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Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:20 am
Kayonis heard the window open, but not to raise questions he played it cool. "Mr. Rotor, how long before the machine's done?" He questioned. "It'll take about two hours at this rate. It's power is trying to jam my system." He said. "Ok, I'm going for a fly." He said and opened the window very quickly knocking Rasu off balance and thenm the flew out picking him up for the ride. "I don't much like spies. Who are you working for?!" He demanded. They were extremely high, much higher than Angel Island. "Better play nice, it's a long fall." He said. and awaited a response.


In space the man looked at the monitor. "This child could be a problem. We'll have to keep an eye on him." he said to himself. "Two hours remain master." The mechanical voice called. "Ah, excellent. Soon Freedom Fighters, I will have your location and I will eliminate you from the equation one by one." He said with a malicious grin on his face.

(Sasuke sorry, but we've got to continue so for now I'm Sonic since he hasn't had much in the way of a role.)

A blue blur was seen streaking through the trees and stopped at the edge of a grotto. "Man, now that buttnik is gone there's no excitement anywhere. Wonder of ol' Knux is up for a spar." He said to himself. He ran full speed towards where Angel Island was floating. "HEY KNUCKLES!" He yelled. Upon hearing this Knuckles peared down. "What?!" He yelled back before flying down. "Man am I glad to see you. It's boring without Eggman trying to tear this place up. I was wondering if you were up for a spar?" Sonic asked. "Sorry can't. The lady made up her mind to go on a vacation and we're packing. Any other time I'd be glad to kick your blue butt." Kuckles said. "Knuckles backing down?! Wonders never cease!" Sonic said. "Sonic you know I'd fight if I didn't have prior engagements." He spat. "Yeah, yeah, well see ya." He said and blasted off.

While Knuckles was down, the Master emerald glowed a deep dark purple and Angel Island shook, but didn't fall. Out of the Master Emerald came an orangish liquid monster. and it disappeared without a trace.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 2:30 pm
Rasu was taken by suprise, again! "Wait, what just happened? How the heck did you know i was there?! I even had my camoflauge on!" Rasu said. Then he looked down. "AAAHH!" Then Rasu remembered Kayonis' question. "Oh right! I'm not working for anybody! i just wanted to figure out what you were doing with the Chi Emerald! Now let me down!" Rasu demanded as he hung there. "Ugh, where are you taking me?"


hey can you add Rasu to the character list Kosai? I'm still thinking of a story for Chris to start up on.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:30 pm
(sure thing)

"I'm not taking you anywhere we're landing. In regards to your question, I have very good hearing and if you knew my mother, you'd know why." He said gently landing the two of them. "Just one question, why do wish to have this Chi Emerald?" He asked.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:43 pm
"i never wanted it, i just wanted to know what is was when i snatched it from your hands." Rasu said. "Then you beat the crap out of me, and took it to that house. I was just wondering what you were doing with it." Rasu held out his hand. "I'm Rasu by the way. Rasu The Hedgehog." He said with a smile. "you've got quite a punch there kid!"  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:49 pm
Kayonis smiled. "Thanks, I train with my dad. Kayonis." He said shaking the hedgehog's hand. "You may know my dad. His name is Knuckles." Kayonis said. "Sorry about that shot, I was aiming for the branch and the wind caught me and lifted me up." He said. He popped his neck. "Well, next time you want to know something just ask, don't spy because karma has a bad way of rearing it's head." He said hinting that he had skill in stealth to.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:55 pm
"oh jeez don't remind me." He said as he felt his cheek. "So your Knuckles' son, eh? I had heard he had settled down, but i didn't quite believe it. well i guess like father like son in the case of strength." Rasu looked around. "Where are we?" He asked.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:58 pm
"I don't know exactly, but I sensed another energy signal around here." He said. "I think this is a chaos emerald." He said honing his senses. "Do you want claims to this one?" He asked.

(Don't know how long you're going to be on, but it's supper time for me. Update if you want and whilst I'm away try to incorporate Chris in and I'll do something with Sonic when I get back.)  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:33 pm
will do, and I have my computer on for most of the day. If you message me, my phone will go off cause I have the alerts. So if you advance and I'm not on just message me and I'll come on in a few minutes. That is unless I'm not playing a game or something lol.


"I don't really need a Choas Emerald, but if you don't want it I can hold on to it for safe keeping." He closed his eyes also trying to sense the Chaos Emerald. "Yes I can sense it too, I believe it is that direction." He said as he pointed towards a forest.

