Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:42 am
But some people would pay more for it. .n_n.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:20 am
Hey guys~
I'm back =D
Whhhhhhhhhhhhats happened so far?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 11:43 am
Dammie-kins Hey guys~ I'm back =D Whhhhhhhhhhhhats happened so far? ummm, hard to say...you really missed out a lot.....
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:16 pm
It wouldn't take long to catch up.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:25 pm
Celes Xe It wouldn't take long to catch up. true...he only has about 9 pages to read....
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:26 pm
And the comments aren't that long, so it'd be 'easy pisy'.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:26 pm
I think i'll play it the lazy/sore method and wait out for the next available time where i can input my own words. I'll just sit in the back and take up a couch for now.
Apologies for the people finder thread, That is bugging me that i don't have any idea of how to find her.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:38 pm
Oooh, she caught your eye that badly? *wink wink, nudge nudge* I never did understand that wink wink, nudge nudge gesture. It always makes me think that someone has a nervous tick.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:54 pm
Now that you have said that it does reference a nervous tick, why would someone do that actually it doesn't say exactly suggest and innuendo or anything its just a sort of....motion...thingy...
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:59 pm
Dammie-kins Now that you have said that it does reference a nervous tick, why would someone do that actually it doesn't say exactly suggest and innuendo or anything its just a sort of....motion...thingy... okay... just go to that school and ask... or just ask someone in that school you know of... if you dont, find someone that you can get to know of... or just find her XD
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:44 pm
Dammie-kins I think i'll play it the lazy/sore method and wait out for the next available time where i can input my own words. I'll just sit in the back and take up a couch for now. Apologies for the people finder thread, That is bugging me that i don't have any idea of how to find her. For exactly how long have you known her to actually make you wanna do a personal search for this girl?
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:05 pm
tkdauronXIII Dammie-kins I think i'll play it the lazy/sore method and wait out for the next available time where i can input my own words. I'll just sit in the back and take up a couch for now. Apologies for the people finder thread, That is bugging me that i don't have any idea of how to find her. For exactly how long have you known her to actually make you wanna do a personal search for this girl? i think its just a one glance thing...
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:11 pm
CCxLenalee tkdauronXIII Dammie-kins I think i'll play it the lazy/sore method and wait out for the next available time where i can input my own words. I'll just sit in the back and take up a couch for now. Apologies for the people finder thread, That is bugging me that i don't have any idea of how to find her. For exactly how long have you known her to actually make you wanna do a personal search for this girl? i think its just a one glance thing... eehhhh....probably something more than that. confused Maybe....idk. I'm not that familiar w/ this kind of stuff. sweatdrop cry
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:16 pm
Mulizak CCxLenalee tkdauronXIII Dammie-kins I think i'll play it the lazy/sore method and wait out for the next available time where i can input my own words. I'll just sit in the back and take up a couch for now. Apologies for the people finder thread, That is bugging me that i don't have any idea of how to find her. For exactly how long have you known her to actually make you wanna do a personal search for this girl? i think its just a one glance thing... eehhhh....probably something more than that. confused Maybe....idk. I'm not that familiar w/ this kind of stuff. sweatdrop cry It has to be more than a one glance thing for anyone to go through all that trouble in finding someone you barely know anything about. Although I would admit that love at first site could have taken place...although considering how rare that is I highly doubt that would have happened then.
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 7:45 pm
Sorry for jumping in here... So where did you see her?