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Roniel's mate hunt of DOOM (Closed for now!) Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:26 pm
Roniel Targaryen

Oh! Thanks for the quote. I didn't notice someone new had posted here.

My brain has shut off for the night, so I'll get back to you on this! Daenerys mating requires full Roniel brainpower to contemplate.

Of course, Gaia can be kind of tricksy at times.

Sounds good! Thank you for getting back to me. heart  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:21 pm

Gaaaaah, sorry for taking so long to get back to you! Like I just said to Blind through PM... my brain is mush.

I quite like your fellow and he's got a lot of cool plotting to him... but my Daenerys romance muse is very fickle right now and he's not quite what I'm looking for. Thanks for your interest though, and I'm sorry again for taking so long to respond. *hides*  

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

Summer Raaven

Garbage Trash

PostPosted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:00 pm
Roniel Targaryen

Soquili image:
User Image
Soquili name: Rainbow Sherbert
Soquili personality: Just a small screw loose in this one. Due to her past verbal abuse from her mother, she's grown up in a world created by herself, and reality has been lost on her. Bertie, as she likes to be called, is extremely bright, independent and clever, but very very strange.
She likes and dislikes things that normal soquili wouldn't and she loves to talk to things that aren't actually there. It's because of her father's stories that she acts the way she does, and lives as though she was a character in one of the stories. Her world is both perfect and non-existent. She has the freedom to change it however she wants, and that is what she likes about her 'world'. It's a safe haven from all the bad things her mother had put in her head.
Don't let her craziness give you the wrong impression, though...for she is extremely fun, and friendly. Bertie loves making friends, real or not...she loves to talk to others. She'll consider anything a new adventure and a new challenge that she needs to overcome, and be a better mare because of it. She'll never, ever let anyone down...not if she can help it. She may be a bit screwy, but she's crazy loyal.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Lapointe
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Lifemate preferably, but that's debatable!
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? RP mostly
Got any cool plot ideas? Hmpfh. Plenty. But nothing off the top of my head right now. Ahaha. Her plots would all be fairy-tale related though.
Anything else I should be aware of? I ripped the band-aid off! -twiddles thumbs-
I don't know if her and Lapointe would be a perfect match, but I figured I might as well try. She's not really looking to fall in love or be loved, she more or less just wants someone to be there for her. Someone to see past the crazy world that she created and accept her as a friend and a lover OR someone to join her in the world and be a partner in crime. -giggles-
PostPosted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:06 pm
Roniel Targaryen

Checking to see if you're still interested in this pair; we discussed before via PMs after Dixie gave her to you. biggrin

Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Brynjulfr
Soquili personality: Brynjulfr and his twin sister, Gullveig, stepped out of the Cursed Tree together -- but as far as typical twin siblings go, they are nothing of the sort. The twins loathe each other, and while equally matched, each is in a continuous competition to out-do the other in all things. There may be once or twice when the pair team up to take town a particularly troublesome foe, but as soon as they accomplish what they've set out to do, they instantly turn on each other again. It's an endless pull of sibling attachment and hate; they can't stand each other but also feel drawn to each other at the same time. They share similar beliefs and killing methods as well, finding attraction to symbols of power, painting their bodies with gold and sometimes adorning golden jewelry. They each have a cave filled of their treasures, each one torn from the dead bodies of their victims -- some with flesh still hanging on. Brynjulfr is more primal than his sister; less manipulative but just as savage. He prefers to destroy a soquili's body more than their mind, inflicting excruciatingly slow, painful deaths on his victims as he watches the life leave their eyes. No soquili will meet a quick end in his jaws, no mercy, no wild, out-of-control slaughter -- it is careful and calculated, and knowing he has the power to make himself the last thing another living creature sees before they gasp their final breath is thrilling to him. And there is nothing else but this, to ravage the lands like an unstoppable plague. What else to life is there? This is his purpose, he knows it well, and the thought of deviating from it has never, and will never, cross his mind.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Proserpina
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Fling
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Either/or!
Got any cool plot ideas? Well here's what I sent you in the PM before, but we can come up with something different too!
So I'm not sure if you'd like to continue the plot/breeding Dixie and I discussed regarding Proserpina, but she and I planned to breed Proserpina and Brynjulfr. I do know that she is breeding with one of your soquili first, so we had planned to breed them after that. I would love to continue this agreement if you're up for it. smile I also RP him so if you'd like to RP them, I'd be up for it, but I'd also be ok with just background plots. I will have to dig through my PMs to find what Dixie and I discussed, but essentially Brynjulfr wandered onto Anju's territory where Proserpina is, and she tried to spook him by hiding in the shadows so it seemed as though her many red eyes belonged to multiple creatures. Pros and Bryn ended up fighting, but they were equally matched and interested in the other's strengths. Pros saw that offspring with Bryn would be very powerful and an asset to Anju's herd, and Bryn saw her shadowy appearance and eye mutations as valuable gifts that could be passed down to future generations of terror. So each bred with the other for their own gain, and in the end they fought over the baskets, too -- Pros tries to kill Bryn but he buts up just as good a fight, and they both manage to escape with a basket.

