Ok so my cats Black with Green eyes (a proper witches Cat ;D and we get tons of bad luck because we walk past him alot ;>.> Yes i am supertisious(sp?)) ANYWAY Me and my sister were trying to pick a name for him and i said "Rose" Cuz like i didnt know if it was a girl or not and plus i was only 7 so..XD Then my sister said Rocky so my mum agreed and that was his name.Now when he grew up he totally fit his name.Because they was this Film about this Boxer called Rocky Balboa played by Sylvester Stallone ;D AND my Rocky got into alot of fights and ended up getting really badly hurt with a knock on the head :/ He now has some brain damage Dx

So now i shall talk to you about my Kitten.When we went over to my mums friends house to get another kitten after my other cat Ninja,(ill TRY and explain his name later) died )': So anyway there were like 6 little kittens in a box in the shed with the mother.All Black with little white markings.Now we all went home apart from my mum so she could pick one out.She came home with one wih the cutest little white moustache and all underneath he was white so he had a little black chin which looked like a beard.Now when we were naming him my brother said "What about Merlin? He has the 'tache for it" and then name stuck.Little Merlin with the moustache ;D He died back in July when he got Nutered by someone who didnt know how to :/

Uh i said i would explain Ninja's name but i reallycant because we got him before i was born :/ but i think its a cute name for a cat even though he didnt look Ninjerish at all XD He died when he was asleep on the washing :/