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Intellectual Mage

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:59 pm
From the study to the Master Bedroom second floor

Morena picked up what items she felt would be valuable, dismayed that she couldn't freely riffle through everything as she pleased due to the little bumblebee. Knowing that it couldn't be helped, she created another a illusion, her own head in a cabinet to hide the changes. This time a 'mouse' darted out from the desk and behind some books.

Popping her head out, she retained her appearance illusion and remarked, "There the little guy went. Safe and apparently sound." Standing she smoothed her dress, there was no helping taking anything with her, the bumblebee would notice without a doubt. With this room wasted for the time being she looked to the other and spoke, "Do pardon me, sweet bumblebee, I am afraid I must be off. I simply must find the bathroom." With a wave of the hand and the same 'kind' smile she added, "I do hope you enjoy yourself. Stay safe and hope to see you again soon." Soon as in end of the party running screaming perhaps.

The illusion held fast and she made her way out with one more regal wave before exiting the room.

My more pae had arrived for certain. Frowning she turned on a heel and made her way to the second floor without delay. She wasn't here to socialize more like bother. She still wanted a way to make this house hers so the first stop was the office, only it sounded like someone was already there. Hmph!

Fine then, she turned and walked past the kitchen ignoring the hunter and entered the next room. It was a bed room? Large enough it felt important so she was all to eager to explore this new place. Maybe it would tell something about who lived here? Oh was that a bathroom? Turned out she wasn't lying.

Trouble was, if she was going to make noises to scary everyone off, she needed to be above them, looking up as she walked around she already plotted how to get up higher. If it took getting to the attic so be it.

Tartara Seabreeze
She survived and traumatized, winning so far. heart
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:31 pm
Feral: Library
Dosvi: Bathroom
Prisma: Dance Floor
K'nai: Storage room in the attic
Ra'Tari: Office

User Image

A notice had been pinned to their door, advertising some sort of costume party in a jungle mansion (weird) and naturally Bree had wanted to go. Feral had seen no other reason why they couldn't, so he had arranged for the yellow Pegasus who called herself Fluttershy to watch the kids while he and his new wife went out for a little fun. The kids seemed excited to get to spend the day with her, her rabbit, her fish, her cat thing, her monkey and her.....bear. Feral himself had to marvel over the fact that she had a real live bear...in the tree....no clue how she managed to get him inside the tree, let alone tame him as well as she did. But in light of all things and the devastation that happened to the tree, the sore pang in his chest a constant reminder, he somehow felt perfectly at ease leaving his children with a Pegasus who had mastered a bear.

Which had left them here. At a mansion int he middle of a jungle. This was odd by any means, though Feral was used to a more nature themed life, he couldn't help but feel the house itself was severely out of place. None the less, it seemed like several quests were already here and the unmistakable thump of music echoed from inside.

To compliment his wife's creative oven costume, he had dressed himself up as a gingerbread man. He had managed to barter or trade for enough supplies to make himself a green gumdrop hat that nestled slightly to the side in his silvery mane, a brown vest with three gumdrop buttons, a little red bow tie, cuff links made to look like swirled iceing, and similar matching cuffs for his ankles that also had icing pattern to them. To top it all off, he coated them and himself in a light layer of glitter to make a sugar crystal like look.

He was quite proud of his costume, taking many of his ideas from watching Bree cook. He was even prouder to be able to link his arm with her's as they looked around the house. "Looks fun and safe so far..." he said softly to her as he followed her away from the main room and towards the library. In truth, he was just happy to follow her, to watch her laugh and smile and to see her having a good time. So much had happened to them in a short period of time that he never really got the chance to tell her how he truly felt. Sure there had to be understood mutual feelings for them to accept their situation and raise a family of four like they were, but he still felt she deserved to hear it.

