i was traveling, and kickin it with the homeless of california in a lil bay area city called novato. i was walkin around downtown and i saw these old ladies having a hard time carrying these plastic backs full of clothes into this building, so i ran up and helped them and i knocked it out real quick. they were really appreciative and they gave me 40 bucks, it was nice... so i had this 40 bucks and i get like 2 stores down from where i was and my buddy austin goes walkin inside this music store, so i go to say hello, and as im lookin around this music store im just gettin this urge to buy something, ANYTHING, ******** recorder or a tambourine i didnt care... and my buddy starts talkin to this dude about this guitar they had behind the counter, and apparently some dude left it and never came back for it, so i was like "how much?" hes like "50 bucks?" i go "i got 40 right now." so he sold it to me.... id never played a guitar, and the only time i had access to the internet to try and learn anything was when the library was open, so i went to this area where all the homeless people hung around in the evening and everyones all hella impressed i got a guitar, and callin me "guitar man" n s**t.....

man i talk alot...

long story short i hung around with a couple crackheads (i didnt do any crack) but holy s**t these dudes could just rip out these insane riffs on this tiny accoustic guitar, so i asked them to show me stuff, they tought me my power chords, my barre chords, different strumming patterns, lil looping riffs and whatnot.... if you could have only seen them crackheads play though....

moral of the story: you need to get yourself around people who play the instrument you wanna play very well. you needa be finding people to kickit with IRL who when they play, it just blows your mind and you become inspired.