Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:57 am
X Kaos X You are invited to Swanmon's Party!
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 11:04 am
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:43 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:49 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:11 pm
Pffft! Hey there Yume! XD
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:16 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:41 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:26 pm
Omg it's been so long since I last saw Emperor's New Groove owo lol I kind of want to know how many pins he managed to get XD
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:39 pm
Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:10 pm
X Kaos X Digimon Roster Quote: Hanako the Rosemon Color: Violet
Attacks: Roses Rapier: One of Rosemon's whips glistens with pink energy and elongates straightly to stab the opponent. This can destroy most of her enemies' defences. Forbidden Temptation: The Tifaret glows and the flower on her head "blooms", and she releases a blast of energy and flower petals. Thorn Whip: Elongates the whip to wind the opponent. Ivy Hug: Sticks one of her whips on the ground and makes many vines sprout out and binds fast the opponent. Digivolution Line: Tanemon → Palmon → Togemon → Lillymon → Rosemon —Mode Change→ Rosemon Burst Mode —Mode Change(Event)→ Rosemon
Contest/Event: 1st Digimon PartnerSkye the MirageGaogamon Burst Mode Color: Blue
Attacks: Full Moon Blaster: MirageGaogamon accumulates all the energy in his body into his chest and fires a blast from the opening there. Double Crescent Mirage: MirageGaogamon fires crescent moon shockwaves from his two hands. Gale Claw: MirageGaogomon lunges forward with an incredible amount of speed, focusing his power into a single claw-swipe. Digivolution Line: Gaogamon → MachGaogamon → MirageGaogamon — DNA Mode Change with Shadow of Miracles' Vikemon→ MirageGaogamon Burst Mode
Contest/Event: ?Ren the Alphamon Color: Purple
Attacks: Digitalize of Soul: Summons a monster from another world that devours his enemies. The attack is also depicted in the form of firing multiple green energy beams from his hands. Holy Sword Grade Alpha: Summons his unique weapon, the holy sword of the same name, within an another dimension. Digivolution Line: Alphamon
Contest/Event: ?Hane the LadyDevimon Color: Brown
Attacks: Evil Wing (Darkness Wave): Creates a wave of energy bats that fly towards the enemy. In Adventure 02, this attack is a wave of flaming bats. Black Wing (Darkness Spear): Her left hand transforms into a long sharp spike. Poison: Changes an opponent's power into exploding dark energy, the damage determines on how powerful the Digimon is. Digivolution Line: Kiwimon —Unexpected Digivolve→ LadyDevimon → Lilithmon —De-Digivolve(Event)→ LadyDevimon
Contest/Event: Thanksgiving ContestKyri the Mervamon Color: Red
Attacks: Night Stalker: Extends the Medullia, which pursues the opponent anywhere to swallow them whole. Love Poison: Uses its glamor to exploit the vitality of the opponents that inhale the toxic mist sprayed from the Medullia's mouth. Final Strike Roll: Performs a forward rolling slash with Olympia Kai drawn and filled with power. Madness Merry-go-round DX: Performs a spinning slash, too quick to catch with the eyes, with the Olympia Kai and Medullia, creating a tornado that instantly tears the opponents it touches limb from limb. Hebi Punch: Strikes the opponent with the Medullia. Digivolution Line: Pururumon → Poromon → Hawkmon → Aquilamon —Unexepected Digivolve→ Piximon —Unexpected Digivolve→ Minervamon → Mervamon