Alas, speaking his mind....seemed to come harder than he had thought it would. He opened his mouth to say something, but as Bree went about checking out book after book, enjoying the scent of their old worn pages, his words suddenly left him. The only thing that came to mind and off his tongue was, "My dear, you have some splendid burners..."

Dosvi had been calmly squatting in the shower, finally able to get her Behemoth under control, when the sound of the door opening alerted them both. And then came an uttered apology, followed by fleeting footsteps. "Beware the Nimwaps!!!" she called after the person but they had already gone. The green nymph had thought she was alone once more when suddenly more footsteps came, and this time the person wasn't leaving.

She peered up, casting her better eye on the curtains, watching as the shadow of this horrendous viscous beast came closer, closer. Twisting, mutating, horns protruding from it's head, a mass of curls sprouting from its head and back, no doubt void tentacles for strangulation. "Beware! Approach nary!" Dosvi called out, clutching tightly to her companion.

When the beast had yanked back the curtains, Dosvi shoved her creature in the other's face, offering it up a distraction...or perhaps a sacrifice. "TAKE HEED! Behemoth! Eyes like fire, teeth like the souls of agessssss!" she chanted in a loud, strange voice, still holding the creature up in the other's face. But when she realized that this person was indeed, not a beast, she sprung to her feet, leaning close to inspect the other. Dosvi reached one hand up to pat at her own lips, chin, cheeks and neck before suddenly leaning backwards with a look of shock and surprise. She forced her hand out, arm taut, hand limp as if she expected the other to place a kiss upon it.

"I sense ye no Nimwaps. Ye be safe." she muttered, nodding her head before hunching back over and stroking her cat like some crazed old witch.

Prisma had seemed to all the world occupied in her own 'dancing', but when the other fae had waved at her, her attention shifted like lightning. "OH HI FRIENDY FRIEND FRIEND!" she shouted, bouncing over to the one that waved....and oh she had a friend as well! "Hi other friendy friend!" she cooed, looking over their costumes.

They were so neat and so fancy! AND AND AND the other girl was a kitty! Just like her kitty! "Ooooohhhh I love your costume extremely!!" she grinned, clapping her paw gloved hands excitedly. "I have kitty kitty! Oh...he should get here..." she paused, now speaking to herself as she tilted her head and tapped her chin with a furry finger. "Mister Kitty Kitty, come here with your costume!" she called, seemingly no where and waited.

Though it seemed like the other two were about to head out to dance, so she ushered them further into the dance floor and scooted out of the way. "Go have funny fun!" she squealed, before turning around to latch onto the green cat demon that had suddenly appeared from the shadows.

User Image

K'nai had hoped Prisma had forgotten. He had hoped the rainbow derp would have been distracted enough by her new friend to not summon him here. But it seemed like all good things ended sometime. Slinking from the shadows, the Rak appeared as requested, wearing his silly fish costume she had insisted upon making him. A orange fish face was stuck awkwardly to the side of his head by string. Thing sheer orange fabric had been attached to his wrists, fingers, ankles, toes and tail to mimic fish fins, and flowed annoyingly every time he moved.

Grunting as Prisma clung to him, he crossed his arms at his chest and glanced around angrily, his three red eyes narrowed, tail swishing irritatingly beneath the 'fin' tied to it. "Happy now?" he hissed, ears folding flat against his head when she squealed and cooed her response back. At least it seemed to have distracted her enough to let go of him and he wasted no time in getting the heck out of dodge. She only said to come, she never said he had to stay by her side.

He caught sight of the stairs and made a straight line for them, descending as far up as he could go until he could go no farther. The thumping sounds of the music had dulled out and he found it much easier to breath up here. And if he could stay as far away from other's as possible, then he was all for it.

Glancing around the attic, he poked his head into a storage room.Smirking, he began looking around for anything interesting or useful. He was here, might as well have a look see.

