im bi---ish haha

leaning towards one way more than the other haha

and i like love someone to death right now haha

but i dont want to ruin our frindship bc it seems VERY VERY fragile haha

he once imed me and said he was gay (he didnt know i was bi)

and that like almost gave me a heart attack haha

He was j/p btw emo

p.s. i luv that sayin whoever said it

If he's hot and nice, he's too good to be straight haha that's an awesome quoate haha

won't forget that one

Asian Pride Guild Rules

Tsuki Miyamoto
Well...I felt we should have a few rules to set down for the Guild, being we now need a blacklist and things ;-;.

3. Do not create repeat topics/revive threads. We don't need 32452515211 topics on the same thing. And also, do not revive threads that are over two months old and are inactive.

Edit by Pagtatapat01: Adding to #3, topics cannot be revived if it has remained idle for more than two months.