Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:36 pm
my room's so warm... i think im about to throw u- *csnbfsvrfvham;vamr;ovm* ....oops
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:45 pm
X_X Oh naaaw... did he just-- eek
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:49 pm
It's late. And I have no idea why o: I woke up so late today. Pretty much slept through everything T__T;
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:59 pm
I just got back from a 'Saturday Market' in Downtown, there was this Tibetan Shop I was dieing to go to. I boght 3 diffrent prayer flags, one was medium sized that had 10 flags. I hang that one up by the front door, I live in an Apartment that look like houses merge in one biulding. My mother sall the flag flittering in the wind, she said to take it down, or hang it in the house. She said some people might get the wrong message or theres 'close minded people' that will look at it negatively.
My sister and I check out this website about Tibetian Prayer Flags and it is so freeking positive.
MY ORIGINAL THINKING IS "Should I let it stay, or take it inside"...
Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 10:27 pm
I hope my mom doesn't find out anytime soon ...
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:58 pm
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:10 pm
Will I ever see you again
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:59 pm
Maybe i should just go on all of them by myself. It'd save a lot of people a lot of time -________-;;
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:08 pm
Will I achieve this dream?
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 10:17 pm
So far away!!! from where i wanted to be
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:01 am
When will I get a job?! I hope I like it. For now, the least I can do is keep my eyes open, which I've been doing. My mom told me to send my resume to companies that aren't even looking, but I don't really feel comfortable doing that. I guess if things don't turn up soon, I should start looking at other design aspects to apply to?
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 9:09 am
damn im soo bored, maybe i should do something else than play on gaia all day long...
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 10:08 am
How long does it take untill my thing will come true that I've being training soo hard for
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 12:32 pm