User Image
During all the fuss of a party and costume making, Feral had forgotten to give Ra'tari the specific order to stay away from them instead of the house this time. The lustful brat of a cat slunk silently behind her master and his disgusting play thing the entire way to the mansion, keeping a fair distance behind them and always in the shadows. Feral had quickly adapted to being able to tell when she was slinking around hidden, so she had to take extra care. But once she actually made it into the house, they had disappeared much too quickly for her to figure out where they had gone.

Growling, she began nosing around all the rooms, opening doors as quietly as she could (despite the loud music playing) and peeking inside. When she failed to find them on the first floor, she ascended the steps to the second floor and snooped along there, starting with the master bedroom, making her way from the pantry to the kitchen, to the dining room, and too the office where she became a little bit....sidetracked on her mission.

What she was wasn't her master, oh no but the familiar sight of hooves beneath a long black cloak that unmistakably belonged to her future King. A dark purr began to rumble in her throat as she stepped forward coyly, smoothing down the tattered ends of her costume dress. She was, naturally, a 'voodoo doll', complete with fake pins sticking out of her attire and rather large bow atop her head. "Well well, what do we have here?" she cooed, slinking forward. "Shopping for a new castle?" she mrrowed, drawing her tongue across her lips as she spoke.

Irish Night Fox
For Bree and Mama

Because Zimbali waved

Pester Sombra Time~

Tartara Seabreeze
Dosvi called to Malloren as she left, and because Erylia is near Zimbali

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500


Everyday Blob

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:35 pm
Main Hall
(for both)

User Image Nanani pursed her lips as she entered the main dance hall of the building she'd received a mysterious invitation to. There were certainly quite a few others here. Well, at least she wouldn't be the only one? Perhaps it was a good thing she'd left her bag of powders at home, though. She wouldn't want it to get lost with this many pae around. Well, she was at least going to try and look around and see who else of interest might be here. Hopefully, someone or something interesting, because she had no qualms about quietly leaving early if there was nothing actually going on. Perhaps it was a good thing that her costume was a simple masquerade mask over her eyes.

User Image Louhi was considerably gung ho about the weird invitation she'd gotten to this place. While it probably wasn't a good idea to show up to a mysterious house in the middle of the woods, she figured that if anything bad started happening that she'd be gone faster than she could blink. Oh! Refreshments~ With a grin, she made her way over to the table with the drinks on them. Louhi also "liberated" some of the snacks from the plate they were sitting on, glancing around at the other pae there to see who all's company she would be enjoying for the night. Taking advantage of her natural colouring, Louhi had pressed stick-on reflective decorations to her arms, legs, and torso and so she glittered quite well as she moved closer to the dance floor.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:44 pm
Had someone seriously put themselves in the broom closet? And someone was talking at it ... preposterous.

There was really nothing of interest in the Broom Closet. Nothing at all. It was a waste of time! A waste of effort! Certainly, standing in the Broom Closet would not at all advance the story ...

While Summer was trying to coax Seiya back outside of the cleaning room, she would feel a small touch on her shoulder, sweeping across to the other before vanishing as suddenly as it arrived. If she looked behind her to see who might have tapped her, she would find that there was no one to be found. In the invisible hand's place, though, there was a chill that ran up her back, like a particularly strong northern breeze had just rolled down the Aura Nin Mountaintops.

If Seiya listened, he would hear a ... voice.

"Mustn't stay here, mustn't stay here, I do not want to have my ending in the broom closet..."

... Perhaps they should listen?

[[ Seiya and Summer are free to exit the Broom Closet if they wish! ]]


FA Mysteries

Dapper Hunter

Vice Captain

Sparkling Fairy

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:15 pm
Starting on the dance floor.

User Image Making his official debut in polite society, at a fancy dress party, the capricorn strutted into the haunted mansion dressed in his most studly costume. He wore a torn loin cloth with matching accessories and his hair slicked back. (Going for a George of the Jungle look.)

