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[FIN] My arnt you a handy B'alam.(Chronos X Hook x XixLaxTL) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 9:45 pm
Jolly's question tugged upward at the corners of Chrono's lips. His tail carefuly flicked while his mind went wild with the possibilities of giving fire to his good friend.

"It can only be proven so if it is tried. No one can ever know for sure by mere word alone. I for one think it would be grand. Precautions should be taken, yes, but the unexpected can make life less... dull, don't you think?"

He lifted his paw and gave Toothless a gentle pat on the brow.

"Now now, you can show off your talents more once we are on stage." He promised the excitable b'alam.

The dark hall before them would lead out back into the lobby just before the grand doors. Just beyond that lay the vast theater. A room large enough to house many for a show, and a grand stage to perform it! Chronos drew in a deep prideful breath just thinking of his greatest work. Even Gabriel was impressed with such a spectacular sight.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:28 pm
Jolly's head tilted a little to the side as he on looked the curious affection Chronos had shown his model: Toothless. A pat on the head, what a strange guesture...

Jolly wondered why one would do such a thing, let alone it be favorable. Why! It would mess up his devishly good looking mane.

Courious. Though nothing to hinder the pressing matter....

which was?

Ah! Going on a tour, though it truly was a Bolf trail from the actual quest-which was making something Delishious from the fermented suger cane.

Never the matter, such a chore-nay, quest! Would be compleated in time, Chronos seemed like the kind to keep word and die with it.

Following along side his friend.( Yes, Friend-strange for a featherwing to find such a thing in a darkwing. What a strange world. Oh, how it was fancied by Jolly.)

'Stage', the word curiously flicked at Jolly's careful ears. A Stage? He had heard tale of the bards and story tellers talk about constructing such a thing. Something of wonderment that was to caparavate the audience. Why, if the feather tribe could make something like that. Something that, Chronos had already compleated and what a sight it was to behold.

Jolly's eyes widened with awe as he Only thought about how grand and almost unbelievable structure, could be. To know what care Chronos had put into just the lanturn, and to think what he could do for something of greater importance! It was amazing! To think such a marvel was there hidden under ground was truly remarkable. Jolly found himself drooling at just the thought of seeint such a pretty thing.

Then again...

Everything that Jolly Rodger had discover in the caves was nothing short of remarkable. Aside from the closed off and confine space, Jolly would be content in such a place....

That is...if 'Freedom' didn't have such a tug on his heart. (That, and knowing one was trapped in a cave was a little unsettling.)

Never the less, Jolly was excited on seeing this Grand structure and all its glory. Tail gently swished about as Jolly Rodger kept his pace along Side Chronos.

"Well, put that way: yes...." Jolly answered, one would have to at least try.

Feeling the gentle pat on his head Toothless' ears lowered back, in only to feel more of the paw on his head. It was a good guesture for him, in means of knowing appraisal. Feeling the law shift from his head, Toothless rose and his tail swished about to the next tell of words.

Yes! His talents, he may not have a lot of words, but he did have a lot of talent!

Before more could be said, Toothess turned tail and started off toward the jewel of the tribe, (that didn't have a heartbeat.) He needed to have a head start...or rather wanted it...

Toothless's loop bounded in even and togethet strides, almost like if a wave tried to run. An odd way of doing so, but it fancied the dragon actor.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:36 pm
Chronos moved around Toothless gracefully while they proceeded to the vast treasure that was the grand Theater. Even in the dark the gold accents glistened in what dim candles illuminated the edge of the stage. Some portions of the stage were still unfinished and appeared darker than the bright reds, greens, yellows, and blues that decorated the murals on the stage. Chronos had been working on the stage's construction since the day he had awoken.

The air was still in this room. It was one of Chronos' wishes that the stage be full of noises and practices for performances. There was a lack of actors and assistants right now... but he was hopeful for a day there would be more.

He drew in a breath than looked up toward the balcony where he saw the twitch of a shadow from the corner of his eye.

"Oh." He hummed. "It would appear as if you are someone worth having a great visitor."

Chronos' tail flicked before he lowered his head toward the shadow in a respectful bow. Even from across the theater he could see those crimson eyes faintly glowing. It sent chills down even his spine.

It didn't appear as if the shadow was going to move from its perch. Gabriel was likely checking to see what poor soul was being lead to the puppet room. Or curious who would stay so long with the stage technician... who knew. The Dark Magus was often mysterious in his thoughts.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:27 pm
Jolly Rodger's azure eyes widened even more as they entered the chamber of the grand stang even. It was amazing, beauiful and just over all lovely. The treasure that it was. It looks as if it had taken a long time to constuct.

The Windkin's amazement was pulled away from the stage, and his agape maw slowly closed as he was spoken too. An ear twitched and a questioning look dawned on the Tahtil's face. Tilting his head, he didn't quiet understand the statement till his soul told him of another more powerful one in the chamber.

