Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 6:44 pm
Tough. The mini consoles are charming & enjoyable but don’t always have the games I may feel like playing at that moment. I loved the original consoles, but it’s become an expensive hobby the same way baseball cards or comic books are (just try finding a copy of Conker’s Bad Fur Day on eBay for under $20).
So in this case, emulators/RetroPie. A cruise or a road trip?
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:25 am
Never been on a cruise so road trip.
Flies or mosquitoes?
Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 8:29 pm
Flies. Nuts to mosquitoes. Fire or ice?
Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:30 pm
Fire heh-heh
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 6:33 am
If we’re talking typing: ASDFJKL;
If we’re talking keyboards: QWERTY
Doctor Who or Star Trek?
Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 2:10 pm
Two different things, but Star Trek all the way, baby.
Yoda or baby Yoda?
Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:02 pm
((Yes; they are different)) Yoda. Old or New Twilight Zone?
Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:42 pm
Never really seen the new version, but I do enjoy the old one. Though I dislike one episode, not because it's bad, but kid really gets on my nerves. The one where the kid wishes people into the cornfield.
Dark birch beer or clear birch beer?
Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 8:32 pm
((I like the old one too. 🙂)) I’ve not had birch beer before. Daiquiri’s or Long Island Iced Teas?
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:30 pm
Depending on my mood.
Samsung or Toshiba?
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:46 pm
Samsung from now on. My last laptop was a Toshiba, & I literally watched it fall apart in my hands overtime. Freedom or Captivity?
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 3:53 pm
Even if they say we are free, we truly aren't. We are captive to some degree.
Fran Bow or Little Misfortune?
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:43 pm
A cruise or a road trip?
A cruise. Even with the risk of a) falling overboard never to be seen again b) contracting food poisoning or c) catching coronavirus and being detained for weeks on the coast of a foreign country while your fellow passengers die, a floating paradise of endless food and entertainment is a preferable choice to a road trip.
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:02 pm
Hi Hi. blaugh Windows XP or Windows 7?
Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 4:55 pm
Hi Hi. blaugh
Windows XP or Windows 7?
XP. I need the start menu and control panel and intuitive controls.
Vegetarian or vegan?