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Yu Yu Hakusho When Parody takes over

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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:09 pm
Neko grit hed teeth, trying to move her legs, feeling muscles pull and strain. "God ******** dodged, dancing out of the way of Hiei and pulling a whip from her belt, flecks of metal woven into it. She cracked it at Hiei, taking the doll out "Time to sleep Kuroneko. Dont want you hurting yourself, or my new body." She grinned, flicking the back of the dolls head.

Neko lurched forward, the back of her head throbbing momentarily before she lost consciousness and fell forward.

Ayame smiled darkly. "Abel, be a dear and grab her. Athena, if your ready we can go."  
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:17 pm
Hiei held his Katana our taking the whip to wrap around it and pulled it back. He shifted watchinf Neko fell and reached with one hand toward the woman. “ Neko! Wake up Kit Kat!” He snapped and moved trying to stay infront of Neko.

Able laughed and walked toward Hiei and Neko and waved his hand. “ Move it Hiei, we need her and not you. “ Able said with a chuckle and moved spreading his wings and running toward Hiei before flipping over and slamming him with a needle in the neck. “ Go the ******** to sleep” Able yelled as Hiei struggled and fell flrward from the needle in his neck. Able moved standing up and picked up the shadow cat and started toward Ayame. “ Bai bai Hiei”

Hiei shifted as he looked up and snarled but couldn’t move to much.

Athena smiled and waved. “ kepi have fun. “ she said turning to leave with them.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:33 pm
Ayame walked over to Hiei, laughing lightly as she used her foot to roll him over. "Like I said before, this was just a courtesy. Good Bye Hiei Jaganshi. Thank you for taking such good care of my little Shadow." She bent down, taking Hueis portal knife and stood to return to the others, using the knife to open a portal for them back to makai.

Kana shifted. "Someones at the barrier. It feels like Kepi...but some things off." She looked at Kidd and Chess.  
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:44 pm
Hiei snarled and laid there staring st them. It took a few seconds before he forced the words out. “ I. Will. Be. The. Death. Of. You. b***h” Hiei got out as he laid his head down as he struggled to stay awake. “ Give me back neko!” He struggled out. He hissed when he felt a knife and another needle in him as kepi stood over him.

Kidd moved and turned to the side. “Kuwabara! I need your ******** help. Sometimes happened” Kidd said and moved turning chess into doll form and walked toward the barrier. “ Kana come on” Kidd said walking toward the stairs.

Able shifted a little and held the woman and chuckled. “ What are we doing with your little shadow clone?” Able asked walking with Ayame and Athena. He shifted tighten her grip on the cat angry and wanting to rip her a part but not because Ayame had ordered  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 10:27 pm
Kuwabara opened the back door. "What is going on. I have a worried wife and two crying kids in here!" He snapped, looking around. He moved, jogging to catch up with Kidd and Kana. You wanna fill me in on what's going on. Yukina says your suppose to be recouping in the medical room.

Ayame turned, looking at Able as they returned to the demon world. They stood in the old lab of Ayames, the only place that she knew of that still had the equipment she needed. "Set her on that examination table. You might as well strap her down, I'm sure she'll be first when she comes too." She instructed.

Stepping around the room, she flicked lights and such on. An overhead light brightinening the room. "We are putting her back on stasis til I can train one of you on the procedure for merging a soul into a new body."

Kana nodded, following Kidd down toward the barrier. "I can let her in, or I can drop the barrier." She offered  
PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 10:31 pm
Kidd moved looking at Kuwabra. “ s**t went down. “ Kidd said and shrugged about her wounds and ran toward the clearing and stopped and moved using chess to tackle Kepi from Hiei who had cuts all over his body and needles.

“ s**t! Kepi what did you do to him!?” kidd yelled and ran toward Hiei and knelt down by the fire demon who was laying face up and staring kffntk the space, high off who knows what. “ Kuwabwra I need help over here! it’s Hiei!”

Able moved putting Neko down on the table and strapped her down and nodded. “ Teach away” Able said and waited for the next order from Ayame. “ those drugs are only gonna hold Hiei back for so long. You know his going to come for Neko yes?”

