Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:42 pm
Dom looked at Bantyo Leomon and then the hoards of Numemon attacking. "There has to be some way to get them all at once." Dom said to himself as he looked around for inspiration. He saw a bell ontop of a tower and then looked at Bantyo, giving him a look as if it would tell im his plan. Bantyo ran and climbed up the tower and Dom began to lure the Numemon towards it.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:59 pm
How are we supposed to defeat these things without ruining half the city
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:00 pm
Kaito and Troy land in Drive City grounds and Troy's jets turn off. "Now lets see whats around Troy." Darkdramon((Troy)) walks around the city looking around. ((Recap on whats happening please))
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:01 pm
Gin saw BantyoLeomon try to lure the Numemon away.He then turned to Dom."Let us help you with that."Domon then looked at Gin and nodded.He then started shooting at the Numemon deleting everal more.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:03 pm
charie noticed the namemon all heading towards the bell tower. she grabbed one a kept it behind. "please, tell me." she asked, in the most polite voice she could manage. "please, why are you attacking this city? what could these tamers and digimon possibly have done?"
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:08 pm
((This isn't my event but you just grabbed an infected Numemon... you maybe infected aswell.))
As Dom got the Numemon into possition he looked up to check if Bantyo Leomon had got it ready yet but he was still getting to the top. Dom had to hold the Numemon off with his katana for now as they got closer and closer. Then Dom heard a loud bang then saw the bell falling down. Dom dived into the tower for shelter as the Numemon where trapped in the bell.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:11 pm
~I have search the earth and walk among the heaven and hell for an answer and my results are.....~ Toan sigh as he brought out his black blade "MagnaAngemon, clear out and wipe out" MagnaAngemon nodded and they both separate to clear out the area of infected numemon
~Their are idiots everywhere.....~
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:15 pm
charie could just watch as the bell fell, and the numemon she grabbed just rushd off as if she wasn't there. "what on earth is going on around here?" charei asked. "get on." unimon said, beNding down low. charie did as she was told. unimon flew up to the top of the tower, beside bantyo. "bantyo, do you have any idea what's going on?"
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:19 pm
~I have search the earth and walk among the heaven and hell for an answer and my results are.....~ Toan slash down two Nemumon with ease and spun around clearing one head right off turning it to data then he saw one jump behind Charie and threw his blade right into the digimon neck as he charge pass her striking two more down with his claws and retrieving his sword while MagnaAngemon cover his back by attacking the digimon on the other side. Then jump into the air on a roof and slash a few Nemumon down and ran on the roof deleting any infected digimon in his way
~Their are idiots everywhere.....~
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:19 pm
"Well, I should just- HOLY CRAP!?" Nagato looked over, and saw the buildings on fire. "Alphamon!"
Alphamon knew what he wanted, and they took off towards the flames. Alphamon put small gusts of wind to the flames, not enough to disturb the digmon below. While he was doing this, nagato was running after the townspeople, telling them he was sorry in the most polite ways he could, while placing things upright while he ran. The street he passed looked very clean after he was done.
Alphamon had managed to put out a few of the flames, but not as many as would be needed to choke out the fire. "Hm....Digitalized shield!" Alphamon spread out a small sphere of aura around the flames, limiting their oxygen supply, and choking the fire until it went out.
"Now that was close..."
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:24 pm
Kaito spotted a Numemon head towards him and Troy. THe thing was something looked different about him. THe Numemon jumped at Troy and he took his lance and stabbed straight through it. THe numemon turned back to an egg and flew away. "I wonder whats wrong." Kaito and Troy((Darkdramon)) kept their guard up while searching for answers.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:25 pm
Bantyo looked at the girl and sigh. He put his blade away and looked down. "Ask Dom I'm only here for him." Bantyo jumped of the building and landed on his feet next to Dom. "You ok Bantyo?" Dom asked looking at the big bell containing the Numemon. "Yes Dom, I can tell that you are ok and in no need of medical help."
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:25 pm
"thanks toan!" charie shouted. "wish I could fight..." "where are they all coming from?" unimon shouted, striking one with an ethereal attack.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:26 pm
Gin and Domon relaxed."Well I'm just glad those Numemon have been stopped."He turned to Dom and Bantyo."Bang!"He said as he pointed a finger gun at them.
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 5:28 pm
~I have search the earth and walk among the heaven and hell for an answer and my results are.....~ "soul banish" MagnaAngemon said holding out his hand firing light blasts at the digimons killing dozens of them then "Heaven Gate" and create a portal to a dimension's sucking hundreds of them
~Their are idiots everywhere.....~