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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[1v1] The Rematch (Levi/West) [FIN] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4

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Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:33 pm
No juice? No pop? Well now, if yer sure. Levi snapped her fingers together, pointing to West with a wink, before heading to the kitchen. Comin' right up.

Her tail swayed side to side going into the kitchen and over to the fridge. Rustling was heard as the ghoul moved things around, taking out a clear liquid container and placing it on the table. Going into her freezer, Levi took out a glass, thwamping the freezer door shut and peering over to the doorway. I'll lay down when I'm good n' ready, boil. Ain't gonna wait over thar till 'I do though, are ya? She filled the frosted glass, tail seemingly getting its groove back little by little with each sway.

A sly smirk began to creep over Levi's face in thought of West's request. She wasn't sure why West was still at the door- was his heart beating just as quickly as her own? He could've been- scared? worried? The tatzel had no doubts he was concerned given the request but- even while holding his hand up the stairs and through the hallway just now, she got a sort of rigidness from him. Levi wanted to put him at ease and allow him to feel comfortable with her. Like they were before only-... I'll think 'bout it. If ya come'on in 'ere 'n have a sip. C'mon now. Patting at a space on the wooden table by the filled glass as if to say "pick up!" Levi moved out of the kitchen and skipped up the few steps over to her bed, sitting with her hands neatly folded in her lap to prove her point. Oh, how behaved she was being...

When she sat, a flutter of things moved around in her gut. Laying down while in such a severely weakened state while West was there? This was certainly new; Levi hadn't anticipated on this happening. Thoughts about mold suddenly popped into her head and she coughed lightly to correct these thoughts. It's late and you both have classes to go to. He can't stay long. Right. Didn't mean she didn't want him to stay; far from it. There was so much she wanted to talk to him about. Levi wanted to stay with him longer than the remaining time permitted her.

... just maybe not while she was laying down. It had been different before when West was injured and she watched over him. That time the tatzel still felt as though she could whip him head first out the window if anything went wrong. For now, she simply watched West, the light casted in through the window at her back. Whipping him out the window was not what she wanted to do right now.

((note to self:bandages))  
PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:55 pm
At her prompting he started across the room, a small measure of confidence returning with every step.  He stifled a smirk, then when he realized it had returned a moment later, he let the expression remain.  Fine. There was no one around to see him smile, to see him relax as he retrieved his water and took a sip.  West then turned and followed after the ghoul, but stopped moving about halfway between the table and her bed.

The bed.

He really didn't want to get any closer to the damn bed.  He was already thinking about what might happen if he got closer to the damn bed, and it wasn't good.  Well, no, it was good, it just was the furthest thing from appropriate right now.  Jackdammit.

West recalled the last time he had been in her room, well, the time before earlier today, at least.  He had woken up with his shirt half off and Levi leaning over him...  He cleared his throat.  The boil had a sudden paranoid urge to ask her why she had chosen tonight of all nights to spring this on him, if it was even him she had meant to kiss or if she had just been delirious, and why, but those were questions for another night, if ever.

"I'm 'ere," he said, his expression a touch more serious than it had been.  West knew enough about injuries to know that she needed rest, but short of mirroring what had happened on the day she had beaten the crap out of him, he couldn't really tell if she needed further medical attention.  "Now lie down."  




Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:14 pm
Her tail continued to sway by the floor. West's grin just made her even more curious about his thoughts and feelings. Now hold on'a sec thar. I said maybe I'd think 'bout layin' down. In truth, her body cried for some rest even with the jolt of adrenaline she was getting right now. Levi felt equally that, at any moment, she'd just collapse and sleep for the next day. But- Complying partially to West's request, the tatzel ghoul rested back on her elbows and forearms, still upright enough to watch West. Yes, she was being tricky.

Promise I'll lay down if ya' come up 'ere fer a sec. She wanted him bedside... there was something Levi wanted to know before she could rest.

Ya'ain't scared a lil' ol' me now are ya? Tilting her head to one side playfully. Of course West wouldn't consider her so innocent given their experiences since the day they first met but it was still fun to fake it. Couldn't do nothin' tha'way I am now, eh?  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:44 pm
He frowned and sighed, his eyes rolling seemingly of their own volition.  "Yeah, fine.  Y'did say that.  An' I agreed thinkin' you'd be a good ghoul n' do what was best for y—"  West paused when she leaned back, a grin tugging at the corners of his frown as he shook his head.  That was certainly one way to get what she wanted. He briefly wondered how many times she had used such tactics on other boils.  Then he decided he didn't really care.  Damn the ghoul.

