filigree hummingbird

Yeah, I also heard that he starred in Harry Potter 4. None of the girls who saw him in Harry Potter 4 went crazy over him, until he starred in Twilight and had a "romantic" scene with Kristen Stewart/Bella. Really there is no difference in him between Harry Potter and Twilight, with the exception of white make up. It makes me think that if any guy portrayed Edward Cullen, even an ugly guy who has a low possibility of being in an adult situation. That every girl would try to frigging attack him!

ok no offence but my school went muy loco for cedric (aka robert patterson) in harry potter but totally rejected him like a bad liver when he played edward cullen. i think it was because they made him look like a goth elvis presley..

data is cool but spock rocks!!!! dramallama

Oh I see...

I don't mean to offend anyone either, but I personally never heard girls talk about him when he played the role of Cedric.