Contest/Event: 1st TP Shop PartnerKukkii the Whamon Ultimate Color: Teal
Attacks: Tidal Wave: Generates a giant tidal wave that destroys everything. Jet Arrow Digivolution Line: Kamemon —Warp Digivolve→ Shawujinmon —DNA Digivolve with UnHolyFudge's Divermon→ Neptunmon —De-Digivolve(Event)→ Whamon Ultimate
Contest/Event: Kame Kontest KrazeBugsy the JewelBeemon Color: Orange
Attacks: Spike Buster Shot Claw Digivolution Line: HerculesKabuterimon —De-digivolve(Event)→ MegaKabuterimon (Red) —Mutant Digivolve→ JewelBeemon
Contest/Event: Slot Chance Contest (Given through PM)Spike the Shoutmon X3 Color: International Orange #FF4F00
Attacks: Drill Buster: Rotates the drill on its head and then shoots it with unerring accuracy. Dorulu Tornado: Enlarges the drill on its tail and then raises a tornado, threatening both ground-based and aerial opponents. Drill Blader: Rides the drill on its tail and spins itself, striking the opponent with its body until it is pulverized. Digivolution Line: Dorulumon — Xros→ Shoutmon X3
Contest/Event: Black Market Delivery ServiceGeneral the Kuzuhamon Miko Mode Color: Dark Green
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Armadillomon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Kindness → Chamelemon —Armor Clash → Armadillomon —Mutate → Gabumon → Garurumon —DNA Digivolve with shadowabyss1301's Kougamon → Karatenmon —DNA Digivolve with Xx_Yume_Shinkirou_xX's Taomon → Kuzuhamon —Mode Change→ Kuzuhamon Miko Mode
Contest/Event: Black Market Delivery ServiceKrad the Dobermon Color: Gray
Attacks: Gray Noise: Seals the opponent's abilities with a howl. Black Beam: Pierces the opponent's body with a black beam and destroys its DigiCore. Digivolution Line: Cerberumon —De-Digivolve(Contest)→ Dobermon —De-Digivolve(Event)→ Labramon —Dark Digivolve→ Dobermon
Contest/Event: The Wrath Of R.I.PLucien the Lampmon Color: Indigo
Attacks: Phantom Turban: Manipulates the turban wound around its head into ever-changing shapes in order to attack the opponent. Golden Smog Digivolution Line: Gotsumon —Warp Digivolve→ Meteormon —DNA Digivolve with -InsertEgoHere- Liger's Asuramon → Lampmon
Contest/Event: The King of GamesTyra the Raremon Color: Deep Pink
Attacks: Breath of Decay: Spits gas or acid from its mouth that corrodes anything it touches. Stinking Gas: Spits green gas from its mouth. Metal Gas Rotten Tackle: Takes the opponent. Digivolution Line: ExTyrannomon —De-Digivolve→ Raremon
Contest/Event: Happy Valentine's Day!(2013)Timmy the Digi-Elf Color: Dark Salmon
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Digi-Elf
Contest/Event: Merry Digi-Christmas! Digi-Elves!(2012)Taiga the Mihiramon Color: Sienna
Attacks: Tiger Wing Blades (Vimohana): Strikes the ground with the Bǎo Bà ng, generating a shock wave over the surrounding area. Samurai Tiger Tail (Treasure Stick): Strikes the opponent with the Tiger Rod. Armored Tiger Tail: Adds spikes to the Tiger Rod. Digivolution Line: ChibiKiwimon —Mutant Digivolve→ Veemon → ExVeemon —DNA Digivolve with -InsertEgoHere- Liger's Dobermon → Mihiramon
Contest/Event: Twitter ChibiKiwimon!Lili the Lalamon Color: Magenta
Attacks: Seed Shot (Nuts Shoot): Fires solid nuts from its mouth with surprisingly accurate aim. Lala Spiral (Lala Screw): Spins its leaf with all its might to assault the opponent. Sing a Song: Puts the opponent to sleep with a pleasant song. Nuts Gun: Fires tree nuts forcefully from its mouth. Nuts Bazooka: Fires tree nuts even more forcefully from its mouth. Nuts Explosion: Fires exploding seeds from its head. Digivolution Line: Lalamon
Contest/Event: Digi-Sentai Digikaigers!Machinedramon Color: Peafowl #1D7CF2