.:: ~~ ::.

Meanwhile, on the familar planet Earth, an old friend of sonic just finished putting on the finishing touches on a new invention. "Well if i ever see him again, He could definitely use these!" He said as he lifted it up. "It's been 24 years since Eggman sent me back. I just wish I could figure out how to fix what had happened to me." When Chris Thorndyke had landed back on Earth, he immediately realised something was wrong. He had gotten out of the rocket, and was shocked to still see himself as a 12 year old. "What?! Why do I still look like this?!" He then remembered what Eggman said to him, when they were at the final battle with the Materex. The Master Emerald had somehow stored Chris' data inside itself, when he had used it to travel to Mobius. Since he had gotten back to Earth, he had been unable to age at all. He still had the experience and knowledge of 24 years, but he had the body of a 12 year old. "well, I guess now I have enough time to find a better way to travel to Sonic's world." He said to himself. "I'm so close i can feel it!" He had been making so many more adjustments to Chuck's machine. He had been doing it by himself, since his friends were now too old to help him with anything. Then something hit him. "What if I..." He ran over to a computer and typed something in. "Yes! This is it! I can now travel there, even if it isn't the right time to do it!" He immediately started to pack his things. "I can't believe it! I'm finally going to get to see Sonic again! This time I've made a way to communicate too! SOnic here I come!" Chris started up Chuck's Machine. It hummed to life as a brilliant light exploded out. Chris stepped forth and disappeared into the light.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:10 pm
"Well, there's no reason to keep the emerald safe, but please if you will." Kayonis said and headed towards the emerald's direction. Something rustling in the bushes caught his attention. "Wait here a sec." He said. He walked into the bushes and noticed some sort of orange liquid. "What is this stuff." He said. He poked it a couple of times and it seemed completely liquid. "Whatever was here must've left this behind. Yuck, urine and blood." He said wiping his hand on the grass. "It's nothing." He said returning and going towards the emerald. The orangish substance took shape as soon as they left. It looked almost like Chaos, but it was orange and had blue eyes. The creature stalked them silently awaiting the moment to strike.


Sonic, resting beside a pond all of a sudden thought of something. "Chris, I wonder if he's alright. I haven't heard or thought about him for years now. "Hey dad!" Manic called causing Sonic to sit up. "What's up?" Sonic said messing with his son's spines. "Hey cut it out Pops." Manic said. "Ok, what brings you here. Wanna race with your old man?" Sonic asked. "Not quite. I was wondering if you've ever heard of a gem called a Chi Emerald." Manic replied. "No, I don't think so. The only gems I know of are the Chaos Emeralds." Sonic replied. "Oh, alright. Say dad, how about that race now?" Manic asked. "You're on. Ready?!" Sonic said. Both father and son revved up. "3-2-1, GO!" The both yelled simultaneously. Father and Son were neck to neck. "Where we racing to?" Manic asked. "Just run until you can't go any more! First to wimp out loses!" Sonic said leaving his son behind in a cloud of dust. "GET BACK HERE DAD!!!" Manic said catching up to Sonic.


"Are you ready now Rouge?" Knuckles asked. "Of course, I was waiting on you." She said. "I'll write a note to Kayonis after I check on the Emerald." He said. "Leave the damn Emerald alone." Rouge said and dragged her spouse towards the edge of Angel Island and started down. "Sally will tell Kayonis I'm sure." Rouge said.


"Time remaining is one hour master." The mechanical voice rang. "Good!" The man called out before standing and turning towards the source of the voice. This man stood at least six feet ten inches. He was strongly built and wore a black, leather trench coat. His long hair hid his face and all you could see was glowing red and a malevolent smile. "Plot a course for Mobius. All systems go!" He demanded. The space staition headed directly towards Mobius. "Soon Freedom fighters, you will know a power far greater than Eggman, or even Black Doom! couldn't comprehend." He laughed menacingly as he ended this statement.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:30 pm
"Alrighty then Kayonis. Lets find that Emerald quick, I'm getting bored, heh." Rasu said as he put his arms behind his head. "After were done here I'd like to hang out more with your friends, since i could probably help in locating the other Chi Emeralds."

.:: ~~ ::.