Bobbing his head, shaking his fists and wiggling his hips - for the sexy ladies of course - he made his way closer to the center of the dance floor, moving to dance with anyone who seemed partner-less, or not paying enough attention.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:28 pm
When Morena left, it would seem that the mouse had left as well, leaving Arlie in a quiet study with a few open drawers and not much else to show for it.

A few crucial seconds ticked by, leaving Arlie alone in the room of literature she so heavily despised, before the scratching returned, deep within the drawers of the desk, like nails digging into wood and dragging, dragging, peeling the wood apart --

The desk drawers that weren't open suddenly burst open, papers flying out and swirling through the air in a way that was cyclonic. The sudden winds took some other things with them, knocking over a few beeswax candles and even a shelf of books with a loud bang.

After a few moments, it settled, leaving Arlie in the middle of a large office mess.

Tartara Seabreeze

FA Mysteries

Dapper Hunter

FA Mysteries

Dapper Hunter

PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:48 pm
Just as Dosvidaniya calmed down enough from Fortissimo's presence to once again stroke her little cakethief's fur like a supervillain while she kept herself in the shower ...

There was a squeak, and a metal clang, and the strange smell of musk. It grew stronger, just as the pipes gave a mechanized wail. There was a momentary reprieve to the strange events, perhaps enough time for the less than fully sane nymph to question what was happening and the presence of the nimwaps...

Before she got some kind of validation in the sensation of warm, off-colored water splashing onto her skin.


If she managed to stay at all still, she would find that her hair was moving on its own, as if possessed, getting bunched up and pressed towards her head like it was being scrubbed for the purposes of washing.

Fea Line
Irish Night Fox
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:27 pm
Adelphos: Lounge, first floor
Ruaidhri: Main Hall, dance floor
Haukea: Library
Ophelia: Main Hall, bar

User Image

Adelphos had gotten the notice of the party on the door and decided to go to it. He didn't have much in the way of costumes, but he bought a black sparkly mask and a long black cape with red shiny material on the inside. Good enough, he supposed.

Approaching the mansion piqued his curiousity and it made him want to explore the giant, rather foreboding home. He figured he'd start slow and entered the lounge to have a look around.

User Image

Ruri relished the chance to get out of the house while Ruzeh and Noir were out trick or treating with their brats. Finally somewhere he could be without Ruzeh hovering over him. He rolled his eyes at that thought. He didn't particularly care for the natives' tradition of dressing up for the holiday, but he'd made a concession for the party: a simple red mask that covered half his face and had fangs at the bottom.

He started out in the dance room, and immediately realized his mistake. Up ahead was that ghastly rainbow chick from that Valentine's party. He cursed under his breath and moved into a crowd hoping she hadn't noticed him.

User Image

Haukea wasn't entirely sure why he had even come to this party. The music was loud enough that he could clearly hear it all the way upstairs in the library. Which was where he'd fled when panic set in at the sight of the dance floor. He didn't have much in the way of costumes, so he went for something simple... His chef's hat, apron, and some very liberally applied flour. He was a ghost chef. Yep. So creative.

Once he'd caught his breath, Haukea smiled at the room he'd chosen to flee to. He loved libraries. There was something about the way they smelled. Almost as good as freshly baked cookies. Speaking of, he wondered if there were some recipe books in here... You never know, pae could keep things in weird places... He perused the books as his heart rate returned to normal.

User Image

Oh, hell yes! This was sooo her kind of party!! As soon as she'd gotten the notice outside her door (not creepy at all! SOAWESOME!) she had run out and bought herself a sexy costume perfect for the event. And now, with her bust on display in her witch's costume and the pointy hat perched saucily on her head she made her way onto the dance floor, hips swaying.

Ooh yeah, this was going to be an awesome party! And first, she needed a drink. Still swaying to the music, she shimmed and shook over to the bar to get something for her thirst.

