Im Windspirit
Heya Wind! Nice to meet you and your Devimon ^^ Hi there! =D Nice to see new people. And who is that cute lil digimon I see htere. =D Sorry Demi-- OMG THE WALLPAPER PEELING!!
That is Marineangemon ^^ I won him in a Valentine contest
Soo.. ... I'm out of subjects to talk about ehm..
What season of digimon is your favorite? xd Ohhh, I wanna participate in a contest soon. >w<. More digimon! =D I love the first and third season. I hardly saw the second season. .-. I stoped watching the other seasons because it wasn't that interesthing to me. :l So I guess i'm just your regular classic type girl. xD Hmmmm I wanna get a kotemon soon but I guess i'll just have to wait. DX Strange I thought I read somewhere here where you can buy a digimon with gold. :l
Urghh..Please close the blinds. I'm getting sick.It's very dark in my place. ._. Tsk, not only am I starting to miss your old self because I can't hold you, now you wont be able to go out with me during the day.
I love the way I am now and I promise to take you out during the night. Not now..i'm felling tired. *falls asleep* confused My sleeping schedual is going to get ruined now. DX