A huge brilliant light exploded near a pond, and a figure appeared in the light. Chris step out of the light and collapsed on the ground. "Jeez that was some journey! I wonder if everything made it here alright." Chris said as he checked his big backback. "Yup everything is here and acounted for!" Chris yawned. "I guess I'm a bit tired from all my work, guess I'll take a nap before I start looking for Sonic." he said as he laid up against nearby tree and fell asleep.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:43 pm
"Right." Kayonis said. He looked in an old tree trunk where he sensed the emerald. "Alright!" He said pulling out the white Chaos Emerald. "Oh Yea! Three down four to go!" He said. "Oh hey, catch!" He said tossing it to Rasu who tried to catch it, but a creature intercepted it and absorbed it. "What the?!" Kayonis asked. As the creature began to transform. It begat a mouth and metal in it's arm. "Ah, thank you for finding this for me." The creature hissed. "Ah, greetings. My name is Chiro (kiro), I have awaken to recieve the powers of the chaos emeralds." He said. "Ugh...so that was you I saw earlier." He said. "Oh yes, how do you do Kayonis?!" The creature asked. "How do you OOF!" Kayonis started, but was interrupted mid sentence by the creature's punch. "I must go now, much more to find!" He said before disappearing. "Ah...ouch!" Kayonis gasped before trying to sit up. "Ugh..we've got a problem." He said.


"Come on Manic, you're too slow!" Sonic said challenging his son. "Gr...I won't lose!" Manic said picking up the pace. Sonic easily stayed ahead. "Oh come on." He said. "DAD WATCH OUT FOR THE TREE!" Manic warned. "huh? Agh!" Sonic yelped before hitting smack into the tree. "Ouch, hey not fair it jumped out in front of me." He said. "Man dad, that's some bump on your head." Manic said. "It's nothing. let's head back to the pond." Sonic said. There Sonic saw a kid lying asleep next to a tree. "Manic stay here. That's an overlander. Wonder why he's here. More importantly how did he get here." Sonic said. Upon Sonic getting closer he started to recognize the kid. 'Huh? Can it be?' Sonic asked mentally.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:54 pm
"What the hell was that?!" Rasu said ashe helped Kayonis up. "Sorry I couldn't help, my punch did nothing to it." Rasu clenched his fist. "That thing grew stronger when it absorbed the emerald. We have to warn the others and protect the emeralds we have! Come on Kayonis lets head back to that castle!"

.:: ~~ ::.

Chris was woken up by a loud sound nearby. "What was that?" He asked himself. "Sounded like someone ran into something." He turned his head and saw a figure geting closer. He quickly went through his backpack and found something to defend himself with. "Who are you?!" He demanded.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 5:58 pm
"Yeah. You're fast at running, head there, I'll catch up." Kayonis said. He watched as Rasu left. 'As soon as I sinf this other Chaos Emerald here.' He thought and flew the opposite direction of Rasu. "There just over that ledge!" He said. He looked over but didn't see. "I was afraid of that. Underground." He said and started digging.


"Chris? Chris, is that you?!" Sonic called. He stopped walking and waited for a response.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:09 pm
Rasu took off, headed towards Castle Acorn. He turned his head to see if Kayonis was coming, but didn't see him. 'heh heh, must of left in the kid in the dust' He thought. 'Wait I have to wait for him to get to the castle before I go and tell everyone. They probably won't believe me if i went in without Kayonis.' Rasu arrived at the castle but waited by the door for Kayonis to arrive.

.:: ~~ ::.

"How do you know my name?!" He demanded. Then he saw who it was. He dropped his weapon and got up. "Sonic? Sonic! It really is you!" Chris ran over to Sonic. "Sonic! It's been ages! How have you been?" Chris asked.  



Friendly Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:41 am
Kayonis dug six feet down and found what he was looking for. "Yes! The Red Chaos Emerald!" He said. He climbed out of the hole and filled it back up. "However buried it here won't find it now." He said. He looked around for Chiro. "Perfect. Alright Kayonis, back to the castle." He said to himself and took to the air. A few minutes later he landed in front of Rasu. "Sorry that took so long, I found this." He said showing the Emerald. "Come on, maybe Rotor is done with the Radar. Plus we have to warn the others." He said leading Rasu inside.


"Chris! How have you been! It's me!" Sonic cheered. "Hey Manic, come over here. I have to introduse you to someone." He called. The young hedgehog sped towards his father. "Who's this dad?" Manic asked. "This is Chris. This is the boy who saved your old man from drowning when he was on Earth." Sonic said. "Wait dad, I thought you said Mobius used to be Earth." Manic said. "It did, but this guy's from new Earth." He said. "Ok, nice to meet you um...?" Manic satarted. "Chris." Chris said. "Cool. My name's Manic." said the young Hedgehog.  
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