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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[ Graduation Dungeon ] ( Levi & West ) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:44 pm
There was a moment after she spoke during which he seriously wondered if he had reason to worry. Although he doubted his father would go quite that far, there was always the possibility that Duran could have told any number of people his son's true name, especially after West had issued a direct challenge by ceasing all communication with his parents several years earlier. The only thing that set his mind at ease—besides the fact that, yes, he could pummel most people who tried controlling him into the ground, thank you very much—was that the ones he couldn't pummel hadn't tried anything yet.

Thankfully, she didn't leave him long to think on it, with her wide eyes and her teleportation fingers. West laughed again, crossing his arms and grinning back. "That'd be nice, I think. While it's happenin' at least. But what if I'm, say, cookin' when y'call? An' y'jus' zap me to ya while th' stove's on full blast an' I burn my whole house right down?" Our house. "I dun think gettin' me to ya as often as you'd like'll cut me in half, but I'll be a firestartin' criminal after th' first time."

His voice quieted some as he thought of their future, but his smirk remained as he leaned closer, arms still crossed. "Y'haven't convinced me not t'tell y'though, so..." The boil leaned in the rest of the way, his lips only a thumb's width away from the cuff in her ear as he whispered his name.

"There. That'll do fer now. Wonder if anyone's ever changed theirs..."  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:56 pm
Levi took in the hypothetical scenario West had presented and contemplated the repercussions of this name-saying thing a bit more. The ghoul heard everything West continued to say, but it wasn't actually fully registering. She hummed low while deep in thought up until the sound of his voice began to draw closer. And Closer. Closer still.

By that point, Levi had forgotten what she was thinking about and took in the single name the boil whispered so closely to her ear. The tiny hairs around the parameter of the opening heading towards her eardrum stood on end, a chill generating right down to the tip of her tail. There may have been purring as this occurred.

Levi would pout for a moment having not yet reciprocated with some form of slyness as the boil had done when she spoke, but it soon faded. The ghoul would undoubtedly get him back in some way; hopefully while using said transportation technique now that she had his secret middle name. This delighted the tatzel and once again brought up the scenario West had mentioned about burning down houses. Ya'see, that's what tha'phones are for. The tatzel playfully swatted at West's hips with her rolled up diploma. If I call and yew ain't doin' nothin'… The end of her sentence drifted suggestively, but Levi followed up with a sudden inquiry she'd thought of. Aye- does tha'name gotta be said aloud? Could I just say it without bein' heard all quiet-like? It was plain to see she was still thinking of ways she could make this ability advantageous for them. This, of course, secondary to keeping his secret safe at the same time.

I'd always have ya 'round. Can't complain.
Levi shrugged one shoulder, her words fully serious. At this point of "adulthood," the tatzel opened up to the reality that she and West may not be seeing each other as much as she'd like anymore. With them going back to their own towns after schooling finished, there was no guarantee West would want to join her back home- or him bringing her home. How else would I see you if not this way? How else… She bit her lip and seemed to be back to concentrating on something that deeply concerned her.  


Tricky Pants



PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:26 pm
"Well, you jus' got all this planned out, don't'cha?" West teased, shifting his hips and countering her swats with half-hearted blocks. Between her momentary purring and all of the thought she was giving to a function he was pretty sure demon names were never meant to be used for, it was easy to be amused. But amused and at ease weren't the same thing at all.

"Not sure really," he replied. "I guess you could whisper it. That's how they do it in the movies." He'd seen a handful of those sorts of cautionary tales as a scareling, fantastical stories involving humans getting their hands on demon names and huddling in rundown shacks in the middle of nowhere to call them into service. The humans never said the names very loudly at all but they always worked anyway. In fact, he couldn't recall his parents having done more than think about his name the small number of times they'd used it. He assumed there was a special way to go about doing that, but West didn't voice his thoughts on the matter at the moment. He had already shared plenty tonight, and he really didn't want the ghoul silently practicing her summoning skills while they were trying to find a way out of this place.

West found himself staring at the ground once Levi went quiet. When he had regained consciousness in the dungeon earlier, he had known that he was going to have to pose certain questions about their future to her at some point before the evening was over, but now that it was the perfect time to do so, he hesitated. All he had to do was open his mouth and ask if she wanted to be separated from from her family for even longer than she already had been... just for him. She called him her mate, and he even thought he had a fairly firm grasp on what that meant for her, but he still wondered if the request might be too much. He couldn't stand that he was afraid to find out.

