New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:12 pm
She snickers and gets up, grabbing her beer as she does.
"You're more than welcome to come downstairs, the company will be nice. Be good to have someone to talk to while I pack."
She starts walking toward the office, sipping her beer as she goes.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:13 pm
{{Bad girl! LOL!!}}
Thistle squeaked up angrily at him. Bad girl? He was being a bad boy!
She started squeaking at Dec. If a pony could sound indignant, then Thistle sure was. How dare he play his master like that?! Sure, she was pretty certain that Amy didn't like him anymore, but she sure did months ago!
She put her first two legs on one of the rungs of the bar stool so that she could look up more at Dec. Her big blue eyes were frowning and her tail was flicking angrily. Like owner, like pet...
She kept squeaking at Dec and then butted his thigh lightly with her head.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:14 pm
{{ Seriously, they are}} *having laid awake since the early hours of the morning, she finally rolls out of bed, needing to expend some extreme pent up energy and frustration. Heading into her bathroom for her daily ritual, she comes out and pads into her closet, finding something to wear and pulling out her gear. She would spend the day at an old training field that used to be her and Flames playground. They'd spent many hours there with the boys training and goofing off. She grabs her combat suit, boots, artillery rifle, handguns, ammunition, soundproof headphones, short swords, throwing knives, boomerang blade, twin steel tipped bullwhips and twin kokeshi steel clawed fans, packing them all up in a couple of duffle bags and proper carrying cases. After making sure she had all her equipment needed, she walks into her kitchen and grabs some breakfast, packing a few things to snack on while in the field. Set and ready to go, she loads herself down with her things, nabs her keys and heads towards the back entrance to her quarters, scanning and walking out. Securing the door behind her, she walks across the parking lot to her brand new love, pressing a button on her keychain to unlock her car and let the top down. Popping the trunk, she loads her things in and closes it, hopping in the driver seat and cranking her baby up. A smile breaks across her face when her car comes to life, purring like the good little car she was. Revving the engine a bit, she eases out of the parking lot unto the street, switching gears and taking off*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:25 pm
Dec grinned at Kat, " Be right there." His face hardened as he felt Thistle butt his leg and her tiny horn scratch his thigh. With quick hands, he grabbed Thistle and imobilized her with sure movements. He flipped her on her back and gently but firmly gripped her thrashing legs. Her wiggling head was kept imobile between his knees.
"Thistle," he said calmly, "That was very rude. You hurt me and I don't appreciate that. I assume you are upset because Amy is upset. However you need to realise that she and I are adults. Adults that are not in a relationship with each other. I have broken no promises. Therefore assaulting me because I am interested in another woman is very rude. I certainly was not celibate while I was on my trips and I see that Amy has moved on to Karrie, so this jealously is illogical. Please stop this childish behavior. I will give you a spanking if you are rude like this again."
He put the pegi down and followed after Kat, slipping an arm around her waist.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:29 pm
Smiling at him as he puts his arm around her, they walk over to the bookcase. She does the security scans and they enter the corridor. A few minutes later, they arrive at her door. Using her new key, she unlocks the door and enters ahead of Dec, tossing her keys on the table next to the door. Turning around, she smiles at him.
"Home, sweet home. You want anything to drink, Dec?"
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:36 pm
{{ rofl Spanking! That was awesome.}}
Thistle continued to squeak after Dec put her down and left. She was very indignant now! She really wished Velcore would have taught her more words now! Well, he had tried, but it's not like she could learn that many words in a few days, anyway!
She knew that Amy had moved on and so had Dec, but Dec had not been a very good friend! He had lied to Amy! Amy had told Thistle, back when Amy didn't think Thistle could comprehend that much because she was young and was simply venting to her, that Dec said he couldn't be with Amy because of his schedule. And here he was getting with someone else!
She tried to form her mouth into a shape so that she could shout 'liar' after him. She yelled out with all of her might, but all that came out was a honking sound and what sounded like, 'lrrr!"
She huffed in frustration, flipped her tail up indignantly, and trotted over to JD in a huff. When she saw Amy sitting at a table in a corner looking lost, though, she dropped her tail and her big blue eyes became sad and concerned. This couldn't all be about Dec. Maybe she was upset about Karrie.
She walked over to Amy, trilled softly, and then hopped up into her lap. Amy began to pet her slowly and Thistle nuzzled against her stomach.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:40 pm
Dec smiled at Katana and looked around. "That'd be nice." He smiled sexily and ran he hand down her back as he began to innocently wander around curiously.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:43 pm
She heads into the kitchen, calling out behind her, "Anything in particular you want?"
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:47 pm
He slips in behind her and lightly rests his hands on her hips. "Well I see lots of things I want...." His fingers stroke gently across the exposed skin. "But for now I'll take some water." He leans down and speaks against her neck, "Need to keep my wits about me."
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:50 pm
She shivers slightly as the feel of his fingers on her thighs. Leaning back slightly, she closes her eyes and tilts her head a bit, giving him more access to her neck.
"And why would you need your wits about you, Dec?" Her voice sounded a bit breathless.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:59 pm
"Well I supose that all depends on you." He whispered as he pressed his back up along hers and pulled her hips back against him. He felt her relax against him and he ran a hand up through her hair and onto her scalp, scratching just slightly, in a massaging motion. As her neck muscles relaxed, he lifted another hand and turned her head towards him.
He leaned down to kiss her but stoped just a hair shy of her lips. He breathed and his warm mintly breath slipped into her mouth. He twitched his mouth and brushed her lips. Shivery pleasure ran down her spine as his fingers continued the massage. Finally his lips met hers and the kiss deepened slowly. He kissed like a bargener; fliting around, getting to know the lay of what he wanted and then he took it. Dominating the kiss without being overbearing and disqusting. Using all of his skill to tantilise and arouse.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:06 pm
"Depends on wh-" She is turned around and is silenced by Dec's kiss. Sensation flooded her as she returned his kiss. It had been so long since she'd been kissed like this....like a desired woman, like a lover.
Wrapping her arms around him, she snakes one hand into his hair, while the other grips his shoulder, helping her stand. Knees weak, she leans into him and deepens the kiss.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:11 pm
Dec smiled into the kiss. A real smile not a smirk. He continued the kiss and drew her close to him. One hand wrapped around her waist and supported her weight. The other stroked up and down her back then snaked into her hair. He cradled her head as he tipped her back slightly.
He lifted his lips and let her breath; then he smiled a little darkly as he settled her weight back on her feet. "Don't you have some packing to do, missy?" Dec's eyes twinkled at her.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:16 pm
Face flushed and a bit dazed, she looks at him confused for a moment, "Packing?"
Mentally facepalming, she remembered that she has to pack for the mission. "Um, yeah, packing...." she laughs. "Guess I won't get much of that done here in the kitchen, huh?"
She grins at Dec, "Well, come on, you can keep me company while I pack." She turns and heads down the hall to her bedroom. She glances at her unmade bed and then shrugs. She didn't really care to make her bed, after all, she was just gonna fall right back into it at night, so why bother making it up?
She heads into her closet and grabs her duffel bag, and tosses it on the bed.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:29 pm
Dec came in and lounged on Kat's bed, up near the head board, and enjoyed watcing her move. He mussed with the sheets. "So...Is this a business trip or a ex-business trip?"