*Walks up to the Main Bar and freezes in her tracks when she sees two solid gold statues in the Main Bar.
She walks up to each of them examining them very carefully and a wide grin slowly appears on he face.
Shiny! *She goes behind the bar and makes herself a latte and then gets her iphone out to call some of the larger more muscular staff to get something to wheel these statues to a more appropriate place.
After fixing her latte she has a seat at the bar and waits quietly while reading the headlines of the morning paper and sipping her latte. When the 4 huge men show up, she instructs them to move each statue.*
I want this one…the female statue…placed inside Pandora's Box in the room where the mud baths are. Put it right in the middle of the fountain. *She then points to the new Golden Razz.*
Place this one in the Jade Dragon on a pedestal right by the MW Ladies booth. I want the ladies to be able to see this statue and the completely goofy look on his face. *She grins as she looks over her reading glasses at the four men. One of them nods.*
Yes, Ma'am. *And they get to work moving the statue of Princess first.*