Fea Line
In case Prisma wants to notice Ruri *cackles*

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Sweet Diss, Sis 200
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25

Tartara Seabreeze

Feral Kitten

11,190 Points
  • Millionaire 200
  • Hunter 50
  • Tycoon 200
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:55 pm
Digging through various drawers, she sadly could not seem to find the mouse. "Here mousey mousey mousey..." The female softly spoke as she pulled open another cupboard. But just as she pulled back, a flash of movement caught her eye. The mouse! Scurrying across the floor. "Oh! I hope it can make it out and to the outside okay." The hybrid flashed a return smile and started to open her mouth to suggest they go out together. She felt like perhaps she and the fae had bonded a little, maybe they could be friends? However, what was said killed whatever words may have touched her lips. "...Yeah, it was nice to meet you." She gave a little wave, and the fae was gone, clicking the door behind her.

Well sugarsnaps. Now she was alone in the study, surrounded by...by books. It quickly reminded her of her quest to find her identical twin. Arlie turned to leave, just as the room decided it hated her too. At first her head tilted in curiosity of the scratching, wondering if the mouse had gotten trapped again. Though the sound was...deeper. Longer. More pronounced as in an intentional way rather than the scurrying of tiny feet. "EEEEP!"

The female shrieked with a jump as the drawers jerked open, spewing out their contents of paper to spin around her. She collapsed to the ground, covering her head in fear of being hit with something. "SOME PAE HELP!!" The thought of it possibly being a trick from Halloween never crossed her mind, Arlie far too blind sighted by it to make any clear thoughts. But as suddenly as it began, it stopped. She slowly raised her head and looked around warily. She didn't trust it.

Seconds ticked by of silence, papers littered lifeless around her. She sprung up to her feet and darted as fast as she could out of the door.

OOC: Now there's about two hours until I can change location <.<; so I'll leave it as this for now.


Not a pirate? Well, wasn't her face red. "Ohhhh, that makes much more sense. Especially since you have a knack for fortune telling." She flashed a quick green as her arms looped around the others. "Zimbali, you have no idea how perfect that sounds to me." And then, a piercing noise, much louder than any introduction she had ever made. It was that crazy fae she glanced on earlier! And she was coming their way. Oh my. But at least she recognized her fabulous attire. "Another kitty is here?" So her costume was unoriginal after all! She gave a bit of a half smile as the bubbly fae bade them to continue, but her amethyst eyes flicked on the movement that slinked beside her.

Well...she certainly never saw a pae like him before. He was like her siblings. But no wings or other race attributes other than cat. And did he ever look displeased. Displeased with his fish costume, with Prisma, and probably simply by existing with the amount of unhappy vibes he was pushing out.

Yuki moved around in the kitchen, happily sampling the various foods the fairies were cooking. None seem to mind him too much, but a few did give him a warning glare if he tasted too much.



Fea Line

Strawberri Stardust
For Adelphos; Spitfire and Malloren are both in the lounge atm if you want to interact
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:23 pm
Tartara Seabreeze
Thanks :3 For Malloren

Wolfs Heart
For Spitfire, too~

Adelphos blushed a little when he realized he wasn't the only one in the room. "Ladies," he said with a nod of his head to the women on the couch. "Enjoying the party?" he smiled. In all truth, he had come to the party hoping to see Ruby, but that certainly didn't mean he couldn't meet new people. He was happy to make friends.  

Dragon Berri

Shameless Tipper

21,000 Points
  • Get Dissed! 25
  • Sweet Diss, Sis 200
  • Vocalizing Hisser 25

Twitchapher the 3rd

Beeping Lunatic

18,840 Points
  • Who's The Boss Now? 300
  • Blob's To You 100
  • Super Converter 100
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 11:24 pm

User Image

Minuette had quietly slipped upstairs to the third floor, curious about this old house. She had dressed in long blue robes, they seemed to glitter in the light. On her head was a golden circlet dawned with a single blue jewel that hung just under her horn. She was going for a sort of mage like costume but she wasn't too sure she did a good job on it.

