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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:36 pm
Does Gaia do as it promises, to teach kids how to spend wisely and save up? I like how A) They advertise their site as a way to learn how to save money and work for the items you want and B) They constantly offer Flash sales and buy now, and offer ends tonight, limited quantities everywhere. That's not encouraging kids to learn how to spend wisely or save up their money it's encouraging them to burn holes in their pockets.

What if their prices made sense? And since we are on the topic of spending real money where is the real security to protect our investments? Some people have spent 1000$ on a halo or 500$ on pairs of wings. Can you try a user for grand theft if they break into your account? Why spend THAT much money on something you can't protect on a site that may not always be around? If they want more money they should instead sell things cheaper here and/or offer with it real items. Ship them to users like real life scarves and stuff that match some of the items in IRL. It would definitely make the prices legitimate and get them more money. I'd say anyway. Not even Walt Disney would charge 1000$ for a halo that everyone else can buy too. I'd only imagine it costing that much if there was one of them on the whole site.

A prime example of product endorsement is minecraft. And yet minecraft offers much more for much less and makes it's money on their products. They don't complain and they get their mods and upgrades done to full satisfaction. If Gaiaonline could simply learn from minecraft that products in IRL sell a lot better than online they would start getting somewhere. Why not have hair pieces of Gaia items, necklaces, earrings, scarves, shirts, jackets? I wouldn't mind wearing a scarf with a wing on it if Gaia got it's sh*t together.

On topic, so how bout them bundles: I don't think the bundles are to help us. Some prices went down and some in a bad way. Some items needed to go down, they should have released wings, or halos, and such into those bundles (Not the ultimate one) and people would be more willing to buy. Anything that involves luck with gaia's systems always fails. I've spent enough money on them to know I will never spend money on them again. If I can't get something after 50 tries then it's a scam. I have better luck winning stuff at a casino cause at least the chances aren't rigged to be impossible. Cause casinos want you to stay and continue spending. Wish gaia could figure that out. The more luck the more people would stay and spend (FACT).

Where is the real economy here? Gaiaonline has gone to the lowest common denominator and can only be rewarding to those with deep pockets to give to the heyoka CEO's of this site. They are supposed to keep a real economy, another promise this site offers but they do literally the opposite of what any economist would suggest to make a healthy economy. There is no middle class here on gaia, only the poor and the rich.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:38 pm
dark pillow
Izzy Said Rawr

I wouldn't really put it past them for doing so with cross stitch. I say this because there are the Belted Corsets and don't get me wrong they are nice and all. But they could be better qauilty. And that isn't the Gaian Who made them fault. I blame Gaia. Because they are some Rig items that look similar in style and look 10 times better. I think its Gaia's for the way they did't put good effort and such into them. Btw I love the socks you made. They are by far my favorite socks on gaia. <3 I own all of them. And they go well with so many thing.

Yeah, yeah. It's not the artist's fault, it's like gaia is purposely making the items worse quality. D: Well, some items more than others... =.= In my case they only changed the colors of the blue and maroon socks a little. The maroon socks are now pink. :I The blue pair was more of a cobalt blue too, but oh well. Ah, and I made a green/ emerald pair too, I wish they had made that one too, because we really need more of that color. =u= But yeah, otherwise they did them well I suppose. And thank you! I'm glad you like them. >u>

Aww darker colors <3 That would have been great. Personally I don't care for the pink ones. I don't use much pink but had they left them maroon that been great. And green would have been perfect. I am sorry they did that too you :/  

Izzy Derp

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Playful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:55 pm
Yay, this week's ATG! I have to tell you, I've honestly been waiting for this all week. c': Thank you again for hosting this!
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Time to start off with the recent events going on in Gaia.