Athena yawned leaning on the table and laughed XX” the damage that Keli is doing to him. He’ll be lucky to get up anytime soon. The amount of drugs in his system. “ She said dully.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2018 10:55 pm
Ayame nodded. "He will show up eventually, I'm sure. But for now, we do what we can. Athena, down the hall third door on your left is a room with a few pods in it of extra parts, your welcome to use what youd like to make more dolls." She offered. She opened a drawer in the desk that was in the room, and lifted the false bottom from it, pulling a book out and handing it to Able. " All my research notes on soul transferring and immortality. Freshen up on this, I have to go make sure the stasis chamber is ready." She explained turning to leave the room and heading down the hall.

It smelled like metal and disinfectant. Her nose wrinkled as she groaned, feeling nausea as she came too. Her head hurt, and it was far to bright to her liking. She moved, trying to put her arm over her eyes and felt the restraint bite into her wrist. She stopped, realizing why she felt sick, and fighting back the growing panic that was setting in. '******** no!' She pulled again at the restraints, the obnoxipusly bright light above her making it impossible to shadow control, or see what was around her.

Kuwabara stumbled, but recovered quickly when they found Hiei. "Cripes Runt, Yukina is not going to like this." He looked at Kepi, shivering slightly. "Can you call her off?" He asked, unsure about the doctor puppet.  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 12:37 am
Able held The paperwork in his hand before glancing at Ayame and smiles. “ can I do stuff to her well I read or is it totally off limits? I miss having this little vixen all to myself. She was a great ******** in the past” Able yelled out as the woman left.

He moved leaning his mouth down by her ear and smiled. “ Hello love, did you miss me? We got some reading to do” He said and sat on the edge of the table after to start research.

Athena nodded and headed to the room.

Kidd moved staying between Hiei, Kuwabara and Kana and held her hands out. “ Trying, I don’t have control. I have to break those strings. Just get him out of here and dial Kazuhiro Meriue from Hiei phone. Tell him it’s the vials from Kepi and he can get Hiei drug free again. “ Kidd explained not looking st them.

Hiei took another swallow breath and forced his eyes back open when he heard Kuwabra and he tried to sit up but yelled in pain instead from the drugs and wounds and dropped his head back down hard on the ground, having a hell of a time getting up. “ They Took Neko” He mumbled panic in his voice which was rare for him.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:30 am
Kana crouched, finding Hieis phone before Kuwabara moved to pick up Hiei carefully. She scrolled through the phone, finding Kazus number and dialing. "Come on Kazu...pick up..."

Kuwabara shifted, putting Hiei over his shoulder and moved back toward the house. "Who took Neko?" Kuwabara asked, looking around. There wasnt anyone else

Neko turned her head so she could see Able. She was trying to keep calm, but was failing at it. "Either get away from me or get me off of this ******** table. Wheres Ayame?" She asked, growling a bit.  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 7:39 am
Hiei shifted and his stomach felt like it was going to drop and he was going puke but stopped. He grabbed Kazuma arm and struggled with him moving him. “ The b***h who did this. I need to find.neko” Hiei said slowly being able to
Force words compared to not from earlier.

“Meirue Medial. Kazuhiro speaking” The silver bat said as he sat in his clinic working on stuff.

“ She’s busy, it’s just the two of us doll face. Excited? Will spend sentiment
Together well I read. I’m so glad you guys took that bait and fell for all of this. Good idiots” He said and slowly turned and Crawled onto Neko and looked down at he. “ I can do so much” He said  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 8:02 am
"Kazu, its Kana. There was a situation. We're at the Temple and Hiei needs help. Kepi stuck him with a bunch of her needles and he looks like he might try to go fight while in this condition." She explained. She had moved to stand behind Kidd a ways back, unsure if Kepi would fight Kidd or not. "Its just Kidd, me, and the Kazumas here with Hiei. He said someone took Neko."