Anything else I should be aware of? Iiii have no open raffle spots right now but they can absolutely be entered into any raffles that allow more than the usual two-couples-per-person. However! They could be one of the next couples up to bat after one of mine win, if that also works for you. ^^  



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PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:42 pm
Roniel Targaryen

I want to plot with youuuuu. Here are a few of my passing ideas, but if you have any other ones my whole teepee is open for plots and such!

Soquili image:[/bUser Image
Soquili name: Baron Samedi
Soquili personality: The Baron, despite this outwardly morbid appearance, is a disarmingly charming character. Exceedingly hedonistic, he loves mares, smoking, and drinking. He's easily distractable, avoids any kind of responsibility, and isn't at all morally bothered by tricking or lying to others to get want he wants.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Proserpina
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Fling
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? I could do either. Plotting at a minimum.
Got any cool plot ideas? Baron is more darkly mischievous than purely evil, but he is completely nonplussed by evilness. Indeed, he loves to experience everything - good and bad alike. He would find her pretty fascinating, wouldn't mind creating little nightmares with her, then being on his way.

Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Nymph
Soquili personality: Nymph is a good-hearted, if slightly gawky flutter mare. She is sweet, and has a romantic soul - but has always felt clumsy next to other more dainty flutter mares. This stems from having non-flutter (unicorn) blood - and her wings are not quite as proportional, and she's not as light weight. Therefore, she's not as confident of a flier as other flutters (or winds). Such being, she sometimes gets in over her head traveling too far or in weather not very conducive for flight.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Lapointe
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Fling, or somewhere in between
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Either!
Got any cool plot ideas? She's very large as a flutter, which size seems to be a sticking point for Lapointe. She would be easily charmed by his 'knightly' act, as she's kind of a ditz.

Soquili image:
Any of these mens:

User Image User Image User Image User Image

Soquili name: Various
Soquili personality: Kind of irrelevant, they would be mate fodder
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Samsara
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? fling, if you could even call it that
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Plotting
Got any cool plot ideas? If any of my males strike your fancy I'd LOVE to plot with you on how the babies should be like. I don't have a set personality yet because I'd like to get with you and brainstorm how you picture them in the 'bigger' picture.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 8:51 pm
Roniel Targaryen

Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Hartekellion
Soquili personality: Hartekellion is a proud, young warrior, inexperienced in the ways of the world outside of Gigage Awoyeni, his place of birth. Exploration has taught him much, but ten questions are born from one answer found. However, he is vehemently dedicated toward doing what is Good and Right in the world, and actively searches for causes he feels worthy of helping. One such is the hunting of Skinwalkers, cursed and pure. He also believes in a strict code of conduct surrounding the idea of Justice. For example, if someone should steal food from another, even if it is to feed their starving family, that thief must receive punishment. However, Hartekellion would go hungry to see that the family is fed while the thief is being punished.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Daenerys Targaryen
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Lifemate. Bronze Dragons only give their heart to one partner for their entire lives.
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? I'm definitely looking for rp. I'm aiming to max out his stats, and possibly apply for Elder status.
Got any cool plot ideas? In his search for worthy causes, Hartekellion would not be able to resist the rumor of a queen looking to reclaim her usurped throne. He would definitely search for the Khalasar to investigate whether or not the cause was truly worth. I imagine he'd be taken aback by the presence of true dragons around Daenerys, and possibly a bit offended at first. I imagine there'd be some tension if Daenerys ever makes a decision that supports Mercy over Justice being done.
Anything else I should be aware of? If you aren't interested in lifemating, I'd still be interested in the rp! biggrin  

Zee Oddwyn

Tenacious Bookworm

Sabin Duvert

Winter Trash

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:48 am
Roniel Targaryen

Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Hashashad
Soquili personality: Hashashad is a terrifying, primal force of darkness and fear. He is driven by instincts, but has the conniving and manipulative mind to direct those drives into more complexly woven plans.

Elaborating on that, he's a powerhouse/destructive force. He doesn't put as many words to voice as the planning inside his head indicates, and when he does speak, it is for effect.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Proserpina
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Fling only
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Either.
Got any cool plot ideas?
In my backstory workings, Anju was once a part of Hashashad's herd a great distance away. Hashashad was the alpha of the herd, but did not take a very active role, but exerted his dominance and force of control over those in the herd of this shadowy ilk. The land was very cut off from the rest of the world (this is all vague, based on an OC setting). He did not take kindly to one of his "minions" escaping... but in doing so, Anju also effectively showed the way out. Hashashad followed after him and is enjoying spreading his influence and darkness in this new world. He is gradually working his way to follow after Anju - for an eventual goal that he hasn't disclosed yet. But I think that it would be interseting for him to come across Proserpina who is one of Anju's progeny and.... we could discuss from ther?

Anything else I should be aware of? Don't think so. Hashashad is definitely fling-only, but yeah smile


Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Omen
Soquili personality:
Fortunately for Omen, he gets his sanity from his father, though he is much more straightforward, to the point of bluntness. Omen is serious, almost never cracking a smile. Despite his strong Kalona blood, if he says he'll do something, he'll do it. Be it an oath, promise, or a threat. He cares little for honor, but if you make a deal with Omen, then that contract is in blood. He believes in an absolute, inescapable future, and views signs and portents very seriously. If he believes in the validity of a fortune-teller or someone with an ear to the spirits, then he will take their portents as law. Despite his kirin blood, however, Omen does not shy away from violence if it comes to it. He's heavily built and competent.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Daenerys Targaryen
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Either. I think a lifemate might make more sense for the role and how serious Omen is about his word, but I'm flexible. I also wouldn't mind if she ends up flinging first, to have him come in after.
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? I'd love to RP. Omen is growing in my mind as a personality and I'd love to explore that, work out the plots with you, etc.
Got any cool plot ideas?
Omen is very much a believer in destiny and portents. I could see something that would point him her way; reading a destiny about the Khaleesi. While he can be hard-hearted, that might be the type that could really aide Daenerys in stepping out into a cruel world. He's not idealistic, but he's driven, and utterly a soquili of his word. IF he believes that he is playing a role in a greater cause, then there is nothing that would sway him from his position.