» Bundles Galore :: I feel these are getting too repetitive and a bit annoying. It would be nice if they released them every once in a while I suppose, but definitely not so many at once. There's just so many to keep track of, and because of this they lose more anticipated excitement. It's sort of like the recolors, they might have been neat at first, but now because there are so many of them, they are a bit of a bore now.
I wish they would release anything cash shop related in moderation. We really are getting spammed with this stuff most, if not, everyday.
If it is to combat inflation or gain more money...hmm. I think it's to gain more money in the end-run. I am happy this is helping reduce the inflation of those released items a bit, but all of that is negated once they release Flynn again. It would be nice to see a proper gold sink that did not require spending money on. o:
Edit: Guess what was just released? Yep, another bundle! You better hurry before it's gone! Mwahaha! >:{D
─ ─ ─ ─
» Flynn Again :: Nooo! D': Every time Gaia's economy looks to be headed for some stabilization, Flynn seems to be released again. I can tell you this, every time she is re-re-re-re-re-released, I get so disappointed and saddened. It's really frustrating seeing her. It tells me that despite the hundreds of threads in the Site Feedback forum advising Gaia to quit releasing Flynn, Gaia just does not listen. Among those threads, some give very great reasons and data proving that Flynn destroys Gaia's economy and will not survive like this for a long-term plan.
Do they really just not care? What happened to listening to the users? If they really do care about the business aspect, then it should not be difficult to figure out that this cannot and will not succeed for a long-term plan. So many questions, and no answers given. Although, their actions do say something. They say something I wish wasn't so hurtful and greedy.
─ ─ ─ ─
» This Month's RIG :: A much brighter subject compared to Flynn, haha. Thank you for including this! Honestly, I really like this RIG, but I suppose that is because it's the first RIG I've ever played! C:
The twinkling blue and yellow eyes are adorable, and I'm glad to see some new color shades and tints!

» Male Directed Items :: I do have a bit of a concern of it though. There are only two male avatars in the RIG picture, and I see that most of the items are meant for the female avatar. This has been a bit of a popular subject lately in the Site Feedback forum too; how most of the late items and such have been for females and hardly any meant for the male avatar. Mostly blue and pink recolors of frilly items, mostly girly new items. I haven't been paying much attention to it honestly, but I believe it is a good point.
In any case, I hope to see more male directed items in future new items and such. c:
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ »

Time to see what's new in the guild! > u<

» Avatar Arena :: Oh my gosh, yes! Thank you so much for hosting another one of these! I'm definitely going to participate in this one for sure with you all! I've looked over the thread, and I love the ideas going on. Only gold shop avatars, avatars entered for Gaia's arena contests that haven't been updated in years - great stuff!
I guess if anyone needs help coming up with an avatar for this, I'd be happy to help! I started a sort of collection of avatars that only use gold shop items just recently. It only has female avatars currently and all of their outfits should be less than 10k. I still haven't double checked to see if every item is purchasable from the gold shops, but here it is if anyone is curious. Please feel free to use or get inspiration from them! I plan to create male avatars and others that are below 20k, 30k, and so on.
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» Video Response :: Wow, neat! I've checked out the thread already and saw many great responses and reviews. I'll be sure to stop by and add something to hopefully help out. It's a great approach and an exciting idea!
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Lastly I'll address how I feel about Gaia overall.

GaiaOnline is my favorite website and still is. I remember when my friend introduced me to it once I got a computer and Internet. I was so happy when she gifted me a Red Octopus too. Haha, I wore that thing on my head like it was a trophy to show off. I remember looking forward to logging on each day too. Fighting off the gnomes and fluffs in zOMG, discovering Booty Grab, hanging out in rallies. It was really great and fun. I loved Gaia; it was my escape from the stress of real life and still plays that part.
I miss the AtA dearly. I loved getting my questions answered directly, no matter how long it took - it was worth it. I loved giving them compliments on how well they were doing and receiving their heartfelt thanks.
I could continue with how much I missed the true connection I had with Gaia and the staff, but I want to say how I feel about the current Gaia.

Currently I feel 'Goldemort / he who must not be named' isn't doing a great job. Sure, he is raising the money he must, and even much more than he needs, but he is continuing to disappoint and lose Gaia's loyal users. There is no human connection made, it is a cold and greedy want for money. Ah, but I do not mean to blame him. I'm sure there are other factors and complications I do not know of and such.

My feelings and attitude have been rocking back and forth lately. I am greatly disappointed in Gaia, that much is true. Some days I feel optimistic about getting Gaia back on track. With the last AtG, I felt very happy that I was contributing something, and I feel that way now. But still, sometimes I feel apathetic as more and more other users are feeling. It's sad, and sometimes I feel that all I try to do is for nothing. I feel no one who has the power to change it will care what we all have to say, and that is beyond frustrating.

It's like, if they really cared, shouldn't they have changed something already? Nothing major has changed. Oh wait, there is a change. More recolors, more Flynn, more incredibly ridiculous prices for cash shop items.
It's like youtube when users wanted them to change the whole Google+ hook up thing. They changed the color of the like bar to blue as if to say, "Yes we hear you and we aren't going to be changing our partnership or whatever with Google+. To prove this, we'll change the like bar to blue. We can do whatever we want."
It seems like every time Gaia re-releases Flynn, they are saying that they don't care and can do whatever they want.

Seeing more and more people who say they are only here until the site goes down or are completely quitting because of the current Gaia is hard to take in. It drains and lessens a more proactive and positive attitude. It's difficult to maintain that optimistic outlook, you know?