The fauny looked around the doors until she found herself in the playroom. She quietly looked around at the old toys. Who lived here? Clearly a family but...So far out? So many questions....If only the walls could talk.
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:57 am
Walking to the dance floor, Sharazhad couldn't help but recognize one of the figures moving on it. The boy... Sealight, was he called? One of her bonded's siblings. Curious, how she thought of it, that he rarely had seemed to make an appearance in Rosewater's talkings, or rantings might be more true, of home and family. That made him a mystery.

The demoness was rather fond of the unknown at times, and tonight she was feeling rather feisty.

Moving over closer, a certain swing in her hips and tail, she almost circled him as she attempted to make eye contact with a wink and suggestive smile. Things could end up quite interesting this night indeed.


As Natalia was pleasantly picking and choosing from the cured meats that were so nicely plated at the snack table, her eyes turned to take note of the others appearing beside her. One, in particular, she had the pleasure of making eye contact with. A simple nod was all she gave and a quick-lookover of the costume: quite shiny and extravagant indeed. Pausing, she finished a piece of ham (or was that venison?) before holding out a hand politely, just as mother had taught her long ago. "Pleasure to meet you; I am Natalia."



Aged Genius

Wolfs Heart

Invisible Wolf

18,250 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Over Easy 100
  • Sunny Side Up 100
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:43 am

"Oh!" Spitfire exclaimed, slightly startled when she saw the golden eyes looking at her. She hadn't even seen her there until then, the cat-like pae was so well blended into the couch. Even if their colors weren't exact, the pae was so sunk into it that she hadn't stood out to Spitfire at first. Spitfire was not normally so on edge, but the night hadn't a certain feel to it that made her feel more jumpy than usual.

Spitfire looked down at her cup, that she was lucky hadn't spilled all over the place. "Yeah, I suppose its good. It's punch." What else could be said about punch, it wasn't as if it was the most exciting beverage in the world. "Uhm, how are you doing?" Yes she had come to the lounge to socialize so she would do just that. Spitfire glanced over her shoulder as she heard the door open again. "Hey," She greeted the angel who had just walked in with a quick nod before she changed positions to make herself more comfortable.

Strawberri Stardust

Tartara Seabreeze
PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:49 am
Main Hall
(for all)

User ImageWhen Alister had received the invite at his doorstep, he was all too happy to go. Anything to get him out of the house! Plus, he could drag his Boring Brother Lisandru along, and maybe force the irritable loner to actually do something than, well, be a loner.

Alister got the costume request, but honestly didn't see the point in getting too fancy. His idea of a costume involved a bandit eyemask and some rogue pirate pants, leaving himself bare chested to the world and its elements... Not that he seemed to particularly care about that fact.

"So, Lisandru," Alister turned to his brother, with a grin. "Gonna try and get in some ladypants tonight?"

User Image It may have been clear that Alister was playing around, but Lisandru was quite unamused.

"No. Not unless we want a trail of gasping, sick bodies behind us." A pause, before he added, "Besides, I have no interest in partaking in... Actions of the flesh right now. What, is that what you're here for?"

Alister snorted. "Actions of the flesh? You sounds like a library book."


The elder shetani--only by a few minutes, of course--glanced around the party, taking in the sights and sounds and deciding what he would do before -- aha. "Hey, Lisandru, your girlfriend is here."

"Girlfriend?!" Lisandru pulled at his labcoat, looking at Alister in irritation. "I don't have a--gah, Prisma?!"

Alister slapped the mad scientist on the back. "You have fun."

"You can't just leave me here!"

"Watch me ~"

Feel free to approach either brother!


Codebreaking Conversationalist

Irish Night Fox

Chatty Regular

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:52 am

Bree looked over her shoulder for a second, happy to see Feral had followed her into the library. She smiled brightly at him, her heart warming at the sight of him in his costume. She felt so blessed to have been paired with someone who was so willing to step outside of their comfort zone- and for her. She knew that a tiny bit was for him, but it was because he always seemed so happy to do these things for her. The thoughts felt selfish, but she was really just marveling out how selfless he was.