Anything else I should be aware of? I watched the first season of GoT a long time ago, and have recently been rewatching/going to be catching up. I've been utterly enjoying it, and would love to get involved with some of the plottings with the Soq incarnations of the characters (and Daenerys is definitely becoming my favorite character) :3


Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Fiacha Dunne
Soquili personality: Fiacha embodies every bit of his mother's confidence and free-spiritedness with his father's rich Irish heritage and energy. He is bold and very sure of himself, to the point of overconfidence. He prides himself in his aerial prowess. He's a little larger than his slender father, a fact that he enjoys lording over him in a good-natured way. Still a young stallion, Fiacha has a playful tone and a curiosity about the world at large. Still, he considers his herdgrounds as his home base, and is fiercely protective of his extended family. He is eager to prove his competence, and yearns to impress (Something he also picked up from his dad) - to the point of being a little reckless or over-eager to accept challenges.
Building on that blurb, Fiacha is from one of my favorite family lines, and I'd love to explore his story and role as well. He's growing, and with that is wandering father and farther from his home territory, and could very well get swept up with the grand adventure/story that Daenerys is involved with.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Daenerys Targaryen
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? Lifemate
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Definintely RP
Got any cool plot ideas?
Fiacha is young and idealistic. He's got a good heart, and has grown up hearing stories of great heroes, the old Celtic gods, and rich traditions. He's overconfident and would be quick to defend and help a lovely young mare. He'd easily get swept up with her cause, and he is more than a little bit of a romantic.

Essentially, he'd be a great support for plots. He's from a rich family history, but wouldn't bring a lot of drama/complications to the table on his end other than having aunts/uncles/cousins out there in the world also wrapped up in their own stories/adventures which they could also come across in theory and intertwine some storylines.

For example, Fiacha's older sister, Fianna has met the little prince Dae'Ruil who fled his kingdom at a young age - he was the youngest of several brothers and didn't want to be involved in the struggle for dominance. He was shy, cowardly, and figured it would be easier to run than be targeted. Over the course of his travels, he's gained a lot of confidence and has been considering taking his lifemate Fianna back home. These could be allies/etc.

Anything else I should be aware of? Same as above - I watched the first season of GoT a long time ago, and have recently been rewatching/going to be catching up. I've been utterly enjoying it, and would love to get involved with some of the plottings with the Soq incarnations of the characters (and Daenerys is definitely becoming my favorite character) :3


Soquili image:User Image
Soquili name: Malfeas
Soquili personality: There seems to be a chill in the air whenever this ghostly soquili is in the area. He has gravitated to the presence of other monstrous soquili, namely Anju's herd, though his relation to them and his intentions are not quite known. He tends to speak little, though when he does it is often with a chilling, ominous tone that speaks of horrors untold. Despite his pristine white coat, there is something twisted and wrong about him.
Which of my soquili are you offering them for? Daenerys Targaryen
Lifemate or fling? Or something in between? This would be a fling - possibly establishing something of a darker encounter before her coming into her own/gaining the independence she needs.
Are you looking for RP? Just plotting? Definitely both
Got any cool plot ideas?
This is just one other idea kind of tossed out there - this probably isn't really what you're looking for, but if you wanted to have Daenerys have a not-so-nice encounter with a stallion somewhere along her storyline, Malfeas might be an interesting patch for that. STrictly OOCly speaking he does have an interesting mix of traits that could end up bearing Daenerys some strong children despite it all.
HOWEVER, I have not yet RP'd Malfeas and he is a bit malleable because of that. I love his design, and have a general "feel" for his attidue, but I'm very open to suggestions.

Anything else I should be aware of? Same as above :3  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:55 am
Proserpina heart

I've always loved her family  

Tara de Draiocht

Naughty Man-Lover

Revolutionary Roniel

Indestructible Dragon

PostPosted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:24 am
So I apparently get sorta overwhelmed trying to make a bunch of mate decisions at once. Really sorry everyone, but I'm gonna close this thread for now. I might stick up a couple ponies on the LR, where things will be a bit easier to manage for me.

I'm gonna be PMing a couple final people from this thead with ideas and stuff!  
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