Sorry, now I've become a bit of a downer. Ah, this post started off so cheery too, haha. Let's move on to something else.

Hm...I forgot what I was going to talk about. :l I don't want to end this on a depressing note...
Well, I tried to put up a funny gif, but they weren't working - sorry. :c
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:00 pm
dark pillow
Ah yes, the dream bundles. I actually am for them. I think they really do battle the inflation, and gaia is not taking that much cash for these bundles even though they probably could take like 2000gc for one of the bundle items. Thanks to the bundles being fairly cheap alot of people are getting some nice items. And some people might think the bundles are bad because of re-releasing, because then their precious account worth will drop... =u=; Well, I think more people are happy that they finally can afford some nice items, whether they are buying them from the MP or la victore. The only part I don't like about them is that they are taking the place of potential new items. However, this downside isn't as great as you might think. We always want new items, but we actually already have thousands of items, so a few re-releases so that we can actually afford the items we want is good.

Ah, but I do think they are releasing too fast, at least wait a week between the bundles! o.o Let people have some time to breathe and save up for the next "sale" (I basically see these bundles as items on sale)

Also, I've recently thought about it, gaia's focus on cash affects the free parts of the site and the fun things alot more than I thought. Not only that the features that are free don't get updated and that stuff. I was talking to another gaian about the cross stitch shop. Seeing that gaia is completely lazy and have no ideas for items the cross stitch shop is perfect! Gaians would make items for free, heck some would even pixelate them themselves, all gaia would have to do is put them in the shop. But there aren't that many contests, and they are really restricted as to what is allowed. Why not allow a gaian to create a cash shop quality item? It would be a fun thing and alot of gaians would appreciate that, but gaia can't do that because then someone might not buy cash because they can just buy nice items int he gold shop... -__-;

And that's not all! Gaia seems to change the original designs of the artists who win the cross stitch contest, I don't know about others, but both me and this person I was talking to can confirm that our designs have been changed for the worse. I get the feeling that they are trying to keep down the quality of the items so people will not be satisfied with only these items. I think it's really disrespectful to do something like that. I also think gaians should be allowed to vote, so we can get the items most of us want. :I I highly suspect that the reason the cross stitch shop is like that is simply because it might increase the money gaia earns, just a little. And a little is enough for gaia it seems. =.=;

Sorry for the long rant, I really wish things would change. gonk
basically this tho  


Feral Warrior


Backwoods Elder

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:20 pm
Izzy Said Rawr
dark pillow
Izzy Said Rawr

I wouldn't really put it past them for doing so with cross stitch. I say this because there are the Belted Corsets and don't get me wrong they are nice and all. But they could be better qauilty. And that isn't the Gaian Who made them fault. I blame Gaia. Because they are some Rig items that look similar in style and look 10 times better. I think its Gaia's for the way they did't put good effort and such into them. Btw I love the socks you made. They are by far my favorite socks on gaia. <3 I own all of them. And they go well with so many thing.

Yeah, yeah. It's not the artist's fault, it's like gaia is purposely making the items worse quality. D: Well, some items more than others... =.= In my case they only changed the colors of the blue and maroon socks a little. The maroon socks are now pink. :I The blue pair was more of a cobalt blue too, but oh well. Ah, and I made a green/ emerald pair too, I wish they had made that one too, because we really need more of that color. =u= But yeah, otherwise they did them well I suppose. And thank you! I'm glad you like them. >u>

Aww darker colors <3 That would have been great. Personally I don't care for the pink ones. I don't use much pink but had they left them maroon that been great. And green would have been perfect. I am sorry they did that too you :/

Yeah, me too... :U Here are the original designs, thought you might be interested. o3o  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:32 pm
dark pillow
Necra Eclips
dark pillow

... and seriously, whats a 'Noivce' sister?
There was Little sister, Big sister, Step sister and then they do, Novice sister? What does that even mean? Shouldn't they have gone the next logical step? 'Half Sister'? Since That's a real thing and I'm pretty sure Novice sister isn't rofl

Hahaha! I couldn't agree more! xD How can you be a novice sister? Half sister or even something like middle sister or baby sister would have been better.

A Novice Sister (From what my Google search came up with) is a newly inducted nun. However I think Gaia was taking a darkly look at sister hood with Novice Sister, seeing the blood and what not. I think I's more of an older sister who until this point in her life was a only child, thus she doesn't know how to handle a little sibling and is thus a Novice.