Life had been hard- who said raising kids were easy. Especially four at a time! Plus, to top it off, they were attempting to learn how to live together not as individuals, but as a married pair. They knew each other well enough, but there had been so many days of surprise when they would find out something new about the other. A part of it was a blast, making or finding things for the other person to see what their reaction would be. Bree loved to cook and bake him different ideas to figure out his flavor pallet.

Through it all she had grown more and more comfortable with the Prince and found she didn't fumble about with her words as often. She didn't feel like a hot mess when he looked or touched her, but enjoyed the new emotions that had replaced the crush. These emotions were warm and calming- something she really needed the days the kids got into her baking orders and ended up on ceilings of jumping off of furniture.

She pushed a book back into its slots and walked her way over to him. She stopped midway to give off a loud burst of giggles at his compliment. Her cheeks flushed out of surprise, but she felt overwhelmingly happy that he noticed, “It's not every day I get to dress up for my husband.” She said this softly as she closed the gap between them, slipping her arms around his chest in an embrace, tilting her head back so she could look up at him, “Nor is it every day that I get to spend alone time with him.” She enjoyed the moment for what it was worth. Alone in a gorgeous setting, just getting to be in his arms for a moment- in peace.

“I like your glitter.” her words came out in almost a purr, her eyes half lidded as she drew a finger across his chest, before covering her mouth and giggling at her own antics. She really did enjoy his costume, he had worked so hard on it and it just went to show another part of him that she admired- he was good with his hands.

The last trail of thought went two ways and she attempted to keep from laughing, instead turning her eyes to look about the room, “Sorry for taking off right when we walked in. I heard people talking about this library and I assumed in such a huge place it had to be impressive.” she nodded as if to agree with her assumption before looking back at him. “I'm good if you'd like to head back to the party.”


Fortissimo pulled back the curtains, a look of utter shock plastered on her face when an adorable little critter is shoved in her face, and screetching is coming from whatever was holding it. Mama Blues didn't completely understand what the chanting was all about- the thing in her face certainly didn't look like …. 'teeth like the souls of ages'? She didn't say a word or move as the green Pae went about- whatever it was she was doing in order to calm down. If calming down was even a thing with her. When Mama Blues was given the all clear she kinda just stared at the other.

“What in the name of everyth'n good an' sweet was that all about?” she muttered to herself as she watched the other stroke her cat on the floor of the shower. She assumed this poor creature had to be drunk on the punch already, that was the only sensible answer-

Mama Blues flinched at the scent that hit her nostrils. She sent a nasty look towards the critter in the woman's arms wondering if all of that commotion had set the poor thing off. Her thoughts were cut by a sudden wailing that seemed to come from the walls. She jumped back just as an off colored water began to rapidly splash down on the green nymph. Mama Blues felt relived that she had jumped away in time, she didn't need that nasty water on her glimmering dress! Though she did feel terrible for the poor nymph. She must have turned the water-

Fortissimo's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open at the sight of the female's hair... washing itself!? They weren't kidding when they said there was something off about this place! Without thinking, Mama Blues tore down the shower's curtain rod and began to wave it madly above the nymph's head in an attempt to hit whatever invisible thing was getting to her hair, “What is your hair do'n!?” she yelled in fright. She then ripped the curtains from the rod and tossed the rod out of the way before throwing the curtain over her hair and wrapping her hands around it. “I'm sorry!” she yelled in desperation, “Just try'n to suffocate whatever it posses'n your hair! Don't mean to be all hands on ya!” But with how drunk the nymph had seemed, Mama Blues wasn't sure she'd understand.

What a night, and she hadn't even gotten to go to the bathroom yet!

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=w= mwahaha

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