Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:09 pm
(( I'm not in a cave........... ))
Vince stared at Meleanie. "No.........." Vince replied to her. "I don't need to be rescued...." He turned his attention back to AncientSphinxmon. "Now, you must die within our forest!" AncientSphinxmon shouted. "Cerberumons kill them!" He roared into the air. "Vince!" Nightmare shouted. Sai looked back towards Vince and looked at Nightmare. Nightmare jumped over the flames and landed right besides Vince. "Next time when you plan to do something, at least tell us." "Do you think I planned this?" Vince asked her. "I didn't, but now, I know one thing, we have to fight........." Vince added. "Heart Breaker!" Nightmare shouted, attacking an jumping Cerberumon. He dropped down onto the ground, but slid across the dirt. His teeth growling at them. "Don't do that. It isn't polite. Grand Cricket!" Slamming the Queen Stick onto Cerberumon's forehead.
On Sai's side: Sai jumped into the air as the six Cerberumons pounced at him. "Positron Cannon!" Blasting a line, making them draw back. The six growled viciously at him. "Omni Sword!" He drew his sword as he waved his arm. Looking at the six Cerberumons growling at him. "Inferno Gates!" They all shouted, summoning small portals, trying to suck in Sai. "Hell Fire!" Two of them shouted, spewing flames towards Sai. The portals started to move in closer together, soon they are one. Sucking in as much as they could. Sai stabbed his sword into the earth and held onto it, as he started to lift into the air and felt being sucked into the portal. The six Cerberumons were waiting for him on the other side.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:45 pm
Nightmare evened the odds. 1 on 1. Nightmare vs Cerberumon. "Hell Fire!" Cerberumon shouted, blowing flames into the air around Nightmare. "Heart Breaker!" Nightmare shouted, breaking through the flames. As she broke through the flames, some fire got onto her, but she didn't mind. It was slowly depleting her health. Vince ran up towards AncientSphinxmon and tried to punch him, but he disappeared just as he came close enough to him. "Where did you go........" Vince asked standing, holding his risk by his palm. "Coward.........." "Coward says the human, humans say a lot of stuff." AncientSphinxmon told him. Appearing behind him. "Dark Blast!" Before Vince could even turn around the black orb hit him directly in the back, throwing him towards the edge of the flame. His face flat on the ground, his back up in the air. He placed his paw over Vince's back and thrust down a bit. Vince endured the pain as much as he could, and before he knew it, he was spiting blood out of his mouth. Vince slowly turned his head to AncientSphinxmon. "Coward. Have to use cheap attacks to get to me." Vince repeated in a different way. "I'll show you some discipline before I'm through with you!" AncientSphinxmon's eyes began to glow red. "Necro Eclipse!" His eyes started to glow red. "Energy Cannon!" Sai's voice appeared out of the other side. Shooting the cannon past the flames. Shadow walked through, scratch marks all over him. He looked tired. He looked back, all of the six Cerberumons were digieggs. "That was hard....." He fell to the ground. "Sai!" Nightmare shouted. There was a circle of ash on his back, probably by a Cerberumon, but it was really, AncientSphinxmon. "Heart Breaker!" She took out her sword and struck the Cerberumon in the chest. Digging her sword deeper and deeper. She lifted her sword up, causing Cerberumon started lifting up. "Take that!" She threw him off the sword. Data started to flow out of his cut. "Grand Cricket!" She took her Queen Stick and slammed it down on his forehead. "Hell Fire!" The Cerberumon said at the last moment, spewing flames into her face, but the attack still continued. Turning him into data, she fell to the ground. Vince was all that was left. AncientSphinxmon took both of them out, by cheap shots. "Coward..." Vince whispered. His fist clenched tight. "Taking a shot when someone isn't looking. That is cowardish." "Look who's talking. The humans brought it to themselves. Destroying us for your amusement." "Lies..........." Vince responded. "Lies............"
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:39 pm
(( Oh srry i thoyght u were in the cave.))
Meleanie thought " Okay.I guess im going to help fight then."
* All of a sudden Meleanie began to glow like before.Then all of a sudden Neferimon digivolved to Angewomon.*
Neferimon said " Neferimon digvolve to Angewomon."
Meleanie told Vince : Fine if you won't let me help you in air then im just going to fight right by you.lets go Angewomon."
Angewomon said "Holy Arrow"
* Angemon used Holy Arrow which hit Ancient Sphinxmon with amazing power.*
Angemon said " Take that Ancient Sphinxmon."
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:55 pm
"BLAZING ICE!" the attack name rang about teh air of the jungle as suddenly as if from no where the Iceball shot and hit Ancientsphynxmon in the back of the head. Lopmon stood on a tree beranch beside Kyte who had his black tinted gogles on to block his eyes. He had outdistanced his partners and Lopmon had rushed to the aid of the defeated one... or perhaps he was fighting for a different reason... His fur was still bristled and he clearly seemed very focused yet very tense.
