+[Teh Amish Kotex Fairy]+
ideal about a size 1 to size 5.. actually i want to be a size 5..just dont see that happening.
I'm so glad you were in sports when you little! It should be easier to make your body exercise.

I was never active as a child. I like video games and doing artsy stuff.

You can make it to a size five for sure.

I'm 137 and a size 5, but I have an extremely small frame.

Since my legs are very muscular so they wont be able to fit unfortunately. my waist may someday get that small but my large almost pure muscle legs that are already lengthen but refuse to be lean. i want the long lean muscles but in my family our muscles are bulky unfortunately. ive tried for years to reduce the bulk and by trying it gets worse. they have been bulky since i was five gonk .

yeah its simple for me to exercise which makes it tougher for body quickly adjusts to all workouts so finding something challenging for my body is hard. anything that involves my legs are out. no matter what the workout i can never even break a sweat for some odd reason and i dont get may be that once your muscles learn something they never forget kind of thing.

i dont even know what my frame is. on the bottom half im pretty small but bulky muscular thighs.but my whole torso and waist i have no idea about.

Edit: When i return to college im starting on an ergometer to help with the back flab is my torso's major problem.then i just need to focus on the lower abs flab.
Well, weight loss is over all, so you'll lose fat from everyplace in your body. Core workoutsjust tightens the muscles for a skinnier appearance.

And for the legs.... Iunno. D: I dun have fancee college degree. Sorry, hunn.