Before he could ask himself whether rising to her bait was a good idea, West was at her side, setting his glass of water on a stack of books beside her bed with a defiant thunk.  He crossed his arms.

"I'm not scared'a nothin'."  He narrowed his eyes, the grin that had been warring with his frown finally taking over.  "Whatta y'want?"  




Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:30 pm
So yer callin' me a bad ghoul? Now what could'I 'a ever dun ta make ya'think that. Possibly that time you pinned, slapped, bit, kicked, punched him... Once West was close enough, proclaiming his fearlessness, the ghoul moved in for her last attack for the night. Sliding back up with the aid of her tail, she eased her own mind with some reassurance. West knew what he wanted, right? He chose her as well as a mate? The ghoul in her needed that second try. Maybe the first as a fluke...

Tugging lightly on the whiskers of West's chin, Levi placed her lips to his again and for a prolonged period of time in comparison to the first. There. As before, the feeling was electric. Gathering ever ounce of feeling she could, the ghoul pulled away as if she could remember nothing at all about it if not everything all at once.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:24 pm
So many things, Levi.

He didn't resist as she rose up once more and pressed her lips to his. West leaned forward ever so slightly himself and smiled into the kiss, but he refused to touch her, his arms still woven over his chest. It didn't matter. He knew she felt it too. And he knew if he touched her, she wouldn't rest, and he wouldn't be getting back to his room any time soon.

His eyes opened slowly as she pulled away, left, then right, and when he spoke again, he sounded like he had just woken up, no matter how hard he tried to keep his tone nonchalant. He raised a finger, pointing at her as if he could force her to do as she had promised by simply gesturing. "You said. Lie down. Now." His smirk remained on his lips and the look in his eyes only reiterated his threat. Or I'll make you lie down.  




Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:58 pm
And that was all she had left in her; Levi got her confirmation. Without any words required, West's motions were enough to tell her she was thinking exactly what he was on the matter. She liked his kisses.

Levi's voice was light as she allowed herself to rest down on the bed again, laying down. Still a bad ghoul? Despite West's words, she followed through with her promise to him. Had she not promised, the ghoul might have stayed up just to prove a point and continue testing West's patience.

Pressing a finger to her lips, Levi recalled the action she'd just taken. This was definitely not the same as it was with the tatzel boil she had kissed. West's touch most certainly got another sort of reaction from her and it lingered. Even her neck still felt oddly cool from his touch earlier in the gym.

Levi gave in to her weakness, finally feeling it was safe to do so, but then her ears twitched in remembrance of something else. West... ya mind... doin' me a favor? Crawling so that she was length-wise over her bed, she lay on her back with a finger pointing toward the bathroom. Tha' bandages 're in tha' first aid kit that's on tha' bottom shelf 'a tha' cabinet. Breathing in deeply, she looked up to the wrath demon without explaining why she needed them; just that she needed them. Can ya'bring it ta'me? Please?  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:51 pm
"Yes. Still bad," he joked, appeased by her long awaited willingness to cooperate. The boil hadn't won this post-fight skirmish, not by a long shot, but he couldn't help but feel as though he had, given his punishment.

West responded to her request with a brief nod, then moved away from Levi and her bed, glancing back at the ghoul only once before he reached the bathroom. Kneeling in front of the indicated cabinet, West was reminded that he hadn't escaped from this fight uninjured as his back whimpered in protest. He located the first aid kit, sliding it out onto the floor to free up his hands. West rummaged through the thing, pulling out the requested bandages, then grabbed the whole kit as he stood again and sauntered back across the room.

"'Ere. One first aid kit as y'requested." The demon's voice trailed off as he approached, and when he stopped, he slowly lowered the bandages onto the bedspread.  




Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:40 pm
From a sideways view, Levi watched West's...tail as he left for the washroom. When he glanced back at her, she tried to pretend she wasn't looking, eyes peering up to the ceiling. Biting at her lower lip, Levi sighed. The purr that she had been fighting back ever since the fight was now let out while she stretched.

It was amazing that she had been able to find her mate outside of her own town but even more amazing still that he was, well, West. The demon she considered her strongest opponent since she first arrived at this school was now her...


There was just so much to take in right now. She took up the Vampire Teddy that sat on her bed by her window, squeezing it while West was busing himself with the bandages. The teddy was, in her mind, something she must've won on Scarentines and despite knowing how far back West had thought of them... what happened that night just couldn't have happened. Hello denial at it's finest.

