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[FIN]Those things that give value to Survival(Riot & Nikita) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:20 pm
"It does that a lot." Riot answered, having found the sands pretty much right after he could recall.

"But I don't think I can do that..." The cub was honest to answer, his ears went down a little in the thought. He hoped it didn't disappoint her, but something in him told him that he couldn't move a whole cave like the one they slept in when he asked about it deep down. It was like a soft whisper in his heart.

"I think so." Riot answered bodly and fully sure of himself.

Followed the turn of Nikita's own head, Riot looked to catch the same thing as she. Something shiny.

"Whooooa.."Left the cub and he slowed down, "Do you see that?" Riot asked as he looked over to his friend.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:36 pm
As Riot's own ears lowered a bit, her's did as well, only in wondering if there was a reason to feel such a way. Disappointment? No. It was hard to feel something like that toward him right now. She was just figuring things out. Besides, he would have told her sooner if he could...

"That's okay." Nikita hummed as she continued to look at the shiny spectacle walking toward them. "You are still pretty cool."

She squinted as she watched the ever growing shiny thing. "yeah..."
Her own pace slowed even further. "What is it? Have you seen it before?"

The blurred dots were becoming clearer in view the closer he got to them, or them to him. He could now make out the tails and and paws, one of them had horns, the other had the vibrant pink hair. They were... cubs? Something felt that that was an accurate assumption. That was perhaps what he had been looking for this whole time?

Bob quickened his pace to a slight sprint. The sands were a but awkward for his paws, but he still managed fairly well. In a way, it felt more natural to be running on the sands. They were, after all, nothing but very small stones.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:44 pm
Riot's head perked just a little as Nikita said it was ' okay' that he couldn't move the cave. Okay, that was good-for some reason it ment a lot to make sure that she thought he was still great and cool.

As his sight was taken form the other cub, Riot's pace slowed even more with her own. He had no idea what that thing was-but it was moving closer...and faster.

The own cubs body curiously moved a little bit more ahead of Nikita, but as the other thing-the shiny moving rocks got closer, the ridge on Riot's back raised. His tail strightened and the fur shot out alarmed like a spiky brush. Moving infront of Nikita protectivly. Something in Riot's Tahtll told him to do so-to protect his new friend and he didn't know what the thing was doing-but it was approching them and it was big. The little Cub's body braced as claws dug into the sands, his fur pufffed a little to instictly try to make himself look bigger.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:04 pm
Nikita herself had puffed a little to the oncoming shining, thing. Riot had just managed to beat her to the protective stance, however, and forced her to raise her head slightly so she could see just over him. Whatever it was that was on its way really did have them in its sights. And the closer it got the more it was obvious;

"Ri, he looks like a bigger version of you. but made out of shiny rocks." She spoke in a hushed tone.

Her own frame, though she remained behind Riot, was ready to spring into a battle and back up her new friend. She'd have his back, no matter how scarey this one looked.

As Bob neared the new cubs he slowed his pace to a cautious approach. They looked threatened. Not scared per-say, but definitely in a defensive mode.

"...." Bob simply watched them as he begun to make his cautious approach.

What to say? He was never one for words. Actions were the best form of communication. At least, with the few others he had meet. There was a red and black one with horns, almost like the young white cub before him. Only the other was an adult and had less fur.

The closer he got the more he realized just how small these things were. He had never seen a cub before. They were young, but apparently fierce.

"...It is okay..." He spoke as calmly as one could with such a deep rumbling voice as his. Perhaps one of the reasons he rarely did speak.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:17 pm
Riot's wire brush tail remained unmoved as as stright as a flap plot, to show he was not scared. Only prepared.

A little rumble mew motored from inside the cub as the shiny bigger thing approached. As Nikita spoke, one of Riots ear flicked back ear rose before flattening again.

She was right, it was like a bigger him....

As it slowed, the defensive posture relaxed a little bit to claws replacing themselves. When is spoke, Riots tail lowered and whipped, and slowly he relaxed.