Kyte had a feeling he knew why his partner was so uptight. His crest of darkness was glowing now and anyone who knew the symbol and took the time to look at it would know what it was. "How about you deal with someone a bit more Your type..." Kyte said in a slightly deeper and meaner voice. He was letting his persona as overlord and his instinct take over... he had a feeling that perhaps if he helped this person that the shphinxmon was attacking, they would be able to take it down together... And something about the way his crest was glowing and the way Lopmon was acting so much more aggressive and tense...he had a feeling that there were unknown forces on their side.
"BLAZING ICE!" Lopmon cired out again fireing anothe ricy projectile at hsi foe before leaping from the tree his ears spreading and allowng him to land safely infront of the unknown trainer he had heard referd to as vince. He turned to face Ancient Sphinxmon and spread his arms and ears out defiantly as if protecting vince from the foe.
Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:09 pm
* Angemon saw Kyte which her and Meleanie new. *
Angemon told Meleaie " Okay.I need you t get information on Ancient Sphinxmon.
Meleanie said" Okay Angemon."
* Meleanie then scanned the Ancient Sphinxmon ,and it said That he only gots two attacks amd the are Necro Eclipse and Dark Blast.*
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:05 am
((First off ...YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME so you cant refer to Kyte as Kyte in your post...secondly...there is NOOOOOO WAY YOU CAN DIGIVOLVE MY DIGIMON...so edit that please and thank you or your post will simply be ignored))
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:40 am
Overlord9611 " BLAZING ICE!" the attack name rang about teh air of the jungle as suddenly as if from no where the Iceball shot and hit Ancientsphynxmon in the back of the head. Lopmon stood on a tree beranch beside Kyte who had his black tinted gogles on to block his eyes. He had outdistanced his partners and Lopmon had rushed to the aid of the defeated one... or perhaps he was fighting for a different reason... His fur was still bristled and he clearly seemed very focused yet very tense. Kyte had a feeling he knew why his partner was so uptight. His crest of darkness was glowing now and anyone who knew the symbol and took the time to look at it would know what it was. "How about you deal with someone a bit more Your type..." Kyte said in a slightly deeper and meaner voice. He was letting his persona as overlord and his instinct take over... he had a feeling that perhaps if he helped this person that the shphinxmon was attacking, they would be able to take it down together... And something about the way his crest was glowing and the way Lopmon was acting so much more aggressive and tense...he had a feeling that there were unknown forces on their side." BLAZING ICE!" Lopmon cired out again fireing anothe ricy projectile at hsi foe before leaping from the tree his ears spreading and allowng him to land safely infront of the unknown trainer he had heard referd to as vince. He turned to face Ancient Sphinxmon and spread his arms and ears out defiantly as if protecting vince from the foe. Allie reached the area with a huff, and comical collapse to the ground. "Geez Overlordy, do you do track or something? You just took off like... *Swoooshch!*" She said, spreading her arms out like a plane. Naturally, she had followed the odd boy, simply because he was interesting. However, the scene that met her was slightly less than interesting. A girl and an Angewomon, Kyte and his Lopmon, and very ANGRY looking Ancientsphynxmon. "Gagh! What is THAT?" She yelped, diving behind a boulder. Dusklet gave her a pointed look, and sighed. Allie, seeming to have a sudden burst of fighting spirit, lept out from behind the boulder, and thrust out her digivice. "Alright Dusklet! Let's give them a hand!" "Finally!" Growled Dusklet, leaping forwards towards the Ancientsphynxmon. "Monodramon digivolve to...!" "Strikedramon!""Wow..." Murmed Allie, staring at the newly evolved digimon. Her awe was cut short by noticing something else. "Hey! You got pants!" She cried, before dissolving into a fit of giggles. Dusklet sighed again, and decided to attack the Ancientsphynxmon anyway. "Striking Barrage!" He yelled, before being engulfed in a flurry of blue flames. Charging at Ancientsphynxmon, he let loose a multitude of punches and kicks.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:13 am
* Meleanie looked at the Lopmon and shook her head.Then she noticed the eyes of the Ancient Sphinxmon where glowing red with anger.*
Ancient Sphinxmon shouted "Dark blast."