The sensation cause Jolly to make a dry swallow. His breath tightened as it felt vary 'big' and 'powerful'. Unsure, yet curious eyes dared to follow after Chronos'. Red mystrious and vary omanious set of foreboding eyes. Jolly's head couldn't help but lowered under the weight of them, ears lowered back...

Who was it, someone 'great', and most likily the beloved leader he had heard about.


Jolly's tail lowered enough for the lanturn to make a soft 'clink' as it hit the ground of the theater.

Paws froze in place, as the fearless rogue felt as if he shouldn't move. Like for the first time in his woven life he needed permission...

As Toothless looped through the theater, ear turned as he noticed Gabriel. Skidding to a stop, Toothless flopped down on his hunches. Tail whipped around to help keep his balance In such a sudden maneuver.

Lowering his head, he followered after Chronos and gave the mystrious leader and respectful nod. Turing his head over his shoulder, Toothless looked over at the two behind him. His head turned upside down as he did to get a good view of the others.

Tail shifted in thought, perhaps it would be best to wait. A smile dawned his maw as he noticed The Wind Triber.

It was amusing to see the other, so...concerned.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:40 pm
Gabriel watched a moment more. His piercing gaze turned to Jolly-Roger and held there unblinking like one of the decorative "gargoyles" on the theater ledge. Chronos remained silent until the Dark magus vanished in a fog of shadows. Once Gabriel was gone he turned his attention to the startled Jolly. That went well.

"You okay there Jolly me friend?" Chronos inquired with a tilt of his head.

Jolly's sudden freeze was not missed. Chronos was just as amused as Toothless.

"If he wanted to kill you, he would have without a second breath." He assured his friend with a chuckle and a slight nudge with the tips of his wing.

"So! What d you think of my stage?"
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:56 pm
As if spoken and told before hand, Jolly felt as if he shouldn't move under the powerful and intimateding gaze that was the Magus. Frozen tail tip, twitched in uncertainty as the Learder's gaze remained on him.

Blinking, Jolly's sight readjusted and refocused to loose sight of Gabriel. Ears twitched as he relized he didn't even hear the other move...

That was...unsettling....

"Eh, yeah. Mate. " Jolly answered with an unsure tone. Sure! He was okay, yeah....

"That's at lease...reassuring." Killian spoke letting his tail strightened as he approched the stage closer.

But to theater, clearing his throat, Killian's eyes moved back to the stage and all its splendor.

"It's, remarkable to say in the least." Jolly felt he almost whispered as he looked upon the grand structure. It was amazing!

"And almost with out discription, friend." Killian spoke as he turned his head to look over at the Master artist.

As the Lord moved on to still watch in his own manner, Toothless rose once more. Reaching to all four paws, his loping took him to the edge of the stage, and with a leap he landed on the masterwork's surface.

Pausing, Toothless turned his head looked back to Chronos. Eyes wide he looked to see what the Teacher would allow. His ebony tail strightened and tip crocked, repectfully. The Tahtil wondered what more was planned for the new comer. Jolly did seem interested in the stage as well he should, it was amazing.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:15 pm
Chronos tilted his head back and released a laugh. It was amusing to see how fast Jolly recovered from such a scare. Really, he had a wonderful nickname for his personality.

Long wings tucked against his sides before he continued forward toward the stage.

"Ah, thank you. It has been a wonderful process to get this magnificent piece together. Not all done myself, mind you. But impressive all the same." He hummed pridefully to the work. "It still has a way to go, ideas to be done... At some point I'll be satisfied with it."

Once again his tail flicked in thought. No, he probably wouldn't be satisfied with teh work any time soon. It always seemed as if there were more to do.

"Go on, stand on the stage and look out to your grand audience. It is quite a feeling I can assure you."
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:40 pm
jolly's brow quarked as he gained a laugh from Chronos.
A breath left through Killian's nostrils. What, there was nothing funny about what just happened!

With a flick of his tail, jolly was set on just acting as if the little 'trip' of personality didn't happened. Jolly Rodger, found himself content to not let others see him 'sweat', however it was strangly difficult to do so while under the gaze of such a powerful presense.

"I doubt that, mate." Killian was quick to answer back, with another flick of his tail. If there was something he had come to learn about Chronos, is that he wasn't easily satisfied with his work. To espically assumed such about a project as big as the grandure of the stage.

Sitting back, on his hunches jolly let the lanturn set gently on the ground.

"Ah, I couldn't Tick-tock." Rodger smiled half heartily, "it's not the wind in my sales." The jolly one turned his head with a smile to look at his friend.

Toothless pulled his sight from Chronos as he leaped more on stage. If Jolly wasn't he was. Standing out in the middle of the stage, Toothless turned about and stretched out his wings to the fullest.