He looked up again, his fingers having curled into his palms at some point in response to his frustration. "This's stupid," he muttered. "Really ********' stupid." West sucked a deep breath in through his nose, sighed it out of his mouth, then took in another. "After we leave here, d'ya think you'd wanna move somewhere with me? I know y'wanna see yer folks an' yer Gran... an' we can do that too... but after..." He managed a smile, not cocky, sarcastic or cruel, but one that reflected his relief that he had finally asked. "I'd always be around then."  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:55 pm
Whoa whoa! Easy on the cussing, boil. It looked like West was about to have a tantrum of some sort and Levi hadn't the faintest about what brought it on. The tatzel generally took West's profanity as West just being himself but coupled with his current expression and intensity, Levi fell silent and listened to his ranting. She didn't look directly at him, but off into the darkness of the room with her ears at the ready. The way he fumbled on his words made her smile, brows poised in a state of questioning. What is it? Spit it out, West. What could be so hard to make him react like this?



Her ears frilled back quickly before they popped up again, eyes blinking back towards the wrath demon until they just stopped blinking. If West had ever seen a pathling with it's eyes wide before an attack, he might've seen a similarity here with his ghoulfriend's peepers. She nearly asked him to repeat what he just said as if she hadn't heard a word, but it replayed in her head again without reiteration before she could attempt making a sound.

The tatzel had heard him just fine, she just hadn't pieced together whether to accept, accept and embrace him, accept and ask about how much seed would be needed, or just accept and shake his hand. On second thought, perhaps it was best not to shake the wrath demon's hand. Levi scratched out that option and finally exhaled what she'd been holding onto for the past few seconds.

As if fully resetting herself step-by-step, the ghoul's body seemed to ease up again and the energy she tended to radiate returned back to her face. Her smile and cackling ensued with a tail coming around the boil to wrap around his spade-ended appendage. The ghoul could have just turned into a second pumpkin sun in this darkened room.

Ya'mean it? No foolin'? … Ya'mean fer livin' in together or someplace nearby each'other? Levi took a step back, suspecting he might've meant the first of the two, but didn't want to assume this if he hadn't. It would be too much for the tatzel to ask for funds from her parents to own a place of her own anywhere fancy. West usually had very very fancy taste in things.

His last words made her smile more out of a sincerity than excitement, but the unlikeliness of her ability to meet his expectations in costs led to a stinging feeling somewhere in her innards. Levi's voice lowered in energy and her lips curved into a small frown, sad and almost ashamed of where she came from. This may very well have been the first time the tatzel had ever considered coming from her simple country town a downside to her existence; it hurt.

I'd like that BOATLOADS, I really would, but… Levi hung her head down, unable to look at West's face while she spoke in case his look would just make it worse. She really wished it were possible, but she couldn't give what she didn't have. We don't got much ta'go 'round.  


Tricky Pants



PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:15 pm
As he watched her strive to wrap her head around what he had asked, West's stomach continued to knot, pushing him past nervous sweats and racing hearts and nearly on to nausea. She had to say yes, there was no part of him that could afford to believe she wouldn't, but still he worried. The truth of it was, what he believed didn't matter. Anything could happen.

When the smile lit her face, he found his breath came more easily. The weight of uncertainty was lifted, but his relief was only temporary. Embarrassment and what seemed to be disappointment followed her excitement, and since he now knew that she wouldn't refuse him, he found he couldn't puzzle out the source of her sadness until she shared it. His usual frown returned when she did so, and his tail wrapped more tightly around hers as he took the step forward that she had taken back. He watched her for a handful of seconds, his voice surprisingly calm and even when he finally spoke.

"I'm not messin' with ya. I do mean it. One place, together, no matter how many seeds we hafta get t'do it. I'll... ask my parents." He tried to keep from rolling his eyes and mostly succeeded, though he did sigh a little, and his lip rose in a tiny, unconscious snarl. "We'll be workin' soon an' able t'pay fer things ourselves... an' don't be thinkin' you ever have to pay anythin' back t'me or them or anyone, 'cause, well, one..." He ticked his points off on his fingers. "They owe me this much, an' two, everythin' I got is yours too. You'd jus' be payin' back yerself." He folded his arms, quite proud of what he saw as an irrefutable argument.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:19 pm
His grip on her tail forced her eyes back up; Levi couldn't cower long. Her hands crossed at her back with her hand clenching down on the diploma hard until she heard his tone. It was like Levi couldn't even see West's features until he spoke. His confirmation of living together in one home practically jolted her with electrical shock straight through her ribcage and right down through her tail, which tensed against his and began to swing.