Attacks: Giga Cannon: Fires superdreadnought-class energy waves from its two cannons. Dragon Fire: Drills its right arm into the opponent. Catastrophe Day: Detonates itself in a large explosion. ∞ Hand: Launches a blast of energy from its hand. Digivolution Line: Guilmon —De-Digivolve→ Gigimon → Guilmon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Courage→ Flamedramon —DNA Digivolve with Shadow of Miracles' Raidramon → MetalTyrannomon —DNA Digivolve with Dujidahn's Megadramon → Machinedramon
Contest/Event: Courageous Ending Splashmon Color: AuroMetalSaurus #6E7F80
Attacks: Poisonous Force: Fires an army of Drippin that paralyze the enemy force's chain of command and cause the battlefield to fall into chaos. Hydro Pressure: Shoots water of high pressure and speed from its fingertips. Bead-drown: Instantly gathers trace elements and converts them to liquid around the opponent's head. Digivolution Line: Splashmon
Contest/Event: The Death Generals and the Seven KingdomsBagramon Darkness Mode Color: University of California Gold #B78727
Attacks: Astral Snatcher: Rips a living Digimon's soul from its body with its right arm, and sends it to heaven or hell as it pleases, or even places it within another Digimon's body. Invisible Snake-eyes: Observes any location within the Digital world using its ruby-eye, allowing it to instantaneously obtain any information it wants to know. Scarlet Blood-wine Choujigen Storm: Generates a dimensional storm anywhere within the Digital World through which it stretches its right arm to attack the opponent. Digivolution Line: Bagramon — Xros → Bagramon Darkness Mode
Contest/Event: Bagra Army Extra EventKuu the Daipenmon Color: Olive
Attacks: Purple Plague Song of Thunder Kakikaki-kun Blast Storm Hammer BreakerDigivolution Line: Kumamon —DNA Digivolve with Shadow of Miracles' Korikakumon→ Daipenmon
Contest/Event: DTI 3rd Annual Canada & 1st Independence/Bastille/Labour Day(2013)AncientMermaimon Color: Coquelicot #FF3800
Attacks: Great Maelstrom: Generates a gigantic maelstrom which swallows everything in the water. Crystal Billow: Crystallizes water into supersolids , then fires them off in the manner of a machine gun. Digivolution Line: Mikemon —De-Digivolve→ Nyaromon → Salamon → Gatomon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Reliability → Tylomon —Used Armor Crush → Mermaimon → AncientMermaimon
Contest/Event: Man of Steel Digimon Movie ContestElderadimon Color: Medium Purple
Attacks: Golden Road: Charges the opponent with its large body and breaks through, even if it suffers an attack in the process. Meteor Earthquake: Strikes with its gigantic foot, shaking the earth itself. Giant Nipper: Bites through the opponent with the power of its mighty jaws. Digivolution Line: Octomon —De-Digivolve→ Syakomon —Mutant Digivolve→ Mushroomon → Woodmon → Cherrymon —Unexpected Digivolve→ Elderadimon
Contest/Event: The Amazing Spider-Man Digimon Movie ContestMetalKabuterimon Color: Medium Slate Blue
Attacks: Bolo Thunder: Collects and then fires all of its energy from both of its arms. Electron Cannon: Fires an extremely high-speed positron laser from the gun turret on its head. Digivolution Line: Beetlemon —Used B Spirit of Thunder→ MetalKabuterimon
Contest/Event: Snowdown Showdown!Murmukusmon Color: Forest Green
Attacks: Gehenna Flame: Spews hellfire which is said to inflict death and eternal suffering. Necro Interrogation Digivolution Line: Murmukusmon
Contest/Event: Snowdown Showdown!DORUgoramon Color: Cadet Grey #91A3B0