Before her body or mind could take any more strain, Levi's eyelids closed. This is nice. Her thoughts trailed through the evening's events, a smile on her lips even as she drifted off to sleep with the teddy in her arms, clutched to her chest as she rolled onto her side.

When West returned, he would find a sleeping tatzel there before any bandages could even be applied.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:17 am
Half a minute later, West let out a breath he hadn't known he had been holding.  He placed her first aid kit next to the bandages and took a couple of steps around the side of the bed, moving closer to the sleeping ghoul.  As much as he had wanted her to give up and finally get some jackin' rest, it felt kind of... lonely without her awake. Maybe she would lose her memories of tonight as she slept. He eyed the smiling teddy bear she held, the sight of it an unwelcome reminder of quite a few moments of weakness on his part. Maybe this would be like Scarentines all over again, except instead of being relieved that she seemed to have forgotten the time they had spent together, he would be begging her to remember.

Still, that she had even kept the toy had to mean something, right? And he knew he wouldn't beg, even if the alternative was the miserable longing that had gnawed at him until tonight.  The weeks since that strange party had proven that fact.  If she chose to deny that she had kissed him... twice... he was certain he wouldn't press her to recall that she had done so.  At least he wouldn't directly.

The demon smirked as he quietly retrieved his glass and brought it to the sink.  There was one thing he could do, one souvenir he could leave besides that mark on her neck that might give her pause if she was planning to forget.  West returned to Levi's bedside, tugging a portion of her blanket over her legs and placing the bandages within easy reach. He then clenched his right hand into a fist and leaned over the ghoul, the fingers of his left lightly trailing through her hair.

In the ring of water left behind by his cup, West left Levi a present.

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Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:08 pm
She thought she had dreamed it.

No, she knew it wasn't a dream this time. It was an hour later than when she usually arose and Sweets continuously chirped at her face, fluttering overhead. NOW WHAT'S ALL THIS'BOUT?! Why was the treat so excited? Turning to step out of bed and investigate, Levi nearly knocked over the bandages. West. Expression softening with a purr, her tail swayed against the fur of her bed spread. Then she came to her senses- wait, was the boil still here?! No, she was alone with the critters, it seemed. The last thing she could recall was asking West for some bandages and his... tail as he went off to get them.

There they were waiting for her when she awoke.

The candy corn treat then crash-landed onto a pile of books by the bed, insisting on getting Levi's attention. What'cha- As if to say "look what I found! itssopretty OUO," Sweets curled around a circular object on its back, churring with excitement. It took a bit of fiddling, but she was finally able to pry it away from the treat under protest to have a closer look.

This is... his. Ain't it. It wasn't so much a question as Levi confirming it to herself. She knew they all had the same sort of shape to their student pins and that she had just been given one by the wrath demon. Who else would have a bandaid as their symbol?...

Smiling a toothy grin, she chuckled and fell back onto the bed. Turning her head to see the Vampire Teddy, she recalled the scarentines "dream" she had ... deciding that she knew a fitting place for this pin.

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Her smile only widened while looking at the teddy, wishing now that West had really know what she dreamed about that week. At the same time, she wanted to return the gesture to him. She just.. wasn't sure of how to go about it right now.

One day.

Shuffling through her daily routines now, chest beating to an exceptionally hard rhythm, Levi's neck continued to have a cool sensation. Finally deciding to investigate, she bounded over to the washroom mirror. When did she-

Jack 'almighty.

Touching the darkened patch of skin at neck, Levi recalled the feel of West's bite, shaking herself out of a blush attack. No no no c'mon now, ghoulie. Her pep talking brought up a number of questions: what if someone asked what it was? what if someone asked where she got it from? ...or who...

Remembering her plans for the day suddenly, and in a bit of a panic, Levi gathered up her scarf and wrapped it so it was higher than her usual fit. It was enough to cover up the mark so long as she kept her head down. There. This'll haft'a do. Huffing at herself in the mirror, Levi gathered her strength. Today, she was supposed to go back to the spa with Xiu. If she called it off, it would be too questionable given she had set the date and time in the first place.

The ghoul just had to be careful. Yes.

It's not like she liked having the reminder there....

Quickly wriggling her boots on, Levi popped out the door to go meet the baku, taking one last look at the stuffed toy on her bed with a smirk.  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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