Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 5:49 pm
Steam rises from a grate that blows the cookie way rolling down the street just outside of your reach till I pick it back up.
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 7:30 pm
((Hang on! How do you get the cookie if you’re still underground?! You should mention how you escaped. Remember also, this cookie is about the size of a manhole cover, so it’s not like you can put it in your pocket unless you had comically large pockets.))
Wondering how you could just suddenly appear and grab the cookie out of nowhere, I jump on the top of the manhole cover, catch the airborne cookie like a football, and barrel roll in the pavement with it not damaged; I then get up and awkwardly hobble with the cookie under my arm again.
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:23 pm
*I find a cop and tell them you stole the cookie, he puts an ABP and now you every cop on the lookout. After a bit, you were caught and arrested and the cookie returns to my possession*
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2019 7:20 pm
I ask the officer if they’re high to go to such extensive lengths over a cookie. He tases me, but also says that I have a point. To show fairness, he gives me a ride in the police car, we do a buck ten through the streets, catch up with you, and I swipe the cookie from you as we drive on by.
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 2:26 pm
*thinks how to get the cookie, sits down in a lotus position and begins to meditate. I spend many months, I discover that the cookie is a lie and goes to a bakery and buys a bag of cookies*
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2019 7:55 pm
After the policeman drops me off, I look at the giant cookie, with the sun setting in the sky. I looked at it. Amazed that it held together throughout all that despite its weight and size. But I feel a gap in my spirit. I walk from the aqueduct to Nei’s home and knock on the door. She answers the door. I give the giant cookie to her and explain to her “I had a better time battling you over this cookie than I did actually obtaining it. I achieved victory, but it felt hollow. I know that sounds stupid; Anyways, this cookie is yours. The chase was what made it worthwhile. Thanks & G’night Nei.”
I walk home and go to sleep.
Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 3:00 pm
Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 6:08 pm
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 4:49 pm
*starts to bake another cookie*
Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 7:53 pm
Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:58 pm
*leaves the cookie out to cool on the windowsill*
Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:06 pm
It’s a bit after ten in the morning. I’m walking in the city to Nei’s home, for coffee and a visit. Nothing really big has been planned. The heavily overcast November sky still hung over the city this morning drearily. It’s such a dreary day, that I almost wonder why I’m even going over here. The last thing I wanted was to visit pointlessly & waste her time.
I knock on her door and she invites me in. We made pleasant conversation, but finally she walks to me and jokingly pulls a tray of chocolate chip cookies from the window ledge. We both grab the same cookie at the same time, and laugh awkwardly. We pause in the quiet for a few moments, then laugh again. “Let go of the cookie.” She tells me. “You first.” I reply. “After you.” She says. “No you.” I tell her. “I’m not doing it until you do.” She replies. “I don’t care. I’m not letting go.” I tell her. “Well, it appears this is one good looking cookie. We both want it.”
I nodded.
“But only one of us are going to get it.” “”Question is, which one?” I retorted. “Maybe it could be you-” She says, letting go. I fall down on the ground, and she hovers above me: “But more likely, it’ll be me!” She says, grabbing the cookie & running off as I’m crumpled in a heap on the ground.
Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:06 pm
*has the cookie placed in a high security building*
Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2019 9:44 am
*Pulls an “Ocean’s Eleven”-style break-in with a crew, and makes off with the cookie as well as $500 million.*
Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:19 am
*Begins to eat the cookie*