Attacks: Brave Metal: Puts its body and soul into a terrifying assault. DORU Din: Releases a destructive shock wave. Digivolution Line: Quetzalmon —De-Digivolve→ Wormon —Mutant Digivolve→ Veemon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Courage → Flamedramon —DNA Digivolve with Ethan Kirito Soul's MegaKabuterimon→ DORUgoramon
Contest/Event: DTI Chinese New YearBeelzemon Blast Mode Color: Dark Sea Green
Attacks: Darkness Claw: Raises a claw overhead and then cuts the opponent to pieces. Double Impact: Rapid-fires the Berenjena. Heartbreak Shot Digivolution Line: Beelzemon — DNA Mode Change → Beelzemon Blast Mode
Contest/Event: The Demon Lords Event 2013Numemon Color: Sweet Potato Vine #A2C93A
Attacks: Nume-Sludge: Throws its own poop in order to defend itself against intruders. Bomber Renzoku Unchi Nage Choukyori Unchi Nage Chou Akushū Funsha Smash Digivolution Line: Numemon
Contest/Event: Fruits of Our LoveExamon Color: Rosy Brown
Attacks: Scrapless Claw: Holds the opponent between the arms on its back and crushes them. Megaton Hammer Crush: Knocks the opponent out with the iron sphere on its tail. Giga Crack: When it reaches the surface, it drops the opponent into fissures it generates by striking its whole body against the ground. Digivolution Line: Babydmon → Dracomon —Dark Digivolve → Coredramon(Green) → Groundramon —DNA Digivolve with Luigi Egbert's Wingdramon → Examon
Contest/Event: 2nd TP Shop ParnterPunkAgumon Color: Chocolate
Attacks: Digivolution Line: PunkAgumon
Contest/Event: Writer's BlockGoldramon Color: International Klein Blue #002FA7
Attacks: Gold Flame: Explodes its holy spirit, instantly mowing down the opponents in every direction. Good Summon Digivolution Line: MetalGarurumon —De-Digivolve → WereGarurumon —Mutant Digivolve→ Cyberdramon —DNA Digivolve with H e l l i s h V o i d's MagnaAngemon → Goldramon
Contest/Event: Weeding Day ContestGallantmon X Color: Tenne #CD5700
Attacks: Highland Fang Ground Fang Digivolution Line: SaberLeomon — X-Antibody(Event) → DinoTigermon — DNA Digivolve with Shadow of Miracles' Alphamon → Gallantmon X
Contest/Event: The Wolverine Digimon Movie ContestSinduramon Color: Orchid
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Floramon — De-Digivolve → Yokomon → Biyomon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Darkness→ Swanmon —Armor Crush→ Sinduramon
Contest/Event: Return of Project GAIAParrotmon Color: Gold
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Eaglemon — De-Digivolve → Parrotmon
Contest/Event: Freedom Caption ContestBantyoLillimon Color: Dark Magenta
Attacks: Digivolution Line: BantyoLillimon
Contest/Event: A Real American Contest!Footmon Color: Dark Orange
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Footmon
Contest/Event: Digimon World Cup!Megidramon Color: Maroon
Attacks: Digivolution Line: Woodmon — De-Digivolve → Mushroomon —Mutant Digivolve→ Wormmon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Kindness→ Pucchiemon —Armor Clash → Wormmon —Armor Digivolve with Digi-Egg of Courage→ Shadramon —DNA Digivolve with Darkfire Karan's BlackWarGrowlmon → Megidramon
Contest/Event: Digimon: Tamer Island 4th Annual Canada Day Chu~ emotion_bigheart
Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:09 am
Got lots of cleaning to do~
Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:44 am
Finally updated my roster x.x Edit: Never mind... Still have some work to do... ;w;
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 4:03 pm
Yay! Finally updated my roster again! 8 Devas down 4 more to go!~
Posted: Sun May 12, 2024 2:08 pm
Bump. I totally forgot I was aiming for devas XD
Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 8:36 pm
X Kaos X Bump. I totally forgot I was aiming for devas XD Whos left on the Hunting Board?