Huh, that's interesting, but I hardly think gaia was thinking of that kinda sister. o.o And I also like your other interpretation better. >u> Though that makes her a steph sister I suppose. o3o

Not really if it's the same parent that just waited longer to have the second kid. for instance if the first child was a surprise They raised that one till she was about 6 to 10 years of age before having another one. the Child at that point could be responsible enough to help take care of the infant a bit. It's happened before.  

Necra Eclips

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Backwoods Elder

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:36 pm
Necra Eclips
dark pillow
Necra Eclips
dark pillow

... and seriously, whats a 'Noivce' sister?
There was Little sister, Big sister, Step sister and then they do, Novice sister? What does that even mean? Shouldn't they have gone the next logical step? 'Half Sister'? Since That's a real thing and I'm pretty sure Novice sister isn't rofl

Hahaha! I couldn't agree more! xD How can you be a novice sister? Half sister or even something like middle sister or baby sister would have been better.

A Novice Sister (From what my Google search came up with) is a newly inducted nun. However I think Gaia was taking a darkly look at sister hood with Novice Sister, seeing the blood and what not. I think I's more of an older sister who until this point in her life was a only child, thus she doesn't know how to handle a little sibling and is thus a Novice.

Huh, that's interesting, but I hardly think gaia was thinking of that kinda sister. o.o And I also like your other interpretation better. >u> Though that makes her a steph sister I suppose. o3o

Not really if it's the same parent that just waited longer to have the second kid. for instance if the first child was a surprise They raised that one till she was about 6 to 10 years of age before having another one. the Child at that point could be responsible enough to help take care of the infant a bit. It's happened before.

Oh, yeah, I guess that could be a possible novice sister. xD  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:36 pm

» Avatar Arena :: Oh my gosh, yes! Thank you so much for hosting another one of these! I'm definitely going to participate in this one for sure with you all! I've looked over the thread, and I love the ideas going on. Only gold shop avatars, avatars entered for Gaia's arena contests that haven't been updated in years - great stuff!
I guess if anyone needs help coming up with an avatar for this, I'd be happy to help! I started a sort of collection of avatars that only use gold shop items just recently. It only has female avatars currently and all of their outfits should be less than 10k. I still haven't double checked to see if every item is purchasable from the gold shops, but here it is if anyone is curious. Please feel free to use or get inspiration from them! I plan to create male avatars and others that are below 20k, 30k, and so on.
─ ─ ─ ─

emotion_brofist Thanks so much for the link to gold only avi's you created heart
I'll be linkin' that up in the contest thread for reference for those that might need help or inspiration. mrgreen
I'm excited to get back into the Arenas too! Entering my derpy avatars was one of the things I did to entertain myself on Gaia when I was simply a lurker xp
We also got a bit of attention doing this, both negative and positive. There were people who agree and defended us and then there were some people were downright hateful, so we took a hiatus from it to reflect on whether or not what we were doing was to be considered spam or trolling.
The fact of the matter is that the Arena is there for free expression and those that don't like it..TOO BAD! rofl  


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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:43 pm
Been a while since I've done something like this, with AtA being cancelled and such..

Yay! More bundles of different re-colours and flynn's booty is back! Here's the thing guys: Flynn's Bootys story makes no sense now. She says in her announcement "I am travelling space and dropped by to re-fuel! Here is some more gold!" But if she's out travelling, why does she keep coming back? GAIA Y U SO STUPID?  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:51 pm
During the last two ATA's I asked the same question.
I asked if there were to be a chance of seeing the return of 10% discounts.

Even though I had already sworn off GC I thought it only fair for them to offer some kind of GC purchase discount in light of their exorbitant item prices. Even those stupid games we play on our phones offer discounted prices for their alternate currency on occasion, why shouldn't Gaia if they think of their business as a "game"

Anyways I'm glad to see that they have finally gotten around too it in some form or fashion and it's not limited to only the Auto buyers either. But they shouldn't make users jump through hoops to get it, like gifting from La Victorie. They should be less random and accessible to all. I also believe that the discounts offer are not properly placed in between their sales nor are they advertised like all the stupid item sales. If they announced the 10% sale like they do the items they might find more people taking advantage of that while it lasts while waiting for that nice bundle to come out  


Generous Trader

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Playful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:56 pm

No problem, I'm happy to help! :'D I'll try to add up some new avatars soon.
Awesome, awesome. I might give you some other links for avatars in case I get more time to come up with new ones.
Haha, I see. The arenas are fun when you can get past those ever-present trolls and negative commenters.
Oh, I understand. Honestly, I think it was really great of you all to do that! Very true to that too, it is a form of an expression. Too bad to those who dislike it! X'D
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:21 pm