Wait- parents.

West, I'd never-It was unheard of to accept seeds from someone without proper trading of goods in turn, let alone receiving enough funds for a living space from elders she had never met before. West clearly fought with this as an option as well, as Levi watched him react to the idea. Instead of the frown, she now wore a furrowed brow; it was her thinking look again. Nodding as West continued, Levi too scraped for thoughts of how to make things work. I reckon I can make m'own way, yeah… YEAH. If you n' me can hold down enough, we could pay back yer- He already seemed to know where she was heading and voiced his two finger-lifting points that equated to one thing: payback was unnecessary.

Levi considered his case as best as she could- What'cher sayin' makes sense, I guess. -but clearly was no match for demonic influence and persuasion. However, she did have an enormous sense of family pride, so something would have to be given in return one day. Somehow I'll make it up ta'them, still. Fair is fair, n' I ain't no scoundrel trader. N' neither are m'folks. It looked like this would be the only way they'd get- wait, what'chu mean all'a yers is mine? I don't see no work been done fer earnin' them shirts, boil. Levi paused, having meant his designer fashion sense, but rephrasing her point once she realized he was still in his t-shirt. Well, not that one. Ya'know what I mean. Them other ones! Anyhow, I don't want yew thinkin' I'm some sorta seed chaser, ya'hear? I don't like it no more than yew do. But… I'm game if yer willin' ta work fer it too. The ghoul then stepped closer, hands coming forward and gently grasping at West's forearms while she settled on a smile that was perfectly content. She'd get to live with her mate in the big city; she'd always see West. It would be worth the unknown future ahead of her.  


Tricky Pants



PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:39 pm
He had known Levi would object. Her confirmation of his certainty pleased the demon so thoroughly that his grin returned, widening as she teased him for his own long running leech-like behavior. It was true he had barely worked for a thing in his life prior to coming to Amityville and that he'd continued using his parentally-funded credit cards long after he'd stopped returning their calls, but he had never once felt the spoils he had collected weren't deserved. He wasn't about to start feeling guilty now.

"I won't stop ya from tryin' t'pay 'em back somehow," he conceded. There would be no contracts or even meaningless handshakes exchanged, he would make sure of that, but West was fairly confident that, if nothing else, a... pumpkin or two down the line would placate even his father. The thought didn't make him nervous, a fact he actively chose not to think about right now. One thing at a time.

"I'll help ya get money fer everythin' we need. An' I know better'n anyone yer not here fer my parents' seeds neither. If ya were, y'wouldn't try so hard t'get me not t'spend 'em." He gently extricated himself from her grasp, circling his hands around her back and drawing her closer that way instead. "Even if y'do look... very nice in fancy things."  
PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:16 pm
Her ears folded to nuzzle under his chin and arms encircled the boil in a loose embrace, diploma crunching at West's neck. That's a weight offa'my chest. The words came out with a sort of agreeable sigh. Though I'd kinda miss them fancy things a'yers too. The tips of her thumbs rubbed at the fabric on his back; she meant his clothes.

I'guess that just means we'll have'ta make our own way fer them too. She moved her head and hands so that her fingertips pressed at the back of the wrath demon's head to urge him down towards her own forehead. Grinning, the tatzel spoke with a mischievous tone, sometimes elongating her "s's" to near hisses with the tips of her forked tongue peeking from between her lips. It'll be like savin' fer ssomethin' sspecial every once in awhile. There were many positive things she could think of about moving in with West. The fact that she would owe a debt of seeds to anyone was not one of them. Her tone took a more wry turn, almost trivializing the significance of this debt to resemble the usual tone of the boil himself. If we mind our obligations, o'course. Ya'know- that danged other stuff city folks gotta pay fer all cramped up together. I don't reckon they got many wells.

She bopped the back of the boil's head with her diploma, recalling its value suddenly and why they were there in the first place. Oh shuckle, right. First we gotta find a way outta'ere. Her head moved to the side to look off into the dark, expecting there to be some sign that they were okay to leave now. The ghoul heard a creaking from behind West, and nudged the boil to move to her side so they could both better see what/where the sound was coming from.  