With a run he lept for the wall of the stange and with a pounce his wings flapped to send himself up to the rafters.

Disappearing in the stagehands rafters, there was some shuffling of sounds as Toothless noisly pounced around.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:07 pm
Chronos playfully scoffed to Jolly's refusal. It only struck him as odd that a being who seemed to thrive on attention and glamor would refuse such a thing. A stage was the perfect place for someone who loved themselves.

"Are you sure? It could be the wind under you wings." Chronos lifted his head proudly. "Unless you have stage-fright my friend."

Chronos felt proud of the new term. Frightened of the stage? Perhaps it was not for everyone. Perhaps he would want to see La Muerte and Xibaliba? They were always entertaining.

Or later...

"I will not push you if it makes you uncomfortable good friend."
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:19 pm
Jolly once more raised a eyebrow at Chronos as he was scoffed at. Killian's tail flicked.

It was a good taunt. Though, Killian was vary flattered by himself, he wasn't one to flash it on stage. It seemed, too 'tacky' after all the kind of attention that he seeked, shouldn't need the help of a stage.

"Perhaps at another time, mate." Jolly spoke looking at the stage. Turning his head, he looked back to his friend in a laugh.

"And no such thing, Tick-tock." Rodger chuckled, calling his rouge. Jolly Rodger wasn't frightened. Just catious after all, the dark one seemed to be up to something...

"Vary, good." Killian then nodded, as Chronos gained a smile.

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:51 pm
Chronos couldn't contain another laugh at Jolly's refusal. His whole frame jarred in his deep laughter. The noise echoed across the theater room.

"Oh, my, if you are up for it. I do hope in the future for this place to always be busy with some sort of rehearsal. But you never know. That may take a long time." He shrugged.

Hopeful eyes returned to the detail of the stage's rim. Golden dragons dancing along the edge creating a larger pattern toward the center of the massive stage. Some areas were still being painted. In the center of the stage, by the face of the dragon, was a pedestal with several rods of steel protruding from it. Another work in progress... The sight earned a soft sigh.

He shook his head slowly than looked back toward the finished golden trim of the stage.

"So! What else should-"

"CHRONOS!!!" A loud feminine voice demanded from the top of the theater's seating rows.

A slender dark crimson female B'alam stood between the rows with her fur bristled and here eyes ablaze. She watched as Chronos slowly glanced over his shoulder to see what the commotion was about.

Her deep red wings stretched out than tucked by his side. Once she was sure she had his attention she lifted her head and narrowed her bright eyes down to him.

"CHRONOS! What business did you have with Xibaliba the other day?"

It was obvious she was flustered, however, she managed to keep mostly composed. Even her voice was as sweet as a candy skull.

(Wc Chronos: 7669)  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:14 pm
Killian only smiled at his friend as he had a share of deep laughter. Perhaps, Chronos should have taken the name 'Jolly'.

Hearing Chronos pause, and his flick back to hear a Nahtil's vary -angry- sound yell. It was enough to raise the back of Killian's fine groomed ridge.

Turning his head in almost perfect sync as Chronos, Killian's eyes widened at the sweet treat he was shown entering the theater.

Well, helloo.

Standing up, it was as if her near presense cause him to rise and be tugged along by a string. Turning around, his maw parted a little as a smile was placed on it. He certainly could get use to the cave and -all- it's treasures and wonders.

Tail floated around with his turn, as his head looked over to Chronos as she yelled for him again.

He was almost jealous.

"Ah, there you are, mi amor." A deep voice rumbled calmly as its dark owner all but slithered from the back of the stage. Just as he did a quick flick of a light from above cast it's self on the toxic green and black Tathill. The Balam only made a glance up to the rafter, before his attention fixed on the beauty making her way to the stage.

Raising a paw, nails found themselves to stoke down and twist at his bread. A smile slipped over his Skelton drawn maw. Crimson eyes watched his yoliliztli.

"Puppet Master, pay no mind to her outlandish -Nahtil- driven claims" Xibaliba warranted in a boastful tone, loud enough for his Amor to hear him. He smiled devilishly.

A devilish smile, that twisted to a more menacing frown as his Ruby eyes took in the sight of the Wind Kin eying his Nahtil.

"Careful, cub. Unknown to popular belief-here in the tunnels looks -can- kill..." Xibaliba warned, his brow raised and maw slacked a little as his tongue pressed to the inside of his maw.

Fair warning.

(Hook: 6802)

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:05 pm
Though Chronos brandished a pleasant smile, he couldn't help but inwardly sigh. Here we go again. It was always a party with these two around. Now, what was she on about this time? Chronos had been so busy that he had managed to space some things. Or purposefully focus on more important things.

"Well well, a pleasure as always you two. La Muerte, you have no need to be upset. I am sure Xibaliba is sorry for whatever he has been up to now..." He turned his gaze to Xibaliba.

