Candy Ghoul
I think ADD and ADHD is just a scapegoat for parents and teachers that can't control or understand why the child doesn't learn the same as all the others. They came up with drugs to slow them down...but from personal experience, they don't help you learn, they make you feel drugged. I felt nauseous all the time and my heart rate was always crazy fast, even when I wasn't doing anything, thanks to the meds. None of them helped me. I don't think I ever had ADD. I just needed to be taught by someone who understood me and my method of memorization and such. I'm sure there are some who genuinely have an attention disorder of sorts, but for the most part, its just a lack of responsibility on the part of parents and my opinion of couse. XD (I wonder if that made any sense? lol)

I believe in some disorders but I've had classmates and freinds with ADD and ADHD they are just slightly anoying and when they take meds they seem constantly depressed and I believe they don't need meds they are very at school work and thats not because of the meds its true and honest hard work.