Neko pulled on the restraints again, every muscle in her body tensed as Able crawled on top of her. "Get the ******** off of me. Incase you had my notices, there's an almost identical version of me walking around. Shes crazy too, you might have better chances with her." She hissed.  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:23 pm
Able shifted straddling Neko and looked at the paper work in his hand and flipped the page before looking down at Neko again and smiled. " I don't want her. I want you and I want to make sure my scent is ALL over you for when Hiei gets here." Able said and moved to kiss Neko. " You know we used to have a lot of fun. What ever happen to that?"

Kidd stared toward the puppet and only after a few minutes Kidd was able to gain control and moved sending that Puppet into Doll form. " Let's Get Hiei back to the temple and fix him up." Kidd said and limped back toward KAna.

Hiei shifted and struggled on Kazuma's back and hit the man lightly. " Put me down. I'm going to be sick." He mumbled, the drugs finally taking effect to his body and was causing his stomach to turn.

Kazu shifted and listened. " I'll be right there, Then I'm going to track down the a*****e who has my mother" Kazu said and hung up packing his stuff and headed off the fastest he could.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:39 pm
She turned her head away. Trying to move away from Able regardless of the restraints. "Kiss me again, and I'll start ripping pieces off you with my ******** teeth." She threatened, barring fangs, green eyes more cat like then usual. It was hard to think now, between Able being a threat, and her general fear of what was happening. 'Damnit...focus... anything but what's happening here...this is temporary...right?' She pulled at the restraints again, hissing as she felt the metal bite into her skin finally. "******** damnit!"

Kana hung up and moved to help Kidd. "Kazus on his way." She informed, helping Kidd back up to the house, seeing kuwabara movin ro set Hiei down in the grass a moment.

Kuwabara knelt, setting Hiei down and stayed crouched next to him, rubbing his back. "Geeze, they screwed you up good."  
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2018 11:45 pm
Able moved and kissed Neko again before actually punching her in the face before slowly kissing down her neck and leaving small bite marks all over her. " Don't even start. You used to ******** love being touched by me and Ayame left you here for me. Your King isn't coming for you because his to ******** up from what I and Kepi gave him. Actually fingers crossed that his ******** dead." Able said laughing.

Hiei stayed on all fours, slowly swaying back and furth and nodded. " Demon and Human world drugs should never be mixed." He mumbled and spat up a bit before rubbing his mouth and seeing the blood. He shifted and moved slowly trying to stand up. " I don't have time to wake for kazu. Able ******** has Neko." Hiei said clenched his fist. " And they have my ******** Portal knife. ********." He was seriously lost. Neko was his shadow and partner and well his knife got him backto dmeon world.

" Looks like you need to shut the ******** up and let us help you so you don't die. Kazu will be here soon will clear your system and get you going and you can use his knife." Kidd said standing around him and moved to let Hiei lean on her and Kazuma. " Let's just get you backt o te temple."  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2018 12:10 am
Neko growled, biting at Ables lip and pulling aggressively at it before being punched. Her vision swam for a second, the bright light getting momentarily brighter. She blinked, flinching and trying futilely to move away from Able again. "Past tense. Get with the times..." she spat blood at him. "I'm going to RIP you to pieces when I get out of this. Starting with your wings." She strained. 'Hes not dead...I can tell that much....Hiei....' she closed her eyes in an attempt to block Able out.

Ayame came in through the door, the familiar woosh of the door sliding open causing Nekos ears to twitch and pin back. "Having fun?" She asked, raising a slender brow at Able, seeing his position over Neko. "I brought an injection to keep her subdued. Her shadow abilities are stronger than the last time I did this. Rather not have her run a muck." She explained, brandishing a syringe filled with a dark green liquid. "Once shes in the chamber I can start to extract the DNA I need to start over. After that shes all yours. I'll have my new body, you'll have the kings body guard out of the way. Everyone goes home happy."

Kuwabara nodded. "Kidds got a point. You go now and you'll end up dead, then who's suppose save the girl." He pointed out.

Kana smirked. "Pretty sure Neko would punch you for calling her girl." She joked, trying to lighten the mood.  
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