Kirabein and Sunnbein |

"What a pleasure, Tecwyn!" Kira smiled, keeping her voice respectfully low. Sunna kept her gaze forward, seemingly focused on their new leader, though the tilt of her ear belied that she was paying close attention to the conversation. Kira smiled and scoffed lovingly; her daughter could be such an aloof creature. Her smile faded at Tecwyn's admission, and she nodded.

"I'm worried what this might mean for me and my family," she said quietly. Kira was a rogue-turned-thrall, and even though she and her children had been claimed by a reaver, she had to admit that she was concerned her lineage might put her children at a disadvantage.

Sunna, on the other hand, was unimpressed by their new leader, and so chose not to take part in that conversation. Ushindi had done nothing, in her eyes, that deserved fear or reverence. She had heard the rumours of how he had defeated their previous Warlord, of course, but it didn't matter to her. Savagery alone did not make a leader, especially not a good one. No, Sunna, was not impressed or afraid, and she would not form an opinion until she was given something irrefutable to base it off of.
