Finding The Letter Part 1 Dark and dismal shades of light flickered through the demons window. They slow stretched out and reached for the slumbering knot of covers Charlie had managed to cocoon him self in. In no time Charlie found him self disturbed by the flicker of light from his window. He shot up so fast that forgot all about being tangled with in his covers. This chain of events ultimately lead to Charlie falling off his floor mattress and rolling around in a tangled mess of covers. Being tangled in ones sheets was even worse then being in a straight jacket where the sleeves were tied up nice and proper like. At least to the pink haired demon now struggling to break free from his sheets greedy grasps this rang completely true. The struggle in his half awake state continued for a good half hour. This might have been quite entertaining if some one was able to catch a glimpse of the dimness happening in our demons room. But there was no audience so it was just an annoyance.
It had taken quite a bit of wiggling but some how the pink haired demon had willed him self free from the selfish grasp of his bed. Even by this time, however, Charlie was not ready to be awake. He slowly dragged him self across his room, like some kind of zombie, and placed a piece of stray ply wood over his window. No nails or bolts or anything usually used to hold such a thing in place were used. It was just lazily laid on his windowsill and not another thought was added to the possibility of it even falling. That was just silly after all. Plywood didn't need such things and Charlie was probably not to be trusted with tools any ways.
The deed was done and Charlies room was greeted by the darkness once again. He was quite satisfied with his own workmanship too and spent a moment to admire the way the plywood leaned on the windowsill giving him almost perfect darkness. Just a moment though. Tiredness pleaded to him to return back to bed where he'd just came. So thats what Charlie did. He slowly dragged his sorry self back to his floor mattress and collapsed upon contact with it. Lazily he felt around the side of his bed of the covers that had held him captive just moments earlier. Something soft and almost cover like was grabbed and pulled on top of him self.
Sadly for Charlie this was not his sheets but his minipet Masaru. His minipet wasn't entirely happy with being mistaken for sheets either seeing how Charlie had just grabbed the creature by its tail. The demon had not been gentle either but forceful in his attempts to find covers which lead to Masaru now having a sore tail which also lead to one pissed off mini pet with a keyblade. The ferret like creature lifted his weapon with a gleam of the eye and began wailing on the pink haired demon who in turn through the creature across the room where it hit the wall.
But the battle was far from over. The two warriors had only just begun their morning after all.
Masaru was quick to launch him self back at the pink haired demon with all the force he could muster in his little frame. His little beady eyes gleamed as did his weapon. Charlie was knocked square in the jaw with the thing which sent him tumbling backwards. Masaru didn't wait for another response from his master. He perched on Charlies face and just began wailing on the demons forehead with his keyblade. Charlie was in such shock that he stayed put for a moment as he tried to understand just why this was happening.
Nothing to the why clicked in Charlies head though. He'd given up on his search for the why and just threw his minipet across the room for a second time that morning. The force from the knock to the wall caused the plywood to fall over exposing the two to the great morning light of Halloween town. Charlie was squinting even more so then he normally did in the wake of such a bright day. Masaru stayed put beside the wall and attempted to catch his breath once again. It was unclear if Masaru was giving up or just getting started. At this point in time it was hard to tell if Charlie even cared.
It was time to get up was the final conclusion drawn by the pink haired demon. Slowly, he dragged him self to his closet to go ahead and begin getting dressed. A cloth covered hand stretched out and turned the handle. Slowly his closet door opened with a very faint creek of a sound.
The demons closet was actually surprisingly well kept and organized. Rows of boots laid at the base of his closet and three or four outfits hung in his closet. Slowly, Charlie clumsily grabbed for the mostly dark straight jacket with blue accents and began getting dressed. He was almost done when he reached for his skull designed rain boots when something at the base of his closet caused him to come to a halt.
There at the base of his closet laid a white rectangle of an object. It was worn but not completely old or even forgotten. The demon snatched the object up and stared at it. Slowly he took a breath. Charlie knew what this was. He remembered his entire reason for coming to this school in the first place. In his hands he held the letter from his father.
It was just about time to open this letter and read it. The time was almost perfect.
Word Count: 962
Points: 1