unsigned bands with a following of about 5 people, just as you really have little to no clue of what bands I actually listen too, you have a vague idea off of a couple of video's I made and a few posts.