No problem, I'm happy to help! :'D I'll try to add up some new avatars soon.
Awesome, awesome. I might give you some other links for avatars in case I get more time to come up with new ones.
Haha, I see. The arenas are fun when you can get past those ever-present trolls and negative commenters.
Oh, I understand. Honestly, I think it was really great of you all to do that! Very true to that too, it is a form of an expression. Too bad to those who dislike it! X'D


I just entered my avi lol

I suppose I should take some time out to make some creations of my own to help out.
I should probably try some male outfits out  


Generous Trader

26,075 Points
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Aged Gaian

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:22 pm
Does Gaia do as it promises, to teach kids how to spend wisely and save up? I like how A) They advertise their site as a way to learn how to save money and work for the items you want and B) They constantly offer Flash sales and buy now, and offer ends tonight, limited quantities everywhere. That's not encouraging kids to learn how to spend wisely or save up their money it's encouraging them to burn holes in their pockets.

What if their prices made sense? And since we are on the topic of spending real money where is the real security to protect our investments? Some people have spent 1000$ on a halo or 500$ on pairs of wings. Can you try a user for grand theft if they break into your account? Why spend THAT much money on something you can't protect on a site that may not always be around? If they want more money they should instead sell things cheaper here and/or offer with it real items. Ship them to users like real life scarves and stuff that match some of the items in IRL. It would definitely make the prices legitimate and get them more money. I'd say anyway. Not even Walt Disney would charge 1000$ for a halo that everyone else can buy too. I'd only imagine it costing that much if there was one of them on the whole site.

A prime example of product endorsement is minecraft. And yet minecraft offers much more for much less and makes it's money on their products. They don't complain and they get their mods and upgrades done to full satisfaction. If Gaiaonline could simply learn from minecraft that products in IRL sell a lot better than online they would start getting somewhere. Why not have hair pieces of Gaia items, necklaces, earrings, scarves, shirts, jackets? I wouldn't mind wearing a scarf with a wing on it if Gaia got it's sh*t together.

On topic, so how bout them bundles: I don't think the bundles are to help us. Some prices went down and some in a bad way. Some items needed to go down, they should have released wings, or halos, and such into those bundles (Not the ultimate one) and people would be more willing to buy. Anything that involves luck with gaia's systems always fails. I've spent enough money on them to know I will never spend money on them again. If I can't get something after 50 tries then it's a scam. I have better luck winning stuff at a casino cause at least the chances aren't rigged to be impossible. Cause casinos want you to stay and continue spending. Wish gaia could figure that out. The more luck the more people would stay and spend (FACT).

Where is the real economy here? Gaiaonline has gone to the lowest common denominator and can only be rewarding to those with deep pockets to give to the heyoka CEO's of this site. They are supposed to keep a real economy, another promise this site offers but they do literally the opposite of what any economist would suggest to make a healthy economy. There is no middle class here on gaia, only the poor and the rich.

I also don't get the prices of these items, like the 999GC gifts from last Christmas.
How's that a "good deal" ?
So, I agree with you that RL items that should be priced like this, not virtual ones, because one will stay with you for a long time, while the other will disappear without a trace together with the site.

Besides, I never bought items above 299GC.

I agree. Thanks to their greed, laziness, immaturity and "money sink" ideals, I fear for Gaia's future. neutral  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:26 pm
I'm surprised no one has spoken about the whole coupon fiasco. > > I was one of the lucky few who got 10 private messages at once offering COUPONS for discounted GC. Seriously? I already have to look at giant banners about new bundle releases and GC..gaia now sends out tons of announcements each week filled with GC junk. Getting real tired of it. Not everyone can afford the gaia cash. They should make it optional to see all the cash related things..if there was such an option I'd definitely click the 'Do not want to see'

Ya know what? I totally agree! I'm sick of those announcements about bunbles and new recolours and stuff that I will never buy because I don't really believe in using my hard earned money on pixels.

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Fluffy Cleric

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Fluffy Cleric

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:27 pm

No problem, I'm happy to help! :'D I'll try to add up some new avatars soon.
Awesome, awesome. I might give you some other links for avatars in case I get more time to come up with new ones.
Haha, I see. The arenas are fun when you can get past those ever-present trolls and negative commenters.
Oh, I understand. Honestly, I think it was really great of you all to do that! Very true to that too, it is a form of an expression. Too bad to those who dislike it! X'D


I just entered my avi lol

I suppose I should take some time out to make some creations of my own to help out.
I should probably try some male outfits out

Ahahaha! I love your avi >w<  
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