New RN's. How bout it? |
I desire to serve the Mistress and her ladies unconditionally |
22% |
[ 10 ] |
I just want a drink |
35% |
[ 16 ] |
Say What? |
24% |
[ 11 ] |
Oh gawd. How am I going to walk in those heels? |
17% |
[ 8 ] |
Total Votes : 45 |
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:02 am
((*Giggles* Your message tickled my funny bone, Kat. Nighters, dame, sorry my wardrobe is taking up so much space on your wishlish. xd ))
*She finishes mixing up her drink, then moves over to a stool and sits down waiting to her how things went with Flame.*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:15 am
*as she goes to stand, she finally sees Brat. Startled, she almost tips over backwards, catching herself by gripping the leather guard of the counter, yelping a bit*
Good lord Brat! gonk You scared the s**t out of me! sweatdrop How long have you been here? stressed
*regaining her composure, she wobbles behind the bar, grabbing her third Paulaner Munchen, repeating the process and returning to her seat, a bit unstable*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:19 am
eek *Watches Icy nearly fall on her a**, then right herself and get another drink.* Indeed, Icy Reign. Been here awhile now. You alright? *As drunk as Icy is getting, she suspects Kat has told she's on dame-sitting duty.*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:28 am
*laughs humorlessly and sips her beer, feeling light yet weighed down at the same time*
Depends on your definition of alright? But to save the question and answer part of that particular quiz, no I'm not alright. Apparently I've been stuck with babysitting Ms. Irresistible wihle you all get to go and take care of a certain megalomaniac for another megalomaniac. stare
*sits and sips in bitter silence, working her jaw*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:32 am
((I'm sorry! gonk But you're the best person for the job! crying You would have no problems locking her up until we return if she tried to run to L! xd ))
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:35 am
*Frowns then moves over to sit closer to Icy.* Yes, I'm afraid we have to go take care of one psycho for another. Wouldn't want that second one taking out some people I care about. Wouldn't want that first one tipped off, either. I don't think her Ladyship is up to keeping an eye on Purple, they haven't been themselves lately. Who else can be trusted, love? The girl's too brainwashed not to spill it, even if she didn't mean to. And I'm not so sure what she means to do these days.
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:45 am
PFT! rolleyes I know exactly what she's means to do! Wreck any and all things in her path to whatever and whoever she wants. evil You all are so ******** protective over the person who came here-
*lets her rant trail off, tired of repeating the same old bullshit and not being heard but taken for being some hurt, betrayed little soul. Sneering in her beer, she sips and glares at the counter*
Just make sure you all are careful. Katana said she'd talked to me again before you all leave, but I'm sure I won't be around. Do whatever the hell has to be done to ensure the safety of this establishment and it's patrons. Last thing I need is Psyzapp on a rampage over recent events, and god forbid something happening to this bar. rolleyes I'll do what I can on this side to make sure you're not outed or found out.
*continues sipping, feeling the alcohol push logic out the door slowly and methodically*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:51 am
Icy Reign *continues sipping, feeling the alcohol push logic out the door slowly and methodically* {{.... is it bad that my first thought after reading that was, "This would be a good time for Draa to show up"? sweatdrop hm? Drunk girls? ninja Where? ninja Stay away! scream }}
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:53 am
(( rofl xd xd xp OMG, now i have a mental picture of a grunny humping Icy's foot while she's sitting at the bar drunk! Oh, lord, it's time for Kat to go to bed! Night all!))
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:55 am
*Glances over at Icy, her brow raised as the young woman spews an alcohol induced rant.* Think I feel sorry for you, chica, like you're some vulnerable little girl in need of watching over. Given your mouth, I doubt anyone could think that. Screw the bar, Icy. But I've got one cold-assed mo-fo Russian mobster that'd like to take out your cute little butt without so much as blinking an eye. And I'd rather that didn't happen. So, pour as much of that crap *motions at the bottle* down your throat as you want, but don't let dame spout off. *She slides off the stool and takes her glass to the sink, muttering.* Join a damn Pity Party my demonic a**. ((Nighters Kat))
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:02 am
ThisEmptySoul Icy Reign *continues sipping, feeling the alcohol push logic out the door slowly and methodically* {{.... is it bad that my first thought after reading that was, "This would be a good time for Draa to show up"? sweatdrop hm? Drunk girls? ninja Where? ninja Stay away! scream }}{{ rofl rofl rofl Oh god, please keep Draa away! gonk There's no telling what Icy would do! stressed }} *looks at Brat a bit scathed but decides to keep her mouth shut. She sighs and sips her beer, wondering why she even bothers sometimes* {{Laters Katana}}
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:07 am
{{I'm definitely keeping Draa away. He'd get us both in trouble rofl I swear, that grunny is going to be the death of me if I keep letting him be a dark elf stressed gonk crying At least he's got Flo to keep him otherwise occupied... sort of... sweatdrop }}
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:11 am
*She finishes rinsing her glass, then turns to look at Icy again, sensing the alcohol has wiped any sense out of her. Feck and double feck she needs Icy on her toes. One trip up on dame's part and everyone Icy cares about will be floating down a river in tiny pieces.* Damn her stubborn a**, *she mutters again. She senses Ghost floating about and sends her a message to keep an eye on things, gets a chilly blast in return that tells her more than Ghost meant to say.* Goodnight, Icy. *She steps in to the shadows, ready to retrieve her bag and meet up with the crew for another cross-world trip.*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:14 am
{{ rofl Yes, yes he would!!! rofl }}
*nods to Brat as she leaves, staring into her beer all the while*
Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:20 am
*snapping out of her thoughts, she downs the rest of her beer, feeling a bit woozy. Standing on wobble legs, she's lightheaded and know it's past time to get down to her quarters. Placing her glass somewhat haphazardly in the sink, she weaves a line to the office, having to do the retina scan a few times b/c she can't stand still long enough to scan properly.
Finally getting a good scan in, she stumbles down the stairs and through the hallway, fumbling at her door with her key. After a few minutes, she's got her door open and goes in, closing and locking it behind her. Starting at the doorway, she strips all the way to her room, getting into bed and falling into a drunken sleep quickly*