Gaia name: rabid_sparrowhawk
Digimon: Dracomon (Nikname: Aestus)
Registration fee: 1000g
Status: Paid
Welcome to DTI, my name is Liger and I'd like to introduce you to your first partner: Aestus, the DRACOMON!!
[IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q103/toko-ya_mi/DTI Art/RabidDraco.png[/IMG]
Feel free to look around all the threads in the guild and ask questions if you have any. Most, if not all, of the tamers here should have a good idea on how the place runs, if not you can always ask a moderator like myself GrandMaster_Draco, or Darkfire Karan and we'll give you a surefire answer.
One thing that is very important. Besure to save all of your received art either on your computer, photobucket, or whatever picture saving service you have/use.