*She gulps down the rest of her Baileys and Coffee and decides she had better call it a night. She gets up and grins at Katana and Raz.*
Goodnight you two. *Yawns and quickly covers her mouth.*
*She heads into her office, does the security measures and heads down into her Chambers. The dogs greet her as she enters and she stops to pet them both. She goes into the bedroom and the dogs follow closely behind her. They lay down on the floor on her side of the bed, she grins at them and goes into her huge closet to change out of her clothes.
She gets into bed and fluffs up the pillows. Picking up the remote, she grins as she sees her faux starlit sky twinkling above her. After setting the remote back onto her nightstand, she snuggles in to her plush bedding and fluffy pillows finding just the perfect comfortable spot to gaze upon her private starry night.
After a while, her eyelids get heavy and she falls into a peaceful sleep.*