Okay, so just about any dictionary will give somewhere in its description of an Atheist as being a person who "disbelieves in the existance of a god"/gods/or god-like beings. So I hope we can all agree on that.

So the debate begins with the use of the word "Believe." What does it mean to believe. For me, I don't belive in Santa Clause, so without scientific evidance to show that Santa exists, I won't even entertain the idea. Therefore, I my humble opinion, an Atheist is someone who does not believe in god, nor will entertain the idea. This doesn't mean that an Atheist must think it impossible, just so unlikely that it isn't worth giving a second thought.

However, I am finding more and more Atheists adapting Agnostic ideology (an Agnostic simply believes it can't be known if a god/gods/or god-like beings exist). So my question is: If someone thinks that there is a fifty/fifty chance, or something similar, that there might be a god, isn't that more like a skeptical Agnostic than an Atheist?

I think, if you don't think that the odds of there being a god are so unlikely that it isn't worth mentioning, then you're not really an Atheist. That's just me. To disbelieve is to not believe. To accept a likelyhood is to be skeptical, not disbelieve.

So what do you guys think?

my brain fried half way through that sorry so sleepy >,<
i dont care if ur skeptical about the whole thing
see i can be an atheist and an agnostic at the same time
I dont beleive god exists -atheist
but i dont deny he exists either- agnostic
which is how i feel
so am i agnostic or atheist?