* When Ancient Sphinxmon used Dark Blast she seen who it was going for and it was her.But when the blast got close Angemon picked up Meleanie.Then because Angemon saved Meleanie he got made then started attacking again. *
Ancient Sphinxmon shouted with anger " Necro Eclipse
Meleanie told everyone "To watch out"
* But the blast was going to Meleanie not anyone else.Then Angemon came in and used Heaven's Charm*
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:12 am
Vince took this time to escape with his digimon. He raised his digivice and the two fallen digimons came into it. Vince looked around, the flames had turn to ashes again. AncientSphinxmon turned his head towards Vince. "This isn't the end........" He whispered towards him. "Necro Eclipse!" AncientSphinxmon shouted, shooting towards the others. "I'll have my revenge on you, Vince........" He jumped over the guy standing on the tree branch, disappearing into the woods. "Strange......" Vince finally said after a moment's silence. "Very strange........" Vince repeated himself. He walked towards the waterfall, and looked at the three new people. The boy with the Lopmon, the girl with the Strikedramon, and the other girl with the Angewomon. He looked at them, and than turned around. AncientSphinxmon, was still out there, and for all he knew, he could be plotting a new attack this moment. Than a thought came into mind. The book had something about each and every Ancient Warrior that has ever existed. AncientSphinxmon was the warrior of darkness, so where are the others? Vince turned his mind back towards them. He stared at them for a second, but he couldn't say any words to them. Not a single word or two. He couldn't form them in his mouth, and he didn't feel like saying anything.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:39 am
"You Ok?" Lopmon asked the boy tugging on his pant leg from the ground. As he did so it was clear to everyone that he did not seem anywhere near as tense as he had when the Ancient Sphinxmon was around... He seemed diferent again as if he was somehow back to "normal".
We'll get you next time AncientSphinxmon... Kyte thought to himself as He swiftly tucked away his crest hoping noone had seen it long enough to ask questions. He then leapt down from the tree and walked his way over to where Lopmon and the Tamer that had been attacked by AncientSphinxmon was located. It hadn't been too hard to get out of the way of the attack from Ancient Sphinxmon as There was so Much cover within a forest. Kyte had come out Unscathed but he was still wearing his dark goggles as if concealing some portion of his identity... With Lopmon at his side he could be Overlord now particularly after the bold display he had made of himself just then.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:51 am
Vince looked at the two as they came closer towards him. He didn't like other people's help, like always, he never got help and he didn't want it. He rejected it. "............" Vince remained silent. He looked at the two and than back towards the waterfall. He looked at his digivice. Nightmare and Sai were hurt badly, wounded more than everyone else. They did so much. It just shows that AncientSphinxmon is far stronger than any of them. And think about the Royal Knights, if him and his digimon couldn't defeat him, what makes him think that they could defeat one of the Royal Knights? Vince turned back to them, his eyes were cold and empty. He had nothing to say to him. Nothing.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:06 am
"Give him some space Lopmon you saw what happened..." Kyte beckoned to his partner and Lopmon ran over to him and leapt up on to his shoulder. From there Kyte felt him whisper inhis ear a few questions he was curious about. Kyte nodded as he too had the same questions... "We should get you Aand your digimon to the nearest town so you can get them healed... it's dangerous for them and you to wait around here with them in the condition they are in." Kyte advised knowing that if it was His digimon that had been hurt he would want to get out of there as quickly as possible as well, to make sure his partner was allright. "What were you doing fighting the Royal Knight of Darkness anyways? Or should i say what was he doing fighting you? Come on, we just helped you out the least you can do is speak to us."
"Maybe he is shy around people Overlord. Maybe he is too nervous to talk..." Lopmon suggested being carefull to use his Tamer's alias instead of his real name knowing it would probably be preferable to him that way.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:23 am
"Royal Knight huh..........he isn't one of them. He is the Ancient Warrior of Darkness..." His voice cold and shady. He continued standing there, ignoring the guy's advice. He knew how to take care of his digimons. He let them sleep within the digivice, the best way to recover. "Nearest town....the nearest town is in this area...What town in its rightful mind would live near The Cave of Dark Beginnings...." Vince added to his last sentence. Vince started to walk away from him. He placed his things under the big oak tree where the digimon slept before. He let them out as the collapsed onto the tree, sleeping. Vince looked at them, and than at the tamer. Vince glared at him for a bit. Two words were stuck in his head. "Stupid Coward." He wasn't thinking that about the tamer, but to AncientSphinxmon. AncientSphinxmon was lower than lower, but at rock bottom. He attack people when their back is turn. Cowards like him, shouldn't be able to walk this world. Thinking about things like this made Vince angry. His fist clenched together, shaking rapidly. "Coward........." Not meaning it to the tamer, but he said it silently facing the ground.
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:39 am
(( aww great i missed a good fight ))
Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:04 pm
Vince turned towards the plains over the forest. "Death.............." Vince whispered silently. The words were picked up into the wind and flew across, canceled out by the noise of the waterfall. "So much easier when I was alone......." Vince added. Vince, as you could tell, doesn't do good with others, until he gets to know them a lot, just like Jammie. Vince was telling the truth. He liked it a bunch better when he was alone in the word, but now, he got too many responsibilities after he makes friends. "AncientSphinxmon......Ancient Warrior of Darkness..........."