But to prove he was unmoved and just as sting and powerful he let out the strong and loudest roar he could manage.

Which was a louder high pitch 'mew.'  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:42 pm
Nikita took in a deep breath and prepared herself for a fight. She could use her horns on his legs, they looked open enough. Unless he was made out of rocks. Were they like that when they were that big? Well, she wouldn't let that hinder her ability to fight.

Crimson eyes shifted to Riot as he made his bold 'roar' or mewl.. it was actually adorable. She'd have to not mention that right now. Not that she could do any better.

Though, as he, the big rock guy.. it sounded like a he, spoke she perked her ears forward. He sounded like the earth. It was strange. Though, all this wonder and all she managed to do was stare awkwardly up at the large being before them.

Bob tilted his head to the side as the young pink one released his roar. He supposed that was impressive for one so small. The two of them seemed to mean business.

Very slowly he begun to lower his belly to the sands, if anything to be at a closer eye level with the two small ones. His paws spread to either side of his chin as it rest in the sands. His long armored tail rest still in the sands as he did what he could to make his large form seem, less (though Nikita was still convinced he was a walking mountain).

"...is it just the two?" Bob inquired carefully as he watched the cubs through his mask. Probably would have been good to take that off... something he had yet to think of.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:03 pm
As this 'mountain' lowered himself, Riot's head raised as his neck stetched out and bobbed left to right making sure to see all of the moutain. Slowly Riot made his approch, his first gauntle covered paw stretched out as he made a side step closer to the other rock. Lowering his head, eyes reamined on the mountain whiskers tenetive he sniffed the shiny rock face.

As it spoke once more, Riot hopped a little back and retracted his paw-just from the sheer rumble his voice causd under his paws. Riot squeeked once more in answer. Turning his head he glanced back at Nikita.

He puffed and slowly nodded.

"..yes." Riot boldly answered back, his wire brush tail slowly calming and relaxing once more.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:26 pm
Nikita was right behind Riot as he made his approach toward the silvery mountain. Her own chest puffed, though not as impressive as his, she did lower her head so that her horns were visible and ready to use should it come to that. The top of her tail puffed out as Riot drew near. It seemed friendly enough, but to be sure, she wanted it to know they were not something to mess with. Even if it was over three times their size.

For now she remained silent and let Riot do the talking. They were both of the earth it seemed. There must have been an earthy language or something with all that rumbling.

But she would keep ready.

"I got your back..." She whispered, hoping it didn't hear.

Bob glanced over to the white cub, who seemed very ready to claw at his face if need be. Well, he would not give them a reason to attach themselves to his face.

Crimson eyes shifted back to the small male, perhaps the leader in their very small band of two. He was brave, bold, and possibly a bit wild. The look in his eyes said as much.

"...I see." He hummed.

It was hard to understand what he was doing out here, why he was here. He couldn't think of it past he had a feeling to do so. This had to have been the reason why.

"... and this is your home?"

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:38 pm
Riot's toes flexed in the sand as The mountains attention moved to Nikita. He seemed to puff more, quickly a ear rotated to her whisper words.

She had his back, good. He hoped she would, and something told him that she would before she said it.

"My home is where I make it." Riot stated, again trying to grow in size and not be intimidated but the constant rumbling this rock made.

Eyes flicked back to Nikita, before looking back to the mountain thing.

"Our home is where we make it." The cub restated. She had his back after all, and he had hers. They where good friends like that.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:06 pm
Nikita didn't notice the first statement as him thinking of himself. She, by some notion of what being friends mean, was sure that that was also implied. When he re-corrected himself with "we" she figured it was just another restating. With that understanding in mind, she offered a slow and stern 'nod'. How was home as long as a good friend was there. It didn't matter the location.

She lifted her head proudly, and as Riot did, she too tried to appear larger than she really was. Though, it was an impossible when standing next to two beings that were taller than she was.

"...hmn, true." Bob agreed. "...You two are brave."

Carefully she shifted a bit on the sand, sinking his frame just a little more to appear smaller. It was impossible to appear any smaller, but at least they seemed to be relaxing. A little.

"... do you have a name?"

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:31 pm
Nodding to the moving Mountain, Riot gave attention to the fact the other seemed to be trying to crawl in the ground or something.

The cub puffed more, if it was even possible as the other stated them being brave. They where wild cubs, they had to be. The big shiny rock was smart.

"Riot." The cub spoke raising his head more, turning his head he looked over to Nikita. Should he introduced her?

"And this is Nikita..." The cub spoke, through he didn't move to reveal the Nahtll, he would only step aside if she wanted to get a closer look.

"Do you have one?" The cub prodded the air with his head at the other Nahtll.  
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:46 pm
Nikita remained as puffed as she could even while she moved around to stand at Riot's side. The threat seemed to be over with, and now it was caution on both sides. Perhaps this other one was just tryingto go back into the earth. He sure was acting silly by digging so far.

When her name was mentioned she gave Riot a side glance, smile, and a nod. A nod that carried over as she turned attention toward the mountain.

Bob listened silently to their names. Riot, Nikita. Both fitting names. His own name, what he felt he was given was "Robert", the other fire he had meet called him "Sir Robert". However, somehow that seemed too formal for these little ones.

"...Bob..." He spoke simply.

He glanced up at the climbing sun. The heat had not let up, it was still becoming hotter and hotter by the moment.

"..Where are you going?"
He inquired carefully.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:20 pm
"Bob." Riot Repeated, the sound the word made was an interesting one. he liked it. Looking back over to Nikita, Riot shifted around to almost pace infront of the mountain, his paws where geting a bit hot standing in one place.

"Where we want." The cub answered back smartly, but lacked in attuited, another glance was given to his friend beside him. Though they where looking for 'pink rocks', right?

They did however find some shinny ones.

Reaching own to Bob' Riot's little tand toes prodded at the other's rock like face. The shinny rock was hot and hard to the touch, so much so-the cub took back his paw only to tap the halment once more.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:32 pm
Nikita's ears perked forward tot he name the mountain spoke. "Bob"? That was a fun name to think about. Though, she was honestly expecting something to fit his size. Something that couldn't even fit on her tongue should she try to speak it.

In sync with Riot's movements, Nikita too approached the large mountain, only this time she moved around to his side to look at the strange markings on his leg and shoulder. There were leather straps too, connecting from the rocks around what she could see of his belly.

Her own white paw stretched forward to meet with the gray-silver fur of the large mountain. It wasn't as soft as Riot's fur. Coarse, but not too rough.

Bob blinked to the touches to his helmit, but allowed the cubs to inspect his armor. They had every right to, and were probably just as curious about him as he was of them. Bob never had a childhood, this is what it must have been like. The world was a large wonder. But a dangerous one...

"...Could I come with you?"
Bob inquired after Riot finished his last testing of the helmet.

This was more of a purpose for him than aimless wandering. The cubs were young, small, and needed someone to watch after them. Though he had not encountered anything terrible himself, he had a feeling there were things out there. It would be a terrible thing if these cubs did not get to answer all of their questions.

Vice Captain

Blessed Prophet

[ Radical Dreamer ]
Vice Captain

Omnipresent Noob

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:43 pm
Riot's head tilted to the touch of the metal on his paws. As the other Tahtll spoke, Riot was a little taken aback by the question. He wanted to come with them? The cubs tail swiveled to the side....

Why? And did the cub even have a reason to say 'no'?

He was curious.

"Why? I mean, yeah you can come-but why would you want to?" The cub was quick to ask, his tail flicked.

Did he want to find pink rocks too? Wait! They didn't say anything about pink rocks.

Picking up his head, Riots eyes and looked over at Nikita-she agreeded right? The big one could come....

Bob could come?  
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