Tricky Pants



PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:05 pm
"You'll miss 'em?" he said with a chuckle. Shopping for clothing was almost... therapeutic for West. Its absence would definitely something he would feel, but he could live without new things for a while if it meant more time with Levi. "I'll still have my old stuff, I guess. I'll just hafta keep it all neat an' have diff'rent clothes for fightin'. Like erryone else. Mindin' our obligations." He pressed his forehead to hers, sighing faintly through his nose.

The moment didn't last. West turned with her as the far wall creaked to life, the initial sound soon followed by a rumbling scrape. A thin shaft of moonlight lit the darkened end of the circular space. At least, it seemed like moonlight.

"C'mon," West urged, reluctantly letting the ghoul go as he crossed the room and peeked through the newly opened portal. A very lengthy hallway stretched out in front of them, lit at regular intervals by strange, static torches that gave off a calm, blue light. Not moonlight, but just as eerily peaceful. The hall sloped gently upward and led to what was presumably the dungeon's exit. It could have also conceivably led to more tests and traps, but seeing as how there was no other way out, it was probably their best bet.  
PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:26 am
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Don't wager these things are fake, eh? Levi looked up the hallway through the veil of pale light, keeping a pace alongside the wrath demon. The illumination engulfed the two students while they walked into the doorway, hopefully towards an exit, but exercising a sense of caution. If these were some tricksy false diplomas, there might still be things waiting beyond the hall. Or in it? Seems like a whole lot more trouble than there need be ta'me. I'mean, who'd hire tha'knight n' pay fer repairin' that room, right? N' who lights this thing up?

Levi scanned the walls, a gentle tinkering of metallic or crystal heard, but not seen. It was like a liquid sheen that ran up and down the corridor with glints of light like stars shining within it periodically. Her closest comparison was with that of shards of mirror in the pumpkin sunlight on a wind chime.

She felt somewhat drowsy by the effects of this atmosphere, remembering that she'd been ripped from sleep in order to take this exam. Is it time fer bed yet?…again? The tatzel had no idea how much time had passed while they were in here, but it surely couldn't have been for a whole day. She perked up, rolling her shoulders and neck; they still had an "exit" to get through.  


Tricky Pants



PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:45 pm
West bared his teeth in amusement and challenge. "Hope not. Fer th'school's sake. But we can take more if this place isn't done, right?" Judging by his good mood, the boil obviously didn't think they were being duped, though his optimism could have just as easily been fueled by their recent conversation. He continued down the hall, tail twined with hers, intent on what lay ahead until she indirectly commented on her exhaustion. The smile he turned on her then was purely one born of his own mirth.

"Well, we were sleepin'. It's prob'ly still night unless we were here fer way longer than it felt like." Now that she'd gotten him thinking about it, he was rather worn out himself, though he wasn't about to admit it. "I can carry ya if yer too tired t'walk." From a great number of people, his words might have have sounded chivalrous, but West managed to add a teasing lilt to his already sarcastic tone. "Tuck ya in like a little scarel—"

His taunting ceased as he noticed another stone portal, barely open, further down the hall. This one wasn't lit by any soothing, starry light, but it did smell faintly of the outdoors, even at this distance. West reached for his diploma to make sure it was safe, then turned to the tatzel one last time. If there were any other obstacles left for them to face, they would surely be beyond this door.  
PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 3:23 pm
Levi's eyes narrowed at West and his implication of coddling her like a scarling. Or rather, his suggesting that she required aid in walking as if frailer than him right now; Levi would never admit to that even if she was. The tatzel recognized a smartass remark when she heard one from the boil, and her mouth figured into a slant as if to say "Haha, West, very funny." She couldn't help but see another side to his ever-so-helpful offers, mind opening up to the possibilities as the portal before them did as well. The translucent opening in dead air pictured the line of trees, soil and sky the students would have recognized as their schoolyard at night.

The ghoul's hands met her hips and she nodded at the exit with a sense of relief. It smelled like school; the grounds, at least. If it was a trap of some sort, she felt they wouldn't have bothered trying to make it smell the same. The tatzel grinned over at West once more before bounding through the portal, tail quickly following, but not detaching from the demon's.
Well, next time I need help pullin' tha'covers over me, I'll call fer someone tha'ol'fashion way: by name.  


Tricky Pants

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