"And you know, your relations would be much healthier if you stopped making her mad... now, please. this is no mere 'cub', this is my good friend "Jolly". He is my honored guest. I would appreciate if respect was given to him."

A soft breath passed his maw. Eyes wandered back to Jolly.

"I'd like you to meet Lady La Muerte and the good sir Xibaliba..."

La Muerte narrowed her eyes at Xibaliba a moment before taking her attention to the new visitor. Her features softened into a pleasant smile before she begun to gracefully ascend the stairway.

*Humph* She offered as she passed by her very much in trouble yoliliztli. All her focus remained on Chronos and the delightful guest while she passed by.

"Pardon my behavior. It is a pleasure to meet you, Jolly."

She couldn't help but take note of his wings. The beautiful feathers seemed so soft. Even if they were much shorter than the one the she had found and displayed so wonderfully in her silky fur.

Perhaps there were many different kinds of wings.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:33 pm
Xibaliba's ears seemed to perk as his yoliliztli passed him by just under his nose. Ruby and Green softened, as a almost 'doofy' smile slipped on his maw-which was hidden by her body as she passed and removed as she did. Following her entrancing movements, his head raised a little just to catch her tail as she slipped by...

Tranced eyes blinked as his head shook of the awestruck that rested on his maw. Taking in a slow breath, he puffed his chest as Chronos requested he play nice with the cub and spoke on his relatationship.

Tail flicked, and matching wings of his mate flexed a little as his paws slowly trailed after La Muerte. Nonchalantly, of course.

"Couldn't be 'healthier', carfter." The careful words, slipped out from his throat in a purr. Eyes followered after her tail, as he simply choose to ignore the other...

No doubt, Muerte was soon going to bring him more to his attention in a momment.


"I haven't done anything wrong!" The Tahtil spoke as if it was an outlandish statement.

"And she wouldn't be mad, if she wasn't such a sore loser." Xibaliba taunted. "Eh, Mi Amor..." The Tathil smiled, his lips couldn't help but widen, oh he was sure to get a reaction from her.

"Truly, a pleasure...." Left Jolly as he stepped around to follow Muerte with his step and gaze. She was certainly easy to look at, and ear flicked back and angled to the other as it was slowly reguestured what was warned. An eye slipped back till his head turned to look up to see the vary green and black Balam. Swallowing, it occurred to him that they must be a pair....

Which wouldn't hinder Jolly too much, aside from the fact that this one seemed willing to fight for what he wanted. Which was okay, by the wind gypsy. Paws off, he got it...but wasn't going to stop him from looking.

Pulling his eyes from the Nahtil, Jolly smiled as his friend defended him. Which he felt vary honored by, perhaps he should be on his best behavior as well...


Taking in his own breath, jolly swept up his lanturn in his tail. His mind made sure to keep the light cover down and flame dimmed. Jolly only looked back to Muerte, as she seemed to study him. Well, how could he not help that.

His white wings, opened and fanned a little to show off the pristine feathers. She seemed rather interested in his softer wings, an watchful eye glanced over to the darker Tahtil.

Why did he have the eeiey feeling he was a pawn in some sort of a twisted game.

It made him feel a little uneasy, and causes the sky dweller to fold his wings back and take a step back.

"Yes." Jolly's eyes moved from the Nahtil to her Tahtil. "Nice to meet...you both."

In these kind of things, jolly had a feeling it was best to stay out of such quarls...

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:06 pm
The fur along La Muerte's back stood on end as she was called out to be a "sore looser". Whether he meant it or not, it was still said. She drew in a deep breath than took a step closer to the fanned out feathery wings. They were interesting! But really she knew that her being so close would tick her Amor off. So really, it wasn't bad that she was using Jolly to get back. She was genuinely interested in his feathers.

"I did not loose anything to a cheater." She noted coolly without turning her attention from the white feathers. "You know what you did. Do not play innocent with me chulo."

La Muerte thought to touch the feathers, but did not manage to get past a mere paw-twitch before thinking better of such an act. He was a stranger and was likely already stressed already by the partial violation of the personal space bubble.

"I am impressed by your wings, Jolly. You keep them very clean. Chronos, how long will you have your company?"

Chronos swallowed to what might have seemed to be an innocent question. In reality it was notification to when they would get to talk about whatever happened. Oh joy...

Speaking, where had Toothless gone to?

"I believe you two can hold your quarrel until later." Chronos stated with a slight chuckle. At least until Jolly got used to the surroundings. If he chose to come back...

"Is that the only reason you two came all the way from the border? Or did you come to look at my new stage backgrounds?" His tail flicked as he inquired with another chuckle.

"I should be asking you, my Dear. I know he was simply following you." Like a hopeless bolf.
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