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Yu Yu Hakusho When Parody takes over

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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

Reply Spirit-Human-Demon...::: Role play Area:::...
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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 6:42 am
Neko lit a cigarette, walking down the path toward the shady not so great area of demon city capital. She stopped outside a door with bars over the window, kicking the door twice before hearing a slide bolt. She pulled the door open and walked in, ignoring the guard that unlocked the door. Inside was a dimly lit office, a small beady eyed demon behind a wire wall and wooden counter. Neko walked up to the counter, showing her phones screen to the beady eyed demon. "Need a job. Rank 3 or higher."

The Beady eyed demon snickered. "There are several contracts fitting that description."

Neko gave him a flat look. "I'm not picky. I'll take one that's the furthest away from here." She frowned. The demon nodded and slid a piece of paper toward her through a small slot in the grate. "Its in the west, need another bandit leader taken out. The sublord in that area is paying a pretty penny."

Neko took the contract and stuffed it in her pocket. "Thanks." She turned walking back out. Door locking behind her instantly. Her ears twitched, hearing thunder in the distance. "Great, ******** rain on the first job back" she flicked out her cigarette and turned her collar up on her coat before heading out.

Isuna groaned, opening her eyes and blinking a few times before moving to sit up, rubbing her neck. "Mmm...morning" she yawned. She listened to him as she fixed her hair and shook her head. "None of that sounds like Neko. Leaving without saying goodbye, maybe, but not throwing us under a bus." She blinked a couple times. "Coffee?"  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:16 am
Kazu moved walking into the medical room dressed as Tear and shut the door behind him and stared at Isuna and Akuro. He tried to think for a few things his best option was.

" Ah! Lord Tear morning. " Akuro said and looked at the tie demon a little unsure. " Do you need some help?" The vampire asked and Kazu tried to think, he was remembering that he had to be sober right now so that was all out of the question. "Isuna..." He started and closed the door behind hi with his foot and took his mask off before sitting down to look at paper work. " I came to help catch you up."

" Kazy your tear!?" AKuro said in a hushed tone and the silver bat shook his head. " No, Not at all. The actual Tear needed a favor and asked me to step in. But now That I'm in here and Mukuro doesn't know and can't sense me I can help catch Isuna up." He said grabbing a load of work. " and for your information. Mukuro fired both Neko and I. We didn't just walk out." He added over hearing Akuro.

Hiei shifted walking down the street, Like normal the Fire demon hide under a black cloak and this time with a hood. Right now he felt like he had to many bounty's on his normal face to stay public and with still having to some every lasting effects from the flame fever he wanted to keep down low.

He shifted slightly picking his head up when he felt the rain but kept walking. That's when he spotted her. so he was going to follow from a distance now. ' That wasn't to hard to find at all. ' He thought and walked.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 8:53 am
Isuna looked up as Tear walked in. She sighed, moving to stand and trying to straighten up her attire. "Sorry, things are a bit- Oh thank the gods" she said, seeing Kazu take the mask off. She sat back down heavily, looking relieved. If she wasnt so fire happy I'd give Mukuro a piece of my mind about all this. It's stupid, shes stupid!" She ranted, still a bit slap happy from lack of sleep. She rubbed her head, getting her temper under control. Abels still locked up in the cells, but he keeps injuring guards so I get a file every time that happens. I still havent fully restocked my supplies since the ball...I need coffee."

Neko continued walking, turning a corner and heading west out of the city. Aside from the collar of the coat she didnt do anything to keep the rain from hitting her. Her ears flicked once and she paused for a second before darting down an alley. She jumped, pulling herself up onto a window ledge and hoping onto a roof from there. She knew Hieis shadow when it was close by. She ran to cross over to the next roof before jumping down and landing in a completely different alleyway, ducking into a shadow.  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 9:04 am
Akuro stared at Kazu for a few seconds. " You know who Tear truly is? " Akuro was still in shocked, the silver bat waited a second and held his hand out. " Alright, I'll bring you into the lope because I'm mad and don't work here anymore." Kazu finally said and shifted pulling some more work to him and started to work on it. " Hiei is actually Tear and he needed a break from the castle and asked me to take over. I said yes so I'm here." Kazu said and tapped his finger. " I have some pretty heavy drugs, Did you want me to drug Able up. Leave him out cold for a few days probably." The silver bat said.

Akuro blinked and gripped his head. " That makes so much more ******** sense why his always gone!" He yelled into his hands and stood up. " Coffee, right I'll be back." He mumbled going to get Isuna her coffee.

Hiei rolled his eyes watching the girl take off, so instead of following her. He kept walking straight ahead. He shifted feeling a hand on his shoulder and being pulled back and half turned to look at a bigger demon staring at him and after a second the demon ripped his hood off.

