Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 7:19 pm
"Kari didn't you and Nagato here have a little duel awhile back,and also id like to know what happend to his other digimon." Reki looked at his digivice for a moment then looked at Nagato.Then Reki put hi digivice on the floor,and mumbled a few words and in a few minutes Nagato was in a trance."Well this should prove if he is really staying on our side, the trance puts him in a dream with his new partners to get out he has to find the orb of truth at the end of the dream realm and it will awaken him to the full form of a guardian, Kari you should remember this dream when he wakes up it was when me you and Kaji first met."
Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 8:42 pm
Kari shrugged. "Someone coming to our doorstep collapsed and dying? Obviously, something went wrong. But yeah, we did have a duel. Magnadramon & I against MetalSeadramon and him. Don't know what happened to him." Shrugging, Kari went along with what Reki said. Sighing, closed her eyes, remembering that time. "Good times." she said sadly. "And now here we are."
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:58 am
Where am I? nagato finds himself in a field, with three others approaching him, it was reki, kaji, and kari. WHAT THE? he saw them all laughing, and he couldn't help but laugh himself, but he knew he had something to find. so he set on his way, unaware of what waited......
(Do I fight digimon and such?)
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 9:24 am
Kari felt kind of weird, as if she was in two places at once. "He's in the dream." she said, in a trance almost. Biyomon looked up at her, concerned, and Kari smiled at her bird digimon.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:05 pm
Megidramon let out a roar at the escape of its prey, but it soon moved on smelling more data to the north again.
Yin reached one of the alter bases.
"Gah, no contact from any of the other alters. I won't be able to focus on my plans if I am the only one around to deal with the old masters plans, and those guardians as well. Bah."
Yin sent out another message to any alters that might be out there.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:55 pm
Nagato walked further, until the scenery changed completely, he was now surrounded by walls of darkness. wow, that was very....sudden. as he walked on, Nagato came across a statue, as he put a hand on it, he remembered what digimon it was. It was the deceased demon lord, lillithmon. The statue stared to glow, and lillithmon shot out of the statue. She shot finger needles at nagato, who got stabbed badly in the arm. The wounds then showed on his real body, and he started bleeding heavily. Nagato tried to find his digivice, but all he had was his bow, and about ten arrows, and some battery oil, with some wires. Already knowing what to do, he shot an arrow at lillithmon, who deflected it with a needle. perfect... he scraped the end of the wire attached to the arrow against the statue, and a spark shot down the wire, and exploded the arrow, allowing nagato to shoot two more through at lillithmon, which got stuck on her cape/scarf thing. He then scraped the two wires and watched the explosion. After the smoke cleared, he watched with horror as lillithmon rose, without a single scratch. No way.....that should have done something! lillithmon slapped Nagato across the room effortlessly. As he flew into the wall, nagato thought to himself: "Is this really where it ends, in a dream? Am I not strong enough, or smart enough, to handle her myself? I guess....being an alter lead me to wrong beliefs....." a white light flashed, and a crimson digivice appeared to nagato. He held it in his hand, and half of his body turned to darkness, the other, to light. (Dark side talking is bold, light is underlined.) What's.....What's happening to me? Re-join the darkness, and become powerful once again! No! No, nagato, you must join the light, to protect everyone! why do I have to choose now!? If you don't, then I'm afraid that you'll die! That must not happen! Why, am I the chosen one, or something? nagato's head pulsed, and his heart rate sped up. GAHH! Choose, you fool, and choose darkness! Nagato's eyes flashed open, and they were solid white. Hmmmm, I wonder, protecting everyone, or losing everyone because of myself, I choose option one! a bright light flashed, and his dark side was eternally banished, condemned to the pits of hell. nagato, glowing white energy, charged at lillithmon, who responded with her own purple aura. The crash was humongous, possibly shaking the real world. If I die, I'm taking you with me!
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:02 pm
Reki stared at Nagato who was tossing and turning cause of the fight with Lilith mon,"If he choses light,he will be able to stop Lilithmon,the same for darkness,but what few know is that use the power of darkness to many times and soon you shall become darkness yourself,and live in hatred,envy,and wickedness."
(Yin Looks like your the Alter Leader now)
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:10 pm
nagato became enveloped in a swirling aura, as he saw lillithmon's deletion. "I told you...." an orb of light appeared before nagato, he grabbed it, and his aura exploded as he awoke, breaking his bed, and shattering the windows. Nagato then muttered a few words, and fell unconsious. "did you need to do that to prove my change?"
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:39 pm
"Good job"Reki said smiling," first thing you do tommarow is community service,your gonna help a digi town that is in dire need,but you will not be alone Kari will help you,because i just remembered she did not follow orders on the first mission!No you went,and fought with Nagato over here,he probably can't hear me cause hes still sleeping!"
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:56 am
(yeah, I noticed. Though there still aren't any active alters anymore, I mean it used to be Viet a bit, with me and muffin. Now I am the only original alter and none of the new pop ups are posting.)
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:05 am
Kari let out a death glare at Reki. "Well!" She began, indignant. "We'd be in quite a fix if I let him and MetalSeadramon loose!" Gatomon agreed with her, sniffing. "We can't exactly let a Mega loose, but I think we have more important things." "Precisely, like Megidramon, and Yin. Gatomon, Biyomon, Terriermon, and Lopmon will come. Reki, you coming?" She was still mad at her leader, but only barely showed it. She was being punished for something good she did! Grabbing her D-3, she looked at it, trying to figure out just where the closest alter base was.
((Yin, should I go to you, or will you come? BTW: Gatomon can go to mega, but Terriermon, Lopmon, and Biyomon are only champions.))
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:17 pm
(hey guys sorry i havent been on here in awhile)
"Reki, I'm still alittle unsure about nagato, but ill go along with it I guess." Gaomon looked at Rick because he was unsure of Nagato's loyalty as well.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:51 pm
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:37 pm
Reki looked at Rick and Gaomon,and whispered in his ear about a secret plan he had for Kari and Nagato on the day the were going to head out for community service."Ok heres the plan once Nagato and Kari make it to the town we send a little surprise to them,Nagato will have to help Kari fight the pretending digimon that are attacking Witch will be a test for Nagato on Freindship,and courage on helping a team mate,and Kari is in, cause........well i just wana mess with her head!"
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:57 pm
TotalRampage 0 Reki looked at Rick and Gaomon,and whispered in his ear about a secret plan he had for Kari and Nagato on the day the were going to head out for community service. "Ok heres the plan once Nagato and Kari make it to the town we send a little surprise to them,Nagato will have to help Kari fight the pretending digimon that are attacking Witch will be a test for Nagato on Freindship,and courage on helping a team mate,and Kari is in, cause........well i just wana mess with her head!"((Kari's going to get you good, you do know that, right?))