imma make this a short post then
1. make an acc on it log in
3 download the content to play it go to this link an acc on it
make sure to go on your e-mailto activate it
5. go to this link 6. download the free version
7. open the kibacrop thing you jsut downloaded
8. log into it
9. make a deck
10. save it
11. pick server
12. open your hamaci download
13. make a room and a pw (make sure they are both short and simple) the server i told you to be at go to create duel
15. click on last detected ip and clear it
16. go to your hamachi and look at the number code and put that in the last detected ip area
17. change connection type to hamachi
18. then click ok
19. in the chat box tell people your hamachi ur and pw
20. someone will join it and then will ask to battle you
21. if their are on your hamachi room then click yes if not say no
22. once someone is on your hamachi room and asked to face you say yes
23. the duel will start
24. it starts with a rock paper sissors game
25 winner chooses who goes first
note this is not like any video game it will be like a duel in real life
if you have any questions please ask me and ill give you a teaching game to get you started