" What's a King guard doing in Demon Capital. " He snarled and and eyes narrowed. " Jaganshi Hiei, most hated man around. You have a hefty bounty on your head." The demon said and Hiei didn't flinch he just stood there. " Do I now? That's exciting. The bounty was put up by Able who's in jail so if you try anything you won't be getting paid. Remember that." Hiei said and pulled his shoulder from the demon and started to walk. " I don't have time for small fry. Come back at me when you are actually worth fighting." He said and kept walking straight, at one point right passed the alley that Neko had been ducking into.

Hiei walked with both hands in his pocket and his katana hidden under his cloak. He shifted glancing to the side a few time. The glow under his Jagan was for him to know if that demon he just showed his back to was coming at him or not.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 9:59 am
Neko waited, watching Hiei walk past and down the road. She waited til he was a ways off before stepping out of the alley and starting back west to get out of the city. She got two steps in before growling at herself. "He has no less then 25 bounties on his head....and hes wandering into the center of the city....without any kind of back ******** idiot.: she rolled her eyes and moved to hop back up on the rooces to follow Hiei. A small black cat raised itself from her shadow and took off at a run to get a head of Her and keep a closer eye.

Isuna a smiled. "Good, we're all on the same page now. Thank you Akuro." She called as he went to grab her some coffee. She moved her hand, handing a stack of files to Kazu. "These are all the cases caused by Able" she explained  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:37 am
The fire demon just kept walking, He shifted as he walked into a market like alleyway and pushed by people as he walked. He moved walking toward one of the tables grabbing and paying for a few things and then kept walking as he shoved the items into his side bag. The thought of bounty's on his head didn't scare him, he was more excited for a fight and that's what he was craving.

' I guess I crave a good fight and that's why I haven't put m hood back on. I'm sad though. None of these demons are going for bounty.' He thought and dropped his shoulders with a sigh as he walked. He came to a stop and three demons stood in front of him. " Psh. Look guys it's Hiei. Where the rest of Tear's Castle guards?" The Water demon asked and leaned in.

" Castle guards also get days off, I thought you were aware of that knowledge. That's alright. I under stand you are a little slow" The Fire demon said and shifted on his feet. He moved waiting a second before he pushed passed the group. " I don't have time for small fry." Was All Hiei said as he walked, Trying to get to the heart of the town. The three demons growled before both going for the attack. " We see the 6bil gold coin bounty on your head. It's ours!" The one demon asked and smiled as he got a hit on Hiei. The Fire demon stayed frozen before the image of him faded and Hiei himself stood behind the three demons dull look and all.

Akuro moved coming back up the stairs with three coffee cups and sat down looking at all the paper work. " So where did Hiei go?" Akuro asked and Kazu shrugged. " Probably to track down Neko and speak to her. Or his bored and going for a walk. He does that often when he asks me to be Tear." Kazu explained and tapped the files. " We need to get rid of Able. This is a lot of damage in only a week. You've had six guards killed and the rest seriously injuried. Hiei needs to figure out what his doing or I'll make the call." Kazu said.

" That's your father..you can't seriously want to kill your father." Akuro said staring at Kazu who glanced at him. " Every fiber in my body wants Able Dead." Was all the young bat said.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 11:40 am
Neko still walked along the top of the buildings, staring down at the street below. Her copy cat darted between people in the crowded street, moving to hop up on a pile of crates near a stahl as the three brutes picked a fight. Neko shook her head, tails flicking in annoyance. "Shout that a little louder dumbass, I dont think the block over heard you." She muttered, standing on the edge of the building. She took a few steps back, away from the edge and turned. "Fine, he wants to cause a scene. We can cause a scene."

Her copy cat blinked, fur bristling slightly. It crouched and launched itself at Hiei, using his head as a vaulting point and jumping off him to run down an alley.

Isuna raised z brow and looked at Kazu. "We never found out here, I mean, Hiei was pretty beat up, but how were they after the fight?" She asked.  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:15 pm
It didn't take long for Hiei to slay all three of the demons, when he felt something hit his head he reached out and caught the shadow in his hand using his jagan to hand the material that wasn't truly solid. " Really Kuroneko. A Shadow Clone." He said and looked around before he started to walk and rolled his eyes. After a few steps he finally dropped the shadow cat and put both his hands in his pocket.

The Fire demon looked over his shoulder for a second before moving his hand over a brick that caused the alley to move in weird ways. He shifted heading down the tight alleyway. At this point he was in the heart of the Demon capital and in the heart of the slumps. He moved pushing passed trash as he came up to a door and knock on the door. ' Stupid Cat.' He thought, annoyed and angry. He didn't fire her that was on Mukuro and she was to chicken to talk to him? Whatever. " It's Jaganshi, let me in." Hiei said in an annoyed voice. The door opened and a cloaked figure moved laughing. " It's been years since we;ve seen you. Is castle work boring?" The figure asked. " just move, who you have for the fights?" He asked pushing through.

Kazu shifted and looked toward isuna and Akuro. " Able ******** tourtured Hiei for his on sick game. It wouldn't surprise me if Hie's missing organs." The silver bat said looking down at the work. " I don't know what happen, When Mukuro came to my clinic she said that Neko planned this all with Able and because of me being his son. We were both getting fired for treason on the king. Even though we both saved the idiot." Kazu grumbled. " And Hiei's been trying to make contact to hire her back because she has been an amazing bodyguard and loyal and it wasn't his say that got her fire which makes Hiei mad." Kazu said and sighed. " I'm not high enough to deal with this s**t." He grumbled.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 1:01 pm
Neko watched Hiei disappear down the alley to the club. She moved, stepping out of a shadow and followed after him. Her appearances shifted. Her jacket vanishing. Her usual top shifted to a tight fitting top that criss crossed around her neck. She sighed, running her fingers through her hair to lengthen it with shadows, her bangs falling over half her face while her hair hung just past her shoulders. She donned a pair of leather gloves and pair her black thin framed sun glasses and walked up to the guard after Hiei went in. "Good evening" she purred, looking at the guard just over the top of her shades. "Sign me up to fight." She paid the due to get registered and waited. "I'll pay extra if you match me with the short guy that just walked in" she offered.  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 1:10 pm
Hiei shifted looking at the crowd and crossed his arms looking over the posters of demons here. A lot where high classes demons trying to make a name for themselves. Others like himself where here to blow off steam. Hiei would come and got to these fights often, he normally found and hired his crew this way too.

This was actually how he met Kazu and brought him over to the castle. He knew able but not of the son after all. Moving Hiei chuckled and looked as his name was way high on the list. " I'm still a pit boss. it's been nearly a Year since I've attended a fight." He mumbled thinking about that before he pushed back and turned to go to a pit.

The demon looked at Neko and laughed. " You want to fight Pit Master Jaganshi? Alright little lady. If that's what you want. " He said and moved passing the money behind his back. " Take her to the fire pit." He said and nodded. " Good luck." He added.

Hiei stood in the pit. He moved swinging his hand as the pit caught up on flames and he leaned back on the hot wall behind him and he crossed his arms. He stood in just his tattered ripped up sleeveless shirt and black pants. His cloak and Katana sitting beside him. He never fought with a weapon in the pits. He heard a voice from above and looked up at the Ring owner. " You got a fighter coming your way Jaganshi."  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 1:17 pm
She adjusted her gloves, then tied her hair back in a loose ponytail before following the demon over to the pit. She pulled a shadow skin over herself to act as a barrier against the heat, and took a breath before stepping out into the ring, keeping expression blank as stood a few feet away from Hiei, saying nothing.  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 1:26 pm
Hiei shifted looking at the new figure that entered the pit. Moving he rolled his eyes and walked toward the centre of the pit and in crossed his arms. " We went from ignoring to stalking? I swear you missed a step." The fire demon said looking toward the shadow cat.

He moved standing straighten his back and moved into a side style stance and waited. " I've been trying to get a hold of you about getting your old job back." He added. He moved waiting for the demon upstairs to scream fight like normal. " I'm annoyed that you walked away well on shift. Without even talking to me." He added before he clapped his hands together when the demon said fight and with that clap the fire spat up around them and started to whirlwind of flames.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 2:09 pm
Neko hopped on the balls of her feet a couple times, moving into her usual stance, no knife though. "Anyone else would taken the damn hint after a handful of ignored texts and calls." She raised a brow at the fire. "Careful Hiei, your tempers showing." She taunted, sidling closer. Hearing the bit about walking out on the job she grit hed teeth, growling. "Is that what you think happened?" She asked. "Really?"  
PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 2:23 pm
“ I sure as hell know you didn’t betray me for Able so I’m amusing you walked out because you couldn’t do the job anymore. I sure as hell didn’t fire you. “ The fire demon glances to the side making the fire grow so the flames would deafen the watchers so they could talk in peace. But also with how lite up the room was he was also keeping any form of shadows from forming in the arena.

He shifted letting the shadow cat get closer before he dropped his hand and staggered to the side and was gone, every so often his image would apparent before he was right up close and sent a punch that he aimed to just graze her face to get close to her. “ So how about you tell me the real reason you abandoned your duty.” He said close to her ear.  

Star Stealing Kidd

Tricky Shapeshifter

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 3:08 pm
"Well atleast you figured out the important part of that whole scenario." She quipped, a bit happy he atleast knew she didnt betray him. She didnt like him using the word 'abandoned' though. It pissed her off. She waited a moment, ears swiveling as he stepped to run. She moved, grabbing his arm as he punched at her, asking his question with that word again. She flipped him over her shoulder onto the ground in front of her. One hand holding his arm still, the other pinning his opposite shoulder. "Mukuro fired me, dumb a**! She had a valid reason too. I kinda sucked at my job if you didnt notice." She pulled her hand back to punch him, wincing at the injury tore a bit.  
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