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PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:07 am
"Aw sweet! You found the red one!" Rasu said with a smile. "Lets go in, I'm going to let you do all the talking." He said as Kayonis lead him in.

.:: ~~ ::.

"Never would have thought you'd be one to settle down and have a kid Sonic." Chris said. "Kids" Sonic said. "You have more than one child?!" Chris was suprised. "So you finaly hooked up with Amy? That's a shock."  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:39 am
"Hey, Sally, I need to speak with you and the others right quick." Kayonis said. "Sure, who's this?" She asked indicating towards Rasu. "He's Rasu, but I really need the tohers here." Kayonis said. "Ok. "Hey Sonia, Rotor, come on up here." she called. "Those two are all that's here?" Kayonis asked. "Yes." Sally responded. "Where's Manic and Sonic?" Kayonis asked. "They're out running. Like father like son I suppose." Sally said. "Can you call Sonic on the wrist Comm?" Kayonis asked. "You're really worked up about something aren't you. Sure. Sonic, I need you and Manic back at the castle." Sally said. "Sure Sal, what's up?" Sonic's voice came through. "Kayonis has something to tell us." Sally said. "On our way." Manic's voice piped up.


"Yeah, I have two children. "Me? Amy? No WAY! I'm with Princess Sally Acorn. I didn't get a chance to tell you about her. Amy's with Shadow. Don't ask me how they're making it work, that's a mystery in itself." Sonic said. "Gotta juice!" Manic yelled. "Hey that's MY line!" Sonic said running after Manic. "Mine now, you never use it anymore!" Manic taunted. "Get your own lines!" Sonic said.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:47 am
"What did you find eh... Miss... Sally, was it?" Rasu said with an embarrased look. "Is the Chi Emerald acting strangely or something?

.:: ~~ ::.

"Wait up you two!" Chris said as he pulled out a familiar looking hoverboard out of his backpack. Chris hopped onto it and started it. Chris went flying in the direction that Manic and Sonic went. He caught up to them and was able to keep up. "Hey, I remember that board!" Sonic said. "Yeah It's almost the same as the one you used on that ice planet." Chris explained. "Except I've made some very important modifications, if you haven't already noticed." Chris said with a thumbs-up. "be careful you don't run into anything Chris!" Sonic said. "So where are we going Sonic?"  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:05 am
"Just Sally is fine. You'll have to ask that to Rotor. He's the one that analyzed it." Sally said. Rotor tookthe Chi Emerald from behind him. "I can't get my systems to read it's energy signal, but given a little power boost in the system I may could get some readings from it." Rotor explained. "Will this Chaos Emerald do?" Kayonis asked. "We've already tried that. We need a little more." Rotor Explained. Give me a minute. I'll see what I can do with this emerald." Ksayonis said going into a meditative state. The chaos emerald started to glow and was flashing when he opened his eyes. "This has the power of a super Emerald, but it's only temporary. See what you can do now." Kayonis said handing it to Rotor. "Um...sure." Rotor said and left to analyze.


We're heading to Castle acorn where Sally and my family lives. We've recieved word that Kayonis needs to tell us something and it sounded pretty important." Sonic said.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:13 am
Rasu watches the machine with great interest. 'I wonder what readings will show up.' He thought. ' I can't shake the feeling that something big is about to happen...'

.:: ~~ ::.

"eh... Kayonis?" Chris asked. "Knuckles' son." Sonic said. "KNUCKLES TOO?!" Chris was shocked to say the least. "Jeez everyone is settling down. Wait what about Tails?" Chris asked.  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:24 am
The machine whirred and beeped with th e extra boost. "Oh wow! Kayonis it's working." Rotor said. "That's it!" Rotor said jotting down the signals. "Alright, nw that I have the signals, I can work on the Radar." He said. As soon as that was said, Kayonis took back the Red Emerald. "It would be bad if this over loaded the system." He said stuffing it back in his pocket. "Now we wait for the Radar." He said.


"Yup, Knuckles and Rouge. I knew those two digged each other. As for Tails he's on the other side of the planet dating Barby Koala. Little guys finally found someone." Sonic said smiling. They arrived inside. "Hey guys what's up?" Sonic said. "SONIC! Who's the Kid?" Sally demanded. "That's Chris. You remember I told you about him when I was on Earth." Sonic explained. "Oh, sorry for the out-burst Chris. We Mobians can't be too careful with over landers. Anyways, Kayonis has something to say." Sally said. "Nice to meet you Chris, Kayonis said shaking Chris's hand. Chris kind of winced because of Kayonis's grip.

"Ok, when I was on my flight earlier finding two chaos emeralds, one was stolen by a being called Chiro. He looked looked like an Orange Chaos. We need to keep the emeralds safe from him. He's powerful. Also, I'm not sure, but something big is heading our way. I can feel it." Kayonis said.  


Friendly Shapeshifter


PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:46 am
"I can feel it too." Rasu said. "Who's that?" Sonic, Manic, Chris asked at the same time. "The name's Rasu. Rasu The Hedgehog, nice to meet you three." he said as he greeted them. "So why're you here Rasu?" Asked Sonic. "I was helping Kayonis with finding the emerald, I Know a little about the Chi Emerald too."

.:: ~~ ::.

"What's a Chi Emerald?" Chris asked. "It's a different type of emerald that's even stronger than a super chaos emerald." Rasu explained. "Apparently Kayonis found it earlier today." Rasu got closer to the machine and examined the readings. "Chris, why do you still look like you did 2 years ago?" Sonic suddenly asked. "Oh! That's right, I forgot to mention it." Chris said as he started to scratch his head. "I've been like this for 24 years, Sonic. I haven't been able to age at all since Eggman sent me back." "Did Eggman do that to you?!" Sonic asked and got tensed up. "No it wasn't him, I believe it was the Master Emerald that did it." Chris explained. "The Master Emerald? How could it do that?" Everyone in the room asked. "Well..." Chris explained the story. "So you've been unable to age because the Master Emerald still has your 'data' am I right?" Asked Rasu. "That would be correct Rasu." Chris said. "hmm... What if you were to use the Master Emerald as a means to travel the next time you go back to Earth?" Rasu asked. Chris looked suprised. "You know that just might work! But i don't plan on going back anytime soon..." Chris said sadly. "Why not Chris?" Sonic asked. "All of my old friends are in their forties, but i've stayed at the age of 12." Chris said. "It's been very hard for me to see my friends get so old while I just stayed the same age." Chris looked down. "It makes me so sad when I look at them..." Chris suddenly looked up. "I don't want to talk about it anymore, please lets continue with the Chi Emerald."  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:57 am
Character name sad Unknown to characters for now)
Color:Yellow (has a pink streak of hair sticking forwards the rest are a slightly darker shade of yellow than himself but go like shadow's shape wise
Abilities:Chaos Control,Fast but not nearly as fast as sonic,knows some fighting but is more defensive and about blocking hits not launching them,can not fly (unless in a plane or something) but can sneak(making harder to see but does not help much)
Pet:Chaoloca(an angel chao) that is just as strong at the end of a race as she is at the start and is also a strong flier with better than average swimming and power
Normally wears a bag over one shoulder which carries food,Chao treats some medical supplies and some warm clothes for him and his chao

A large blast sounds suddenly cuts Sonic and Friends off and followed by it is an explosion above. Then like a shooting star something falls to the ground.
Then with a small crater a yellow hedgehog hits the ground just over a line of trees.
The hedgehog is badly hurt holding an angel Chao protectively in his arms. The angel chao carries a small box(unknown to the others a chaos emerald is inside and if someone tries to take it the chao yells out and hits them away)
The hedgehog tries to raise an arm but falls passing out from his injuries....(the chao tries to help him but can not so it stays with him)  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:59 am
Everyone runs outside to see what the noise was. Kayonis, Manic, and Sonia go towards the Hedgehog. "Oh my gosh who's that!" Sonia cried. "Nevermind, he's hurt, let's get him inside." Sally said. Kayonis walked over to the little Chao creature. He sensed the emerald in the box. "Hey there little one. Can I see inside the box. I promise I won't take it. "Chao CHAO!" It said shaking it's head and turning away. "Ok I won't look, but I have to take you to your owner. He's going inside the castle. "Cha Chao!" It repeated and flew following his owner. "Hm...loyal little guy. At least the Emerald is here for now, but what happens when he leaves. Chiro is out there and he's looking hard for those emeralds." He said.

Back at knothole, Hunter the Hedgehog basically left without a word being that the kids left. He didn't know why he didn't try to get the emerald back, but he just didn't.


"Scanning complete Master." The voice called. "Excellant, what's the results. "Sonic, Sally, and Rotor are living at Castle Acorn. Bunnie Rabbot and Antoine DeCollete are living in the original Knothole Village. Miles "Tails" Prower is living with his parents in Downundah. Knuckles is on New Angel Island for the old one was destroyed by Eggman before his destruction. "Hm...intersting, the original Freedom fighters have dispersed throughout Mobius. Very Interesting indeed. Plot our landing to Downundah Mobius. We will get that furry two-tailed brat first along with any others there. By getting Tails, Sonic will rush to help and Sally will be right behind them. Once those two are captured, the only one to really worry about will be Knuckles. He is quite the Hot-head. I'm sure he will play right into our hands if we had the Master Emerald." The man explained. "Understood Master." The voice of Namdam called plotting the course for down undah.


Chiro was searhing in the water for a Chaos emerald and found one. "Yes, that's IT!" He said absorbing the Green one. He grew spines and the other arm grew making him more powerful. "Two down five to go!" He said.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:36 am
Name:Cruge the hedgehog of Destruction
Abilities:No super form but each emerald he has allows another power
1 Chaos Emerald:Chaos Control but also Chaos spear-A simple attack that will hurt the person hit by it
2 Chaos Emeralds: Chaos slash-A sword of pure chaos appears into Cruge's hand to use against his foes (like chaos spear but a sword in shape that can be held)
He has not ever had more than 2 yet but if he got all 7 destruction would flood into the world faster than chaos managed to flood station square
He is smart and cocky he does not fake like he wants revenge as it is clear he only craves destruction
He can only run at normal running speed but tends to walk as he will strike down anyone who challenges him. He is very strong at unarmed combat able to rival Knuckles easily and anyone with less skill than Knuckles normally does not get up for awhile after they met Cruge as he only lets them live to let them suffer
On the inside of his jacket are spots for all the different type of emeralds to get placed (except for the master emerald where there is a spot for a shard of it)He also has many powerful or dangerous items built in to his clothes or hidden in them (He is a very powerful character who has only destruction in mind)

There are places on Mobius that few tread. Some are dangerous like volcanoes and cliffs. Some like where Cruge tends to live are evil and full of destruction. One such place only evil can enter as a great power is there and Cruge walks that path. He knows that is the resting place of a Chaos Emerald and he seeks it to start his destruction. Not even lesser evils come to this cave and if someone with a good heart came here they would be corrupted slightly for every moment they stayed.
Cruge would get this emerald but before he could use an emerald he would corrupt it with his hate and destruction so he could use it and only his brother knew how to remove the taint of evil from them so people with good hearts could use the emeralds again

By the time anyone located this emerald it will be in the hand of Cruge and corrupted...  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:44 am
hey kosai i can't really concentrate on making an advancement on the story right now cause i'm about to go to a family lunch, but if you can make Rasu pretty much be going along with everything that would be cool. You can have Chris help with repairing or whatever you feel like having him do till i get back. I'll read up then make an advancement when i get back.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 2:01 pm
Cruge was wrong about the emerald
It was a Chi Emerald and for the people of Mobius it would mean destruction was about to come faster than if it was a chaos emerald.
Cruge laughed a demonic evil laugh as he corrupted the Chi Emerald.
The color faded from it and it became a black gem and with a firm grip Cruge shattered of a very thin layer from the gem. That layer was all the good of the emerald and now it was removed.
Cruge's next target would be a lot worse for the people of Mobius and this was only the start. Cruge placed the gem in his jacket where it would be used, hidden and safe from others.
With that he used its power to float and left the evil place, bringing it to ruins ...  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 3:08 pm
Something in Kayonis went off, he couldn't explain it, but something was wrong with the Master Emerald and Something Evil was very close. "Freedom fighters meeting now Original Freedom Fighters and New Generation. That measns you to Manic." Kayonis said. "Sally get a hold of the other Originals and tell them to get to Knothole as soon as possible." Kayonis ordered and flew out. "I don't know what's going on Sonic, it's big if he wants the Original Freedom Fighters." Sally said. "I feel it now Sal. Something big's going down. Get a hold of Tails. We're going to need him too." Sonic said rushing off to get Bunnie and Antoine.

Kayonis now on New Angel Island ran into his house. "Mom! Dad!" He called. No answer. There was no note or anything, but what was strange was there was no sign of struggle. He ran to the tower that held the Master Emerald. He ran up there and saw the Master Emerald was a deep purple. "The Emerald. It's Dying!" He said. Angel Island shook and started to fall. Kayonis Placed his hands on the Emerald trying to feed it Energy and succeeded enough to slow the fall to not cause any damage to Mobius. The Master Emerald flickered and faded. Chaos and Tikal stood there both sad. "Wh...What happened?" Kayonis said. "It's happening." Tikal said. "What?! What's Happening?!" Kayonis demanded. "Young guardian, in three years the original Freedom Fighters will all fail and the New Freedom Fighters will struggle. Mobius's destiny rests in the NG Freedom Fighter's hands." She explained. "To, us?" Kayonis asked. "Yesss, the Freedom Fighterss Ng will decide the fate of Mother Mobius. What will you doo?" Chaos asked mentally. "I dunno, but we will do everything we can to save Mobius!" Kayonis said and flew towards Knothole. "They are far from ready Chaos. And we've lost so much time." Tikal said. "Yes, but we have no other choice." Chaos said. "Go with them. Help them fight and destroy your brother Chiro." Tikal said.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:29 pm
((PART that was where this writing is was removed due to a mistake pointed out and has been placed below in my latest post but part below is still valid))


Else where a confused yellow hedgehog starts to awaken to be greeted by Chaoloca.
"Is it safe Chaoloca?" says the young yellow hedgehog
"Chao Chao" said Chaoloca nodding.
"I feel him growing in power Chaoloca, he must have got a different gem of miracles." Tries to rise but is weak and just rests where he is confused and tired.
"You have done well Chaoloca, if it wasn't for you he would have the emerald," said the hedgehog as he gives Chaoloca a chao treat from his bag which he finds after a dazed moment.
((Recommend you give me an idea what is going on with him and you introduce yourself))  



PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:48 pm
(blages Kayonis already flew away by the time Cruge got there)

Rasu had been collecting medical supplies to help this new yellow hedgehog. When the hedgehog finally came to he was the first to ask. "What is your name newcomer?"

.:: ~~ ::.

"Hey, Rasu, give him a little time to adjust, he just woke up from a near fatal crash!" Chris said. "Yeah your right Chris." Rasu replied